Topic: Republicans, Religion and the Triumph of Unreason | |
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![]() ![]() ![]() to tell the truth I'm embarrassed of about 90% of Americans and the things they believe. on both sides I really am coming to the conclusion that the people of this country are not qualified to choose a president |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I wasn't trying to say that i was just saying that it seems to be that people with alot of money always seem to get there way no matter who's in control politically. I was really hoping obama would change that and make it possible for the rest of us to get to a certain level of comfortablility but i guess these things take time. I'm actually pretty disappointed. We need national healthcare i mean i'm lucky i'm a vet but what about all these people with pre-existing conditions that get denied healthcare or are to rich to get medicaid but to poor to afford health insurance? Maybe some people on here should research these health insurance companies and see what there all about... Remember there not denying u treatment...just payment. Sickens me |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I wasn't trying to say that i was just saying that it seems to be that people with alot of money always seem to get there way no matter who's in control politically. I was really hoping obama would change that and make it possible for the rest of us to get to a certain level of comfortablility but i guess these things take time. I'm actually pretty disappointed. We need national healthcare i mean i'm lucky i'm a vet but what about all these people with pre-existing conditions that get denied healthcare or are to rich to get medicaid but to poor to afford health insurance? Maybe some people on here should research these health insurance companies and see what there all about... Remember there not denying u treatment...just payment. Sickens me ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() to tell the truth I'm embarrassed of about 90% of Americans and the things they believe. on both sides I really am coming to the conclusion that the people of this country are not qualified to choose a president The problems are coming from the media and the money . The media feed the masses any crap they want . The money buy the desired publicity and NOT the facts as they are . ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() to tell the truth I'm embarrassed of about 90% of Americans and the things they believe. on both sides I really am coming to the conclusion that the people of this country are not qualified to choose a president ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() to tell the truth I'm embarrassed of about 90% of Americans and the things they believe. on both sides I really am coming to the conclusion that the people of this country are not qualified to choose a president The problems are coming from the media and the money . The media feed the masses any crap they want . The money buy the desired publicity and NOT the facts as they are . ![]() people forget the media is in the business of selling advertising they sell the audience to the advertisers. They are only telling the people what they already want to hear so they'll keep watching the commercials in between |
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Taxes are voluntarily paid. Or at least by most of the citizens I know. They pay them willingly and in earnest that they help this country run and help people. For all those who find it a forced thing, they should stop paying them in protest. Your life has to be better if you are not paying those damn taxes, so stop doing it. So again healthcare is not an infringement on anyone's rights. It will not socialize this country. --------------------------------------------------------------------- i wish you would tell where you live . taxes are not voluntary they destroy you if you don,t pay your taxes they take your home your clothing your food they well take the food out of your children mouths . this is not voluntary its extortion . and health if you don,t have to take it is voluntary not if you have no choice . when you have no choice its not free choice we use to be the land of the free but both partys have been chieseling on that so long its not the same . |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() right on |
what I get sick of, and it's been a strategem of the left for a while now, is to attempt to claim some kind of intellectual high ground. Saying things like, Fill-in-the-blank Republican is just not smart enough to understand this or that, and Fill-in-the-blank Democrat is the smartest person for the job, no one's got the intellectual firepower this person has. and the message rings true when they follow that rhetoric with some stained t-shirt wearing hick from the backwoods of Kentucky saying something stupid and racist. This whole game about "my dad's smarter than your dad" is just juvenile and counterproductive. For all the intellectual firepower Tim Geithner allegedly brings to the table and vast understanding of the tax code and federal regulatory authority, he still couldn't figure out how to pay his taxes for a significant part of the last decade, an offense that would have landed you or me in a federal "bone me in the a__" prison for tax evasion.. But no cellie named Art for ol' Timmy! No, this guy gets to head up the federal treasury because "he's smart". God forbid a person should provide for himself and his family. And I love the stats. The status quo kills 18,000 people a year. Does that include people that die of lung cancer from smoking or of liver failure from a lifetime of drinking whiskey? does it include all the gangbangers that can't seem to stop killing each other in those wonderful urban utopias like Detroit, Chicago, Dallas, Houston etc..? What about the glut of the urban poor who suffer from obesity and die of heart disease?.. is there anything in the "Public Option" that will stop their mothers from feeding them twinkies and cocacola with those food stamps their neighbors subsidise, rather than rice and beans, which are far more healthy and way less expensive? How many of those deaths could a "public option" have saved? what about the legions of the uninsured who drive around on $4500 sets of 22" rims but "can't afford the premiums" for insurance and who, instead, go to county hospital ER's and skip out on the bill?? what does the public option do about that?? No.. What this country needs is not another taxpayer subsidised entitlement program, but a good shot in the arm of some good old self respect, rugged individualism, and self reliance. Dependence on Government leads to shackles of economic slavery. There should be a safety net. We should not leave defenseless those who cannot fend for themselves. But for those that can provide for themselves and refuse to do so, there should be little sympathy. The safety net should not be a destination resort hammock for the perpetually irresponsible. It takes up all the room for those that could have been caught but end up falling through. I agree that there are problems with the way doctors are forced to deal with their patients and how healthcare is "delivered" (as though it were a truckload of groceries). But the manner in which the Dems are going about fixing it is completely bass-akwards. Disregarding most of the rant as hypocritical. It is hypocritical not to respect people's choices in their lives but want to "respect" their freedom to die without healthcare. Here is the problem with the whole issue. One (a person) cannot force self responsibility on others to their own standard without denying them the right to live their lives how they wish. Period. There is no way around it. Do we fight for only the fews freedoms or do we fight for all freedoms? And don't give me the crapola about the cost, we are going to pay taxes in this country forever, it will never go away. And if our tax dollars care for us, all of us, as they should, then they do what they are supposed to do. Having healthcare for all of us is in no way an infringement on anyone's rights. In no way is it socializing this country. In no way is it a hardship that we should not be willing to bear if we care about this country. no, the hypocrisy is when you say that we should provide healthcare to everyone, but then not criticize them for their lifestyles that will ultimately lead to a larger need for care. If you want a nanny state where needs like healthcare are paid for, then you need to manage risks and prevent them from living in ways that will up those costs. That is the hyricrisy. The free market ideal is as far from hypocrisy as you can get. Everyone is equal, everyone takes care of themselves. You can eat all the twinkies and drink all the coke you want while you sit your fat *** on the couch watching 7 hours of Springer if you choose - however, you must pay the consequences. On the other hand, I choose the opposite. I run 4 miles, six days a week and do what I can to stay healthy. I rarely get sick and in fact, have not called out due to actual illness in six years now (ok, one day for me but who hasn't done that lol). I eat somewhat healthy and while I do occasionally indulge on the occasional double-double and fries or a french dip from philippe's, I try my best to treat my body right. garbage in is just going to increase health risks and make you more of a healthcare liability. It's the reason comparing us to france is a moot point - they lead a far healthier lifestyle than we have so their healthcare costs are inherently cheaper. So don't go lecturing about anyone being a hypocrite but yourself. You are the one cherrypicking liberties out of a bucket - we are the ones arguing that everyone be equal. by the way, the part about forcing self-responsibilty and removing other's rights... hate to break it to you, but there always has to be a loser. by forcing some to take care of others, you are removing their liberties and forcing things on them. Arguments like that work both ways. |
Edited by
Sun 08/23/09 09:24 PM
I rather doubt many here would even acknowledge that the Republicans have been out and out lying about this health care plan, much less care that the lies continue even after they have been debunked. They never cared about Bush's lies, and for this president they actually help to spread the lies.
People are using their anger about everything under the sun against this plan. Forget the fact that people are just out and out selfish. All I ever hear in here is whining about people getting a hand out. Take care of your own family members bla bla bla, doesn't matter that many old people have no family to speak of or who care to take them in an care for them. I'd like to see the whiners in here go tell those old people to their faces that they don't feel obligated to help. Oh never mind, please do me a favor and don't post that you would be happy with that assignment. And who said start a charity? That's the perfect way to get out of helping anyone. Let the suckers and bleeding hearts donate, like that would cover the cost. Forget accusing Obama of wanting to kill old people, sh$t you have the people themselves that would much rather kill them off along with anyone who happens to be sick or even down on their luck. I am not rich and never have been but I am damn lucky that I am not in their shoes, though hell I might be one day and never expect it. It still blows me away to find out how really really self centered and selfish people really are. I take good care of myself and I don't eat junk at all. I get plenty of exercises, in fact at 60 I can still work rings around people half my age. But that doesn't get me off the hook. Anything can happen and any one of us could find ourselves in trouble. There's a young man down the road that has been studying to be a veterinarian. He was in great health, ate good, exercised 3 days a week and spent most of his free time studying. He collapsed one day, something happened in his brain. He might bring a dog to the vet in the future, but he won't be the vet. He will be on disability the rest of his life. Anyone want to go tell him he's a waste of time and effort and he should die because his parents can't afford to care for him financially? What sickens me most is that a good number of these republicans are so called christians. Oh and by the way that goes for the leaders on the left as well that would prefer to lie about this plan. |
You don't have to pay taxes. So it is not an infringement of your rights. I keep telling all these folks who complain constantly about taxes, don't pey em in protest. Tell the government you do not like that they use your tax dollars to help people and stop paying. It is that simple. Taxes are voluntarily paid. Or at least by most of the citizens I know. They pay them willingly and in earnest that they help this country run and help people. For all those who find it a forced thing, they should stop paying them in protest. Your life has to be better if you are not paying those damn taxes, so stop doing it. So again healthcare is not an infringement on anyone's rights. It will not socialize this country. You think so? google "Ed Brown, Plainfield New Hampshire" Convicted of non-payment of Federal income taxes and sentenced to 63 months in Federal Prison. Go ahead, stop paying your income taxes and see how long it takes for the feds to show up. Stop paying your property taxes and see how long you live in your home. Stop paying sales tax to the state and local AHJ's (authority having jurisdiction) and see how long your store stays open.. taxes voluntary.. yeah sure. I never said there would not be consequences for not paying taxes but you still don't have to pay them. It is your choice. Stop paying them if you are so concerned that they may go to help someone else and let those of us who do care continue to pay. |
what I get sick of, and it's been a strategem of the left for a while now, is to attempt to claim some kind of intellectual high ground. Saying things like, Fill-in-the-blank Republican is just not smart enough to understand this or that, and Fill-in-the-blank Democrat is the smartest person for the job, no one's got the intellectual firepower this person has. and the message rings true when they follow that rhetoric with some stained t-shirt wearing hick from the backwoods of Kentucky saying something stupid and racist. This whole game about "my dad's smarter than your dad" is just juvenile and counterproductive. For all the intellectual firepower Tim Geithner allegedly brings to the table and vast understanding of the tax code and federal regulatory authority, he still couldn't figure out how to pay his taxes for a significant part of the last decade, an offense that would have landed you or me in a federal "bone me in the a__" prison for tax evasion.. But no cellie named Art for ol' Timmy! No, this guy gets to head up the federal treasury because "he's smart". God forbid a person should provide for himself and his family. And I love the stats. The status quo kills 18,000 people a year. Does that include people that die of lung cancer from smoking or of liver failure from a lifetime of drinking whiskey? does it include all the gangbangers that can't seem to stop killing each other in those wonderful urban utopias like Detroit, Chicago, Dallas, Houston etc..? What about the glut of the urban poor who suffer from obesity and die of heart disease?.. is there anything in the "Public Option" that will stop their mothers from feeding them twinkies and cocacola with those food stamps their neighbors subsidise, rather than rice and beans, which are far more healthy and way less expensive? How many of those deaths could a "public option" have saved? what about the legions of the uninsured who drive around on $4500 sets of 22" rims but "can't afford the premiums" for insurance and who, instead, go to county hospital ER's and skip out on the bill?? what does the public option do about that?? No.. What this country needs is not another taxpayer subsidised entitlement program, but a good shot in the arm of some good old self respect, rugged individualism, and self reliance. Dependence on Government leads to shackles of economic slavery. There should be a safety net. We should not leave defenseless those who cannot fend for themselves. But for those that can provide for themselves and refuse to do so, there should be little sympathy. The safety net should not be a destination resort hammock for the perpetually irresponsible. It takes up all the room for those that could have been caught but end up falling through. I agree that there are problems with the way doctors are forced to deal with their patients and how healthcare is "delivered" (as though it were a truckload of groceries). But the manner in which the Dems are going about fixing it is completely bass-akwards. Disregarding most of the rant as hypocritical. It is hypocritical not to respect people's choices in their lives but want to "respect" their freedom to die without healthcare. Here is the problem with the whole issue. One (a person) cannot force self responsibility on others to their own standard without denying them the right to live their lives how they wish. Period. There is no way around it. Do we fight for only the fews freedoms or do we fight for all freedoms? And don't give me the crapola about the cost, we are going to pay taxes in this country forever, it will never go away. And if our tax dollars care for us, all of us, as they should, then they do what they are supposed to do. Having healthcare for all of us is in no way an infringement on anyone's rights. In no way is it socializing this country. In no way is it a hardship that we should not be willing to bear if we care about this country. no, the hypocrisy is when you say that we should provide healthcare to everyone, but then not criticize them for their lifestyles that will ultimately lead to a larger need for care. If you want a nanny state where needs like healthcare are paid for, then you need to manage risks and prevent them from living in ways that will up those costs. That is the hyricrisy. The free market ideal is as far from hypocrisy as you can get. Everyone is equal, everyone takes care of themselves. You can eat all the twinkies and drink all the coke you want while you sit your fat *** on the couch watching 7 hours of Springer if you choose - however, you must pay the consequences. On the other hand, I choose the opposite. I run 4 miles, six days a week and do what I can to stay healthy. I rarely get sick and in fact, have not called out due to actual illness in six years now (ok, one day for me but who hasn't done that lol). I eat somewhat healthy and while I do occasionally indulge on the occasional double-double and fries or a french dip from philippe's, I try my best to treat my body right. garbage in is just going to increase health risks and make you more of a healthcare liability. It's the reason comparing us to france is a moot point - they lead a far healthier lifestyle than we have so their healthcare costs are inherently cheaper. So don't go lecturing about anyone being a hypocrite but yourself. You are the one cherrypicking liberties out of a bucket - we are the ones arguing that everyone be equal. by the way, the part about forcing self-responsibilty and removing other's rights... hate to break it to you, but there always has to be a loser. by forcing some to take care of others, you are removing their liberties and forcing things on them. Arguments like that work both ways. Noone is being forced to take care of anyone. Stop paying your taxes if you protest their usage. It is that simple. Take the consequences of not paying your taxes and enjoy the fact you did not help the country at all. That is what the cry babies can do. Let the rest of us responsible caring Americans pay our taxes and move forward with making this country a better place for all who live here. |
I rather doubt many here would even acknowledge that the Republicans have been out and out lying about this health care plan, much less care that the lies continue even after they have been debunked. They never cared about Bush's lies, and for this president they actually help to spread the lies. People are using their anger about everything under the sun against this plan. Forget the fact that people are just out and out selfish. All I ever hear in here is whining about people getting a hand out. Take care of your own family members bla bla bla, doesn't matter that many old people have no family to speak of or who care to take them in an care for them. I'd like to see the whiners in here go tell those old people to their faces that they don't feel obligated to help. Oh never mind, please do me a favor and don't post that you would be happy with that assignment. And who said start a charity? That's the perfect way to get out of helping anyone. Let the suckers and bleeding hearts donate, like that would cover the cost. Forget accusing Obama of wanting to kill old people, sh$t you have the people themselves that would much rather kill them off along with anyone who happens to be sick or even down on their luck. I am not rich and never have been but I am damn lucky that I am not in their shoes, though hell I might be one day and never expect it. It still blows me away to find out how really really self centered and selfish people really are. I take good care of myself and I don't eat junk at all. I get plenty of exercises, in fact at 60 I can still work rings around people half my age. But that doesn't get me off the hook. Anything can happen and any one of us could find ourselves in trouble. There's a young man down the road that has been studying to be a veterinarian. He was in great health, ate good, exercised 3 days a week and spent most of his free time studying. He collapsed one day, something happened in his brain. He might bring a dog to the vet in the future, but he won't be the vet. He will be on disability the rest of his life. Anyone want to go tell him he's a waste of time and effort and he should die because his parents can't afford to care for him financially? What sickens me most is that a good number of these republicans are so called christians. Oh and by the way that goes for the leaders on the left as well that would prefer to lie about this plan. Understand completely. I was one like the vet guy. I was working, making damn good money, paying lots of taxes and was suddenly hit with an unexpected health problem that caused me to be out of the work force. Until it happens to you, it is hard to understand, but it is devastating. Charities had nothing for me, family could only help so much, I was homeless, pennyless and very very sick. People cannot see this side until they are there. I believe in self responsibility, I believe in doing all I can for myself without anyone's help but that only goes so far when you are unable to care for yourself. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Where are these embarrassed right wingers and how come they are not speaking out against this kind of ridiculousness? |
Edited by
Sun 08/23/09 10:04 PM
I rather doubt many here would even acknowledge that the Republicans have been out and out lying about this health care plan, much less care that the lies continue even after they have been debunked. They never cared about Bush's lies, and for this president they actually help to spread the lies. People are using their anger about everything under the sun against this plan. Forget the fact that people are just out and out selfish. All I ever hear in here is whining about people getting a hand out. Take care of your own family members bla bla bla, doesn't matter that many old people have no family to speak of or who care to take them in an care for them. I'd like to see the whiners in here go tell those old people to their faces that they don't feel obligated to help. Oh never mind, please do me a favor and don't post that you would be happy with that assignment. And who said start a charity? That's the perfect way to get out of helping anyone. Let the suckers and bleeding hearts donate, like that would cover the cost. Forget accusing Obama of wanting to kill old people, sh$t you have the people themselves that would much rather kill them off along with anyone who happens to be sick or even down on their luck. I am not rich and never have been but I am damn lucky that I am not in their shoes, though hell I might be one day and never expect it. It still blows me away to find out how really really self centered and selfish people really are. I take good care of myself and I don't eat junk at all. I get plenty of exercises, in fact at 60 I can still work rings around people half my age. But that doesn't get me off the hook. Anything can happen and any one of us could find ourselves in trouble. There's a young man down the road that has been studying to be a veterinarian. He was in great health, ate good, exercised 3 days a week and spent most of his free time studying. He collapsed one day, something happened in his brain. He might bring a dog to the vet in the future, but he won't be the vet. He will be on disability the rest of his life. Anyone want to go tell him he's a waste of time and effort and he should die because his parents can't afford to care for him financially? What sickens me most is that a good number of these republicans are so called christians. Oh and by the way that goes for the leaders on the left as well that would prefer to lie about this plan. there's 300 million people in this country...and...288 million have healthcare that they like and and Obama and ALL the DemocRATS...want to take away...from all those happy Americans...their healthcare...change it to a Government run plan...because of 12 million Americans...that just can't afford there own healthcare ?...I don't think so !...and neither do 85% of Americans... ![]() |
I rather doubt many here would even acknowledge that the Republicans have been out and out lying about this health care plan, much less care that the lies continue even after they have been debunked. They never cared about Bush's lies, and for this president they actually help to spread the lies. People are using their anger about everything under the sun against this plan. Forget the fact that people are just out and out selfish. All I ever hear in here is whining about people getting a hand out. Take care of your own family members bla bla bla, doesn't matter that many old people have no family to speak of or who care to take them in an care for them. I'd like to see the whiners in here go tell those old people to their faces that they don't feel obligated to help. Oh never mind, please do me a favor and don't post that you would be happy with that assignment. And who said start a charity? That's the perfect way to get out of helping anyone. Let the suckers and bleeding hearts donate, like that would cover the cost. Forget accusing Obama of wanting to kill old people, sh$t you have the people themselves that would much rather kill them off along with anyone who happens to be sick or even down on their luck. I am not rich and never have been but I am damn lucky that I am not in their shoes, though hell I might be one day and never expect it. It still blows me away to find out how really really self centered and selfish people really are. I take good care of myself and I don't eat junk at all. I get plenty of exercises, in fact at 60 I can still work rings around people half my age. But that doesn't get me off the hook. Anything can happen and any one of us could find ourselves in trouble. There's a young man down the road that has been studying to be a veterinarian. He was in great health, ate good, exercised 3 days a week and spent most of his free time studying. He collapsed one day, something happened in his brain. He might bring a dog to the vet in the future, but he won't be the vet. He will be on disability the rest of his life. Anyone want to go tell him he's a waste of time and effort and he should die because his parents can't afford to care for him financially? What sickens me most is that a good number of these republicans are so called christians. Oh and by the way that goes for the leaders on the left as well that would prefer to lie about this plan. there's 300 million people in this country...and...288 million have healthcare that they like and and Obama and ALL the DemocRATS...want to take away...from all those happy Americans...their healthcare...change it to a Government run plan...because of 12 million Americans...that just can't afford there own healthcare ?...I don't think so !...and neither do 85% of Americans... ![]() Not true. Nice try though. |
I rather doubt many here would even acknowledge that the Republicans have been out and out lying about this health care plan, much less care that the lies continue even after they have been debunked. They never cared about Bush's lies, and for this president they actually help to spread the lies. People are using their anger about everything under the sun against this plan. Forget the fact that people are just out and out selfish. All I ever hear in here is whining about people getting a hand out. Take care of your own family members bla bla bla, doesn't matter that many old people have no family to speak of or who care to take them in an care for them. I'd like to see the whiners in here go tell those old people to their faces that they don't feel obligated to help. Oh never mind, please do me a favor and don't post that you would be happy with that assignment. And who said start a charity? That's the perfect way to get out of helping anyone. Let the suckers and bleeding hearts donate, like that would cover the cost. Forget accusing Obama of wanting to kill old people, sh$t you have the people themselves that would much rather kill them off along with anyone who happens to be sick or even down on their luck. I am not rich and never have been but I am damn lucky that I am not in their shoes, though hell I might be one day and never expect it. It still blows me away to find out how really really self centered and selfish people really are. I take good care of myself and I don't eat junk at all. I get plenty of exercises, in fact at 60 I can still work rings around people half my age. But that doesn't get me off the hook. Anything can happen and any one of us could find ourselves in trouble. There's a young man down the road that has been studying to be a veterinarian. He was in great health, ate good, exercised 3 days a week and spent most of his free time studying. He collapsed one day, something happened in his brain. He might bring a dog to the vet in the future, but he won't be the vet. He will be on disability the rest of his life. Anyone want to go tell him he's a waste of time and effort and he should die because his parents can't afford to care for him financially? What sickens me most is that a good number of these republicans are so called christians. Oh and by the way that goes for the leaders on the left as well that would prefer to lie about this plan. there's 300 million people in this country...and...288 million have healthcare that they like and and Obama and ALL the DemocRATS...want to take away...from all those happy Americans...their healthcare...change it to a Government run plan...because of 12 million Americans...that just can't afford there own healthcare ?...I don't think so !...and neither do 85% of Americans... ![]() Not true. Nice try though. not true ?...what do you have a problem's already been proven that 47 million is counting 20 million illegal aliens...another 8 million make $75,000 a year...but choose NOT to insure themselves...another 7 million or so...are kids...18-21...that feel like its a waste of money at there young age... |