Topic: The Painter
uk1971's photo
Sun 08/23/09 05:04 AM
Edited by uk1971 on Sun 08/23/09 05:04 AM
A man is hired by his parish priest to paint the new church. On the first day of work, he notices that he can save paint by thinning it with water. By the time he has finished, he has secretly saved enough paint to go home and paint his own house.
One year later, he notices that the paint on his house is peeling. Realizing that this must mean the paint on the church is in similar state, he is racked with guilt at his actions and goes to the parish priest to confess his sin.
He says:
"Father, I have done a terrible thing. Though I meant no harm, I thinned the paint that you gave me for the church so that I could use the extra to paint my own house. I didn't realize that the water would make the paint start to peel so quickly. I feel horrible about it and I'm fully prepared to make reparations. What can I do to make it up to you and the parish?"
The priest thinks for a moment and then replies:
"Repaint, Repaint and thin no more." slaphead

harrypotter2's photo
Sun 08/23/09 03:17 PM