Topic: a little bit rude!!!
mrjimmy1972's photo
Tue 08/25/09 09:15 PM
archeologists have dug up a 10,000 year old sanitary towel,

they are still trying to decide what 'period' it came from!!!

writer_gurl's photo
Tue 08/25/09 09:31 PM
laugh :laughing: laugh :laughing:

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 08/25/09 10:06 PM
Either that or learn about the effects of red tide in ancient times!surprised

andreajayne's photo
Tue 08/25/09 10:10 PM
OY!!! LMAO! good one!

michiganman3's photo
Wed 08/26/09 04:58 AM

mrjimmy1972's photo
Fri 08/28/09 09:11 PM
not to rude i hope.