Topic: 2 new pics
Dweezy940's photo
Thu 09/03/09 08:10 PM
I just added two new pics. They are me having fun and what types of pics are better then those capturing your best moments and qualities. So tell me what you think. And don't forget to keep smiling.

writer_gurl's photo
Thu 09/03/09 08:30 PM

Great pics:thumbsup:

Exactly...Don't forget to :smile:

Dweezy940's photo
Thu 09/03/09 08:41 PM
Thanks ya I really like the pics and it took me a minute to make that sign but its finally a sign that gives good advice =) smile

alicat4213's photo
Thu 09/03/09 09:25 PM
Your profile is officially perfect sweetie! way to go! smooched

Pata's photo
Thu 09/03/09 09:54 PM
Boy, you so cute there ain´t no bad picture you could possibly take.

laugh laugh laugh


no photo
Thu 09/03/09 10:28 PM
Dude - you should work your game with AnnyAnny.

tripledigits69's photo
Thu 09/03/09 10:33 PM
Nothing but drible here.frustrated

no photo
Thu 09/03/09 10:43 PM
easy beezy. (i know you don't know what that means.)