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Topic: Autumn
munchiebellic's photo
Thu 09/03/09 10:54 PM

It is my favorite time of the year. Harvest, crisp days, the colors, COLLEGE FOOTBALL!!!! Oh yeah!

War Eagle!!! I am going to my first high school game in years. Me and a couple of my old school friends. Should make for a good night hope it doesnt rain.

WAR EAGLE Babe! drinker High school games are a blast, especially in the South. They are huge here in B'ham.

I live in Anniston so that is what we live for. High school football, college football, and hunting season. Has anybody realized that hunting season just so happens during the down time of nascar?

no photo
Thu 09/03/09 10:55 PM

Autumn is in the air! I love autumn, its a great season. Time for harvest and football, school time and changing leaves. Vibrant reds, yellows, and oranges. The smell of spice in the air. Pumpkins and halloween. Kids playing in the leaves and the slight bite of chill in the wind. Anybody else like autumn as much as me?

We have to wait here until the very end of October, then it is like Autumn my very favorite time of year....it is actually cool for change too!!! Not cold but cool, I love it.

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 09/03/09 10:56 PM

I enjoy the fall season, the cooling off, the change of the colors on the mountains, and it is a time of several birthday celebrations for my family...
but quickly there after comes to snow.... ug

I love snow i wish i lived where it snowed. Not like heavy snow but just enough. We might get a snow flurry here and schools close automatically. Its so stupid.

Oh we would have to have a white out blizzard for days to shut anything down.
When I was back east my kids loved a day off school due to snow..
never happens here.

munchiebellic's photo
Thu 09/03/09 10:58 PM

Autumn is in the air! I love autumn, its a great season. Time for harvest and football, school time and changing leaves. Vibrant reds, yellows, and oranges. The smell of spice in the air. Pumpkins and halloween. Kids playing in the leaves and the slight bite of chill in the wind. Anybody else like autumn as much as me?

We have to wait here until the very end of October, then it is like Autumn my very favorite time of year....it is actually cool for change too!!! Not cold but cool, I love it.

We just had our first week of cooler weather here. It is going to warm up again, but it is a hint that it is just around the corner.

no photo
Thu 09/03/09 11:02 PM

Autumn is in the air! I love autumn, its a great season. Time for harvest and football, school time and changing leaves. Vibrant reds, yellows, and oranges. The smell of spice in the air. Pumpkins and halloween. Kids playing in the leaves and the slight bite of chill in the wind. Anybody else like autumn as much as me?

We have to wait here until the very end of October, then it is like Autumn my very favorite time of year....it is actually cool for change too!!! Not cold but cool, I love it.

We just had our first week of cooler weather here. It is going to warm up again, but it is a hint that it is just around the corner.

I am jealous sad I want some cool weather right now

no photo
Thu 09/03/09 11:02 PM
this season reminds me of cheesy romance and first love :( maybe im just a cheesy romantic but doesn't this season remind you of falling leaves and SCARFS? most romantic piece of clothing in my opinion lol

munchiebellic's photo
Thu 09/03/09 11:03 PM
Fall festivals are coming soon. I love hay rides and bake sales. And halloween has to be my favorite "holiday". I love horror movies.

munchiebellic's photo
Thu 09/03/09 11:06 PM

this season reminds me of cheesy romance and first love :( maybe im just a cheesy romantic but doesn't this season remind you of falling leaves and SCARFS? most romantic piece of clothing in my opinion lol

The romance of fall ah, mi amore

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