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Topic: Utahns can now practice DUI jail call
yellowrose10's photo
Sat 08/29/09 08:09 PM
Sat Aug 29, 12:18 am ET

SALT LAKE CITY – In Utah, even if you don't get arrested for drunk driving you might still have to call your mom from jail — sort of.

The Utah Highway Patrol and some local bars hope letting people practice an uncomfortable call from the local lockup will help dissuade drinking and driving.

A phone number has been set up to recreate what it would feel like to make such a call. After dialing 1-877-JAIL-FON, the caller is given the option to talk to a hysterical mother or a disapproving father, among others. A prerecorded message then plays one end of what the conversation might sound like, with the caller filling in the other half.

Slogans associated with the campaign include "Getting a DUI is easy, calling your mom from jail is hard."

The campaign runs through Sept. 7.

mo_muirnin's photo
Sat 08/29/09 08:13 PM
hahaha...I heard that on the radio here in Utah..I thought it was a joke at first, but they had an actual phone number....CRAZY.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 08/29/09 08:17 PM
Awwwwww, I am a mother who has gotten the call, maybe they'll pay me to be the recording...I got really good at it.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 08/29/09 08:22 PM
:smile: My dumbazz sister and her boyfriend are both in jail right now ,and been there for about a week, for getting drunk and acting stupid all the time:smile:

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 08/29/09 08:23 PM
hey...if this works...I'm all for it

mo_muirnin's photo
Sat 08/29/09 08:26 PM

hey...if this works...I'm all for it

I can see many underage students using that call. lol (glad my son is still little and don't know about drinking!)

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 08/29/09 08:28 PM
my son is 18....I think this would be worse than jail for him lol

no photo
Sat 08/29/09 08:33 PM

my son is 18....I think this would be worse than jail for him lol

Damn right, I know I wouldn't wanna call ya... Grin! rofl ill

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 08/29/09 08:34 PM

my son is 18....I think this would be worse than jail for him lol

Damn right, I know I wouldn't wanna call ya... Grin! rofl ill

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

I can't believe I'm admitting this...but I'm turning into my mother....ugh. I wouldn't want to call her even now about something like this lol. sometimes fear can be a good thing lol

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 08/29/09 08:35 PM
they don't have my mom's "you're sittin your azz in jail"

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 08/29/09 08:35 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Sat 08/29/09 08:37 PM
:smile: My dumbazz sister called me from jail today and I didn't accept her call:smile: Last I heard ,that my sisters boyfriend got tasered,pepper sprayed,and had the jail phone taken away from him for cussing out his dad a couple days ago.:smile:

no photo
Sat 08/29/09 08:39 PM

my son is 18....I think this would be worse than jail for him lol

Damn right, I know I wouldn't wanna call ya... Grin! rofl ill

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

I can't believe I'm admitting this...but I'm turning into my mother....ugh. I wouldn't want to call her even now about something like this lol. sometimes fear can be a good thing lol

Ah so you haven't hit the age where you look in the mirror and there's your mother? Now that's scarey.. LOL

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 08/29/09 08:41 PM
boo...I'm hitting it more and more these days. My son likes to point it out too. but I tell him one day he will be his father and he shuts up laugh

no photo
Sat 08/29/09 08:45 PM

boo...I'm hitting it more and more these days. My son likes to point it out too. but I tell him one day he will be his father and he shuts up laugh

:laughing: Thanks for the laugh, I needed that, now I can sleep well. Night all.

ReddBeans's photo
Sat 08/29/09 08:59 PM
I see my Mom in the mirror everyday, see her in my body gestures an the things I say. I scare the poop outta myself on a purty regular basis :laughing:

My daughter actually had to make a call like this when she was 17. Got caught with a group of friends Halloween night chunkin balloons at passin cars. Her an one other kid had to spend the weekend in juvy. When she called an told me what happened I told her, "well I've been tellin u for years that u lay down wit dogs u gonna get up with fleas! Believe me now huh?" I let her butt stay right there. I was a deputy an coulda got her out but I felt she needed to learn a lesson. bigsmile

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 08/29/09 09:07 PM
can you imagine having to call mom from jail????

mo_muirnin's photo
Sat 08/29/09 09:11 PM
lol - mom is not the person you want to call from jail! When I think of that - the only word that comes to mind, HORRIFYING!!! LOL

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 08/29/09 09:13 PM

lol - mom is not the person you want to call from jail! When I think of that - the only word that comes to mind, HORRIFYING!!! LOL

who knows...maybe this is a GREAT idea laugh

wux's photo
Sat 08/29/09 09:15 PM
Edited by wux on Sat 08/29/09 09:18 PM

can you imagine having to call mom from jail????

Mama pyjama rolled outta bed and ran to the police station
When papa found out he began to shout and started the investigation

Well I'm on my way I don't know where I'm going
See you me and Julio down by the school yard

Mama pyjama spit on the ground every time my name was mentioned
And Papa said oy, if I get that boy I'm gonna stick 'im in the house of detention

Well I'm on my way I don't know where I'm going

In a couple a days they came and took me away but the bench let the story leak
'N a radical priest got me a realease and we were on the cover of newsweek.

Well, I'm on my way I don't know where I'm going
I'm on my way... Good-bye Rosie, queen of Corona...
See you me and Julio down by the school yard

ReddBeans's photo
Sat 08/29/09 09:16 PM

can you imagine having to call mom from jail????

Ain't no way on God's green earth I woulda called mine! I'd be a h*ll of alot safer in there I tell ya. :laughing:

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