Topic: Must we add to God's word? | |
I hear ya, still, it's got to be fairly obvious that anyone who doesn't know or want to know what the subject matter is of any given subject will have more than just a little difficulty in digging deeper into that subject, in this case, what is actually written. Everyone has the right to make it up as they go along with all their own feelings and everything like that, and even to form opinions traditions and interpretations which are in direct conceptional conflict with that which is written, however I don't believe that is any reason to alter that which is written. People do it all the time, they don't believe that which is written and say, well I like this, or, I don't like that. Does that change what is actually written though ? Of course not. For example, I didn't like math so much, but my opinion was of no value on the subject. I mean, when one takes that approach in most any endeavor, rather than learning the instructions, given interpretation, and then practicing them, the result is failure in most instances. This particular Book concerns our consummate failure as well as the perspective of One who cannot fail, and in that we are instructed of those deeper things wherein we can have a real hope, and perhaps if pay attention enough and do those things which constitutes real obedience, we might see a reward in view; something more than the free gift. Of course, there is no way to practice the instructions if we don't know what they are, or, change them to mean something that we feel more comfortable with. You wouldn't want me to give you eye surgery if I had my own ideas about it and failed to take in all that is written in the instructions about it. Many leaders in the so called church do this all the time...what they say sounds good, makes me feel comfortable - but what is actually written ? If The Lord had simply left it those who cannot reach up and know Him, then all we would be left with is our own ideas, but we aren't left to guess. We have actual instructions on the instructions as well as what the practice should look like in His eyes. Of course, it is essentially wrong and incorrect to mix up one peoples instructions with someone elses instruction - and we see this so prevalently that it is discouraging for both those who desire to understand what the words mean as well as those who have their own opinion while not really concerned with what the words mean or say. This is a great and recognized problem. We call them denominations, which comes from a Greek word meaning divisions. I am curioous about what you think on this matter of changing the words. I believe you do also..As in Do you celebrate christmas or Easter? Are these practices scriptual and do we have the right to celebrate them? Do you celebrate the High feast days? or the clean food laws? Is thier any scriptual evidence we should not? Are we not told Yahshua is our example do we use him as that as we would someone today who we admired? How did he live? How can we say we follow him then say what he did was useless? He is our example did he come to save us from something that is deemd useless as far as doing it living it? Shalom....Miles |