Topic: The most important question in life | |
Okay, which is it? Over or under? And remember, UNDER is the wrong
answer!! |
Screw that, I'm walking THROUGH it!
Side Ways works best for me. LOL
staight ahead for me
over and looking back saying see ya..
One of each, but alternating positions every three days.
Wow, and I've always just put my toilet paper on the holder with the
paper going "over!" You guys are REALLY creative! |
I like my eggs over easy. and my steak medium rare.
aw Jean gave me a hell of a giggle with your thread
Yeah I know...I just have weird toiltet paper!!!!!!!!
You failed to mention it was about paper! lol Ohwell, I still stand,
straight thru is better than over or under =P |
You failed to ask me *what* it was about!
i am a stupid...
I didn't fail to ask because I knew you wouldn't answer cause I KNOW you
too well, so I was saving my fingers the point of typing a question I already know won't be answered so lol |
Lazyj, I liked your answer the best! Snorrkkkk!!!
good one.. |
Damnit, what are you talking about? I answer questions all the time (if
I'm aware they've been asked). |
Not when your beating around the bush! erm...that sounded totally wrong