My whole life is to serve you, my Lord.
I will proudly stand up to anyone, and everyone. Because without you my king, I have no life. So if you are planning to run Jesus down. I want you to know, that I willstand up for him. He is my savior and my king,I respect all. Untill they start to run you down, then I will not tolerate. You are my king, like Peter said without you Christ. Where else do I have to go, you are the truth and life. So I will always be here for you my holy, living savior. |
Amen :)
I'll stand up with you Wonderman..
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Thank you Bored and Babycakes
I will stand up for Christ, no matter what the situation is. If my life
is being threatened, and I'm told if I deny God I will live, I would rather die then deny him. |
I stand up for Jesus but I also stand up to George W Bush, 32 % job
approval rating bravo! |
Exactly, like CHRIST said if you denied me then I will denide you.
I,m there with you all as a brother in Christ.
2 THESSALONIANS''2 read all of it!'
(Forrest) Now we beseech you.brethren,by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,and by our gathering together unto him,That ye be not soon shaken in mind,or be troubled,neither by spirit,nor by word,nor by letter as from us,as that the day of Christ is at hand.Let no man deceive you by any means:for that day shall not come,except there come a falling away first,and that man of sin be revealed,the son of perdition;Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called GOD,or that is worshipped ;so that he as GOD sitteth in the temple of GOD,shewing himself that he is GOD.Remember ye not,that,when i was yet with you,i told you these thing?And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.For the mystery of iniquity doth already work:only he who now letteth will let,until he be taken out of the way.And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth,and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:Even him,whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish;because they received not the love of the truth,that they might be saved.And for this cause GOD shall send them strong delusion ,that they should believe a lie:That they all might be damned who believed not the truth,but had pleasure in unrighteousness.But we are bound to give thanks alway to GOD for you,brethren beloved of the Lord,because GOD hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation Spirit and belief of the truth: NOW THE WORDS OF GOD''..THE HOLY BIBLE*** ![]() |
(Forrest) Likewise also the chief priests mocking him,with the scribes and elders,said,He saved others;himself he cannot save.if he be the King of Israel,let him now come down from the cross,and we will believe him.He trusted in GOD;let him deliver him now,if he will have him:for he said, I am the son of GOD.The thieves also,which were crucified with him,cast the same in his teeth......matthew27;41-46. you see JESUS BECAME OUR PASSOVER; ![]() |
thank you all
"Why Lie"
Why lie to all that believe in you, why lie, was it just to get a vote? When is it our time to win, when is it our time not to give in. Congress had a point to make, but instead they backed down, they gave in, they folded, they sold us out. How much will it cost, and how much did they get. they fill their pockets and empty ours. What type of soul do they posses, what type of spirit lives within. One day this government will be gone, one day it will be all over. On the day of judgment I pray all of our elected officials remember just how they sold us out, just how they robbed us, just how many lives they destroyed. All because they failed God's test, while writing laws for us to follow they forgot to follow God's laws, for Thou shalt not lie is there, along with thou shalt not steal and then there is thou shalt not covet anything of thy neighbors. God's laws, man's laws, which one do we follow. God's law have remained the same for thousands of years, but man laws change daily. God have ten, man have too many to count. Once again this government is almost gone, and because they did not follow God's laws, His children won't have to worry about being sold out ever again. Take care and God Bless ![]() |
You are right Forrest, Christ laws must come first.
I will always no matter the cost stand up for jesus my savior... that is
the main reason for my devorce.. my husband... he refussed to go to church.. and i need someone who will support me in my walk with god.... and i also want my son to know how important it is to walk with god as he gets older.. ![]() |
As she smiles at me she ask's me to come in, as I sit on the couch, she came to sit next to me. She said," I have something to tell you, and I hope you don't hate me for it." I had a misscarrige, but it was'nt a misscarrige: I killed my baby. I think of my baby all the time, what does he or she like to eat, walking him or her to school. My family throws it in my face all the time, as the tears run down her face. I ask her do you believe you can walk this earth without any sins, she said I don't know. I said yes you can. All you have to do is go to a quiet peacefull place, ask God to come into your life. I know you love me you created me for your pleasure, and I know you sent your son to die for me. In the name of Jesus, please hear my cry, and at that moment all your sins are wiped away clean. Walking on this earth with no sins, is perfect in God eyes. She asked me what church do you go to, I said to her," you can ask any christian what are the ten commandments". They would lie to you. They would tell you we are not under the law any more. I asked her," may I see your bible". We went to Matthew Chapter Five Verse Seventeen. She looked at me and said," they were lying to me all this time." I said hold on now lets find out who is lying to you and lets go to Second Peter Chapter Two Verse One. As she was reading, her eyes began to open. I began to say to her, the church is within you. The church is not some building but within you. Remember the Christians that call themselves Christians are the one's that killed Jesus, but they don't want you to know this. Satan is a lier and works with many pastors. Theyare not trying to teach you the word of God, because they are not of God, and Christans are so missled. To prove another point lets read John Chapter Eight Verse thirty six, as she began to read her eyes were opened more and more. At that moment she was looking at me and, I said to her," don't listen to any one when it comes to the word of God. God is the one that gives you the knowledge of his word. We are all different because God created us this way. God did not program our minds to think the same. This is why he gives us different gifts. This is something you would never learn in church. God gives this knowlege and only through him does one receive this knowlege. At that moment it was getting pretty late. She said," please Forrest don't leave stay the night. Why we were cuddled up on the couch God brought us peace. It was a wonderful peacefull night. THE FINAL CHAPTER OF A LITTLE GIRLS' STORY WRITTEN BY THE F NELSON ![]() |
I stand for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Thanks to my Sisters and Brothers who are inspirational and who also bravely take a stand for Christ... Thanks... Wonderman for your daily praises and devotionals Dear Forrest...You are on fire for God... Thanks so much for the scriptures in Thessalonians ... that is so right on... God Bless You...All... With Love, Prayers & Peace. His Masterpiece in progress... |
"A dog barks when his master is attacked.
I would be a coward if I saw that God's truth is attacked and yet would remain silent." --John Calvin |
I fight for "its" glory and Honor daily... I would say I stand Up for "Christ" But as we know "IT" already came as "The Christ" It's for "The Lion" I stand..I Am Your Brother and Its Good to see People with such spirit. May The God Of All Bless You All ![]() |
I will stand up for him.
On my way to the glory. |