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Topic: What Can You Do?
MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 08/20/09 04:25 PM

smile2What can you do when the one you love completely loses all faith in you?smile2

no photo
Thu 08/20/09 04:27 PM
Toga, Toga, Toga drinker

newarkjw's photo
Thu 08/20/09 04:28 PM
Jump on the morning train....smokin

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 08/20/09 04:32 PM

Toga, Toga, Toga drinker
laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Thu 08/20/09 04:33 PM
kick him in the man berries?happy

Gossipmpm's photo
Thu 08/20/09 04:33 PM
Edited by Gossipmpm on Thu 08/20/09 04:38 PM
Give him a good**

Believe me

His faith will be restored!!!!:heart:

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 08/20/09 04:34 PM

Jump on the morning train....smokin

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 08/20/09 04:34 PM
best at a time like that to have some faith in yourself I suppose :smile:

earthytaurus76's photo
Thu 08/20/09 04:35 PM
Have sex with his brother, and his best friend.

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 08/20/09 04:35 PM

kick him in the man berries?happy
laugh laugh laugh laugh

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 08/20/09 04:36 PM

Give him a good**

Believe me

His faith will me restored!!!!:heart:
laugh wowlaugh

no photo
Thu 08/20/09 04:37 PM

kick him in the man berries?happy
laugh laugh laugh laugh


MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 08/20/09 04:38 PM

best at a time like that to have some faith in yourself I suppose :smile:
flowers trueflowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 08/20/09 04:39 PM

Have sex with his brother, and his best friend.
shocked slaphead :laughing:

earthytaurus76's photo
Thu 08/20/09 04:40 PM
Well, ya know, maybe they will give you a good review, and hell start to appreciate you. *shruggs*

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 08/20/09 04:40 PM

kick him in the man berries?happy
laugh laugh laugh laugh


andreajayne's photo
Thu 08/20/09 04:40 PM
I'd say it's time to move on!

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 08/20/09 04:43 PM

Well, ya know, maybe they will give you a good review, and hell start to appreciate you. *shruggs*
laugh I supposelaugh

chickayoshi's photo
Thu 08/20/09 04:50 PM
Wear his favorite outfit...nothing...while holding a cupcake. All faith couldn't be lost if he gives in to dessert. :wink:

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 08/20/09 05:02 PM

Wear his favorite outfit...nothing...while holding a cupcake. All faith couldn't be lost if he gives in to dessert. :wink:

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