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Topic: How do you?
Winx's photo
Mon 08/31/09 09:03 AM

When I had the medical terms to memorize, I would put the words on index cards. They were in my bathroom for reading. lol
They were in my car to read at stoplights. I read them while I was eating too.

You can even get a micro-cassette recorder and record yourself saying the words and play them back over an over. That helps if you learn better when you hear things then if you read them. You can play it while you're driving or cooking too.

made flash cards.

That's good. :smile:

Now it's time to read them over and over again. There's no way around it.

redhead44613's photo
Mon 08/31/09 09:03 AM
yeah ok back to my studies. thank you all for the help! smooched

Winx's photo
Mon 08/31/09 09:04 AM





Here you go, Ddn is giving you some help.

writer_gurl's photo
Mon 08/31/09 09:20 AM
I would go over the important words over and over until you can't get them out of your head...Have someone help you study them out loud too. That helps meflowerforyou

earthytaurus76's photo
Mon 08/31/09 09:21 AM

mscherbear's photo
Mon 08/31/09 09:44 AM
Unfortunately, I don't! laugh

no photo
Mon 08/31/09 09:48 AM


I agree! flowerforyou

SoundMethod's photo
Mon 08/31/09 10:05 AM
Just pull a Ted Kennedy and cheat !!!

7z3r05's photo
Mon 08/31/09 12:47 PM
i will write things over and over again in order to memorize them i will write things over and over again in order to memorize them i will write things over and over again in order to memorize them i will write things over and over again in order to memorize them i will write things over and over again in order to memorize them i will write things over and over again in order to memorize them i will write things over and over again in order to memorize them i will write things over and over again in order to memorize them i will write things over and over again in order to memorize them i will write things over and over again in order to memorize them i will write things over and over again in order to memorize them i will write things over and over again in order to memorize them i will write things over and over again in order to memorize them i will write things over and over again in order to memorize them i will write things over and over again in order to memorize them i will write things over and over again in order to memorize them

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