Topic: Proud right wing terrorist | |
are you so strung up on your own rhetoric that you can't see a joke/pun when you see one? The white house has been framing conservative opposition to it's agenda as extremist. Nanci Pelosi referred to the same as Nazis. There have been multiple "reports" about rightwing militia groups since Il Imperator took office. The people at the town hall are simply taking the rhetoric and hate-mongering speech spewed by Pelosi, Frank and the rest and spitting it back in their faces. If this man is a rightwing terrorist, then so am I and so were Washington, Franklin, Adams, Hancock and Jefferson. Pelosi did not call anyone a Nazi, for heaven sakes look up with she actually said instead of helping Fox Rush and Beck twist what she actually said. This is what she said: "I think they’re Astroturf… You be the judge. "They’re carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on healthcare." I saw swastikas at two of the town halls, the one below I had not seen. why was this okay? and that isnt? I hope you don't think that I agree with that either. At the same time I didn't like what Bush did to our country, I never went out to scream and yell and carry signs like that. |
I am a liberal and I would never have even thought to call someone against his health care a racist or a Nazi. Maybe ill informed or gullible or just plain bad listeners but not a racist or a Nazi. You do come up with some good excuses for the guy supposedly just standing up for his liberties. I tend to lean left (or so I thought) and I am completely against his health care stance. And I don't consider myself any of those things. It's ok to be a democrat and opposed to some democrat initiatives. And I think this is a bad one. I can accept that even if I don't agree. |
Edited by
Mon 08/24/09 10:15 PM
nahh I dont agree with any of it
I've just been hearing people say the craziest things over the last 8 years about Bush and now the tide has just turned the other way and the people who were saying the crazy stuff about Bush are now the ones shocked at people saying crazy stuff about Obama its all the same to me |
The term "Right Wing Terrorist" is something cute the left wing fascists in this country came up with. If you wanna expose wackos look no further than nanci pelosi. thank you--- the beers on me my friend!!! |
nahh I dont agree with any of it I've just been hearing people say the craziest things over the last 8 years about Bush and now the tide has just turned the other way and the people who were saying the crazy stuff about Bush are now the ones shocked at people saying crazy stuff about Obama its all the same to me This is far nuttier than what happened with bush in my oppinion. People hate this president for far more reasons too, but hey I'm off to sleep and forget all about it for at least the next 6 hours. |
If not agreeing with politicians who do nothing but further their own agenda (on both sides of the political spectrum) makes me a "racist, hate mongering, right wing, fear spreading, extremist wack job" then so be it. I'll at least know that I can sleep without negativity in my heart.
If not agreeing with politicians who do nothing but further their own agenda (on both sides of the political spectrum) makes me a "racist, hate mongering, right wing, fear spreading, extremist wack job" then so be it. I'll at least know that I can sleep without negativity in my heart. Not agreeing with politicians does not make you all of the things that you said. |
I lived in Redding for five years. It is very Conservative up there. There is also a strong Red Neck population up there.
The fact is the left bashes the right, the right bashes the left, and that means we have a government of bickering power mongers not looking to the welfare of our country but their political careers. Obama's disregard for the law and the constitution makes him more akin to Stalin short of the uniform and mustache. Still Stalin was a hell of a lot more of a man than Obama ever will. Stalin's own son tried to assassinate him and flubbed the shot. He wounded his father who made him practice shooting briefly so he could hit his target before having him executed. (I hope I remembered the story right.) Stalin also engaged in genocide like Hitler did. The thing is if Obama had his way all us "white folk" would be in concentration camps awaiting termination. F our government's representatives! Our government is fine, its the people in it that is the problem, ALL OF THEM! Both sides of the fence are to blame for everything, not the left or right. |
"The thing is if Obama had his way all us "white folk" would be in concentration camps awaiting termination."
The term "Right Wing Terrorist" is something cute the left wing fascists in this country came up with. If you wanna expose wackos look no further than nanci pelosi. |
Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
I lived in Redding for five years. It is very Conservative up there. There is also a strong Red Neck population up there. The fact is the left bashes the right, the right bashes the left, and that means we have a government of bickering power mongers not looking to the welfare of our country but their political careers. Obama's disregard for the law and the constitution makes him more akin to Stalin short of the uniform and mustache. Still Stalin was a hell of a lot more of a man than Obama ever will. Stalin's own son tried to assassinate him and flubbed the shot. He wounded his father who made him practice shooting briefly so he could hit his target before having him executed. (I hope I remembered the story right.) Stalin also engaged in genocide like Hitler did. The thing is if Obama had his way all us "white folk" would be in concentration camps awaiting termination. F our government's representatives! Our government is fine, its the people in it that is the problem, ALL OF THEM! Both sides of the fence are to blame for everything, not the left or right. Now this is funny To think anyone could fix their mind to believe it is beyond my intellectual processes though. One would have to be so full of hate that they cannot see reason to believe it. |
Obama's disregard for the law and the constitution makes him more akin to Stalin short of the uniform and mustache. Still Stalin was a hell of a lot more of a man than Obama ever will. Stalin's own son tried to assassinate him and flubbed the shot. He wounded his father who made him practice shooting briefly so he could hit his target before having him executed. (I hope I remembered the story right.) why is it you pick obama to say these things about obama has no power to do anything that congress does not permit him to do so you need to add the names of those in congress to your list just as those that want to bash bush need to do imo both the republican and democratic parties should be considered terrorist groups they should be disbanded because they have become monopolies |
Look at things from the perspective of an elderly person who worked their lives under the belief in Social Security and now depend on that for their retirements just like Social Security was originally designed to do. Now all of that is changing. What they paid into is not what they are getting. It is a classic Breach of Contract.
Now let us go to Russia after the fall of Communism. A lot of Russians actually lamented the fall of communism because they were used to being told what to do and how to live and then when they had to make their own decisions and the Welfare dried up they likewise were left disillusioned. Now come to Joe American. There are those of all racial demographic that feel wronged for prejudice inflicted on their forefathers and ride this to justify their personal prejudice and hate. Skinhead, Vato, Ni@@rr, Nip, Spick, the Reverend Jessie Jackson, etc. are all shining examples of the stereotype and conversely the same groups of people that likewise are the ones living in hatred of their fellow man. Now enter the Civil Rights movement, in the 1960s and 70s black Americans and women fought tooth and nail for equality. The tone and standard were set back then. Back then Equality was about recognition and respect, not PC buzz words like AFRO AMERICAN and it sure in the hell was not about reaffirming Segregation through Affirmative Action. It was about women and blacks and other races and religions not being treated like second hand citizens. Sub cultures can create problems but likewise it is all about teaching tolerance and acceptance of other ideals and lifestyles as long as the other lifestyle is not shoved down my throat! I do not want to hear Ghetto Rap at 2AM just because it is part of their culture to be up all hours of the night acting like no one else matters because they are having a good time. Likewise I do not have the right to look down my nose because they like Ghetto Rap. It is all a matter of respect and taste! There is not enough respect! Prisons are grappling with race riots and have to segregate prisoners otherwise they kill each other, PERIOD! Desegregation in prisons is proving to be a huge disaster. Why? Because our prisons are over crowded and there is not enough discipline. We give prisoners rights yet we take rights away from good people. Now enter Obama... Granted he is not the whole problem nor is he the head of the snake. What he is is a clueless idiot when it comes to economics! That is one. His stimulus packages went to the wrong people! ALL THE WRONG PEOPLE! Have you even listened to any of Obama's past Rhetoric? Ever hear his speech in Philly where he said and I quote, "Corporate greed is white man's greed," huh? He appoints all the same people to advise him and places them in key positions and all of them were part of the economic collapse America is suffering from. The FDIC is about to run out of money. Do you have any clue what that means? Now he Appoints Sotomayor and she is a nightmare waiting to bite us all squarely on the *** especially if you are not Hispanic. Go ahead and call me names if you want to but mark my words she is going to make some serious controversy before she is done and it will be BAD BAD BAD. Obama is a well spoken LIAR and he has no clue what he is doing and also he is Congresses Boy Toy. Now we go to Bush so I can at least try to prove I am sort of fair. Cheny ran everything from behind the scenes. Bush made a nice puppet but likewise he did his share of damage. Homeland Security, TSA, lack of Immigration Reform, so yes I could go on about him as well. Iraq was unfinished family business and all about oil. Now his war on the Taliban, that was justified but the Bushes made Saddam. At least under his administration we had a fairly stable economy but with the deregulations Clinton saddled us with the banks were gradually grabbing more power from within using money and I bet the oil industry changed that intentionally jacking gas prices the way they did and bust America's bubble on the banks. So now let us point more fingers. Clinton, Sold us out to China, sold us out to big business, completely screwed up Social Security Newt Gengrich fought to reform under Congresses Contract with America. He was the one that put the banks into the position to have done all of the economic damage we suffer from. When did all the predatory loans begin? UNDER THE CLINTON ADMINISTRATION! I do not hate for the sake of hating. I hate hypocrisy. I hate double standards. I hate parasites. I hate it when people have great ideas without thinking any of it through. I hate greedy people. I hate theocratic ideologies. I hate huge aureoles with nipples the size of Cleavland. Yeah I am human and hate things. EVERYBODY hates something. At least I can be honest about that whether anyone likes that or not. I do not hate our government at all. I hate the corruption and stupidity plaguing it! I hate the lack of responsibility, corruption, and the criminal conduct going on. I hate the lies and bigotry. Most of all I hate not being able to do anything about it! All of us are living a nightmare perpetrated on us by less than 600 people. Our government wound up becoming the beyatch of the bankers and nobody can seem to do anything about putting a leash on them! Everything we built on is now being squandered and driven asunder and all people can do is worry about when the new iPhone will be on shelves or Brittany Spears farting in public. Now Obama wants to dump a ill thought out health care plan on us and make us all (at least the ones of us who work or own businesses) pay for the chumps that don't work and don't contribute. Do you have any idea what raising taxes is doing to the economy and jobs? Read the news. California is already facing a savage decline in all sales thanks to a .0975% sales tax. Round up baby! that is a whopping 10% tax on EVERTHING you buy here in CA. Now granted that is a CA issue but imagine what will happen with further tax increases by the Fed. Businesses will and I mean WILL flee this country whole sale if they haven't done so now. Think 10% unemployment is bad? What is to come will be like the 1930s only a lot worst in some regards because of the number of people we are dealing with. Tensions are seriously bad now but what about in a year from now with more job looses on the horizon? And Obama and Congress (note I said BOTH) are doing what to stop this trend? increasing costs? Social programs being funded how? increased spending and more foreign give aways? Why are they not facing the issues they really need to be addressing? OH NO. LETS GIVE THE BANKS BILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO LOAN OUT TO US TO STIMULATE THE CREDIT ECONOMY! Sorry but I had to rant a little. I do not hate Obama per say, I hate ALL corrupt and ineffectual leaders! After all I am an Equal Opportunity Offender. |
Damn I need to breath! Huff Huff!
Considering Bush did this not Obama, I think your a little off target. |
Edited by
Thu 08/27/09 11:27 AM
On top of that Bush didn't give away nearly as much as Obama and Obama had TWO stimulus packages. At least bush gave some money to the American people. it wasn't squat but it was something! What did Obama give the American public at large?????? 0! |
OH NO. LETS GIVE THE BANKS BILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO LOAN OUT TO US TO STIMULATE THE CREDIT ECONOMY! Considering Bush did this not Obama, I think your a little off target. they both did it and they were both wrong to do so |
The media giving concessions to two party debates needs to end now!
Edited by
Fri 08/28/09 12:13 AM
right wing extremist, left wing communist and so one realized that nothing changed and the fighting through the news media and politics divides the whole country pointlessly.
They both (dems and reps) look same to me. Bush = Iraq, Afghanistan, bailouts Obama : Iraq, AFghanistan , bailouts. unemployment, rising living costs, foreclosures = nobody gives a damn. Doesn't it look same to you, because it does to me. Both are fighting over YOUR tax dollars, while ignoring YOU. That's the truth. |