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Topic: supporting our troops
bellameetsbeau's photo
Fri 05/25/07 12:09 PM
yeah i just reread that and saw what i put i did read it though fanta i
promise. and i still think china would have us beat.

Fanta46's photo
Fri 05/25/07 12:12 PM
Wifare=In fiscal 2006, the federal government spent almost $2.7


Fanta46's photo
Fri 05/25/07 12:15 PM
Never read up on the Korean war! During the retreat from the chosen
resivoir completely surrounded fighting there way out and carrying their
wounded with them US forces killed so many Chinese that their Gen.
committed suicide from disgrace. They dont have quality,,,YET!!

Fanta46's photo
Fri 05/25/07 12:35 PM
People's Volunteer Army United Nations forces; including American and
British Marines
Song Shi-Lun Oliver Smith
60,000-Chinese, 30,000-UN, mostly US

25,000 killed,
12,500 wounded,
30,000 frostbite

casualties-UN, mostly US
2,500 dead,
192 missing,
5,000 wounded,
7,500 cold-related injuries

Fanta46's photo
Fri 05/25/07 12:45 PM
Korean War Casualties

900,000 Chinese casualties
520000 North Korean

33,600 American,
16000 UN allied,
415,000 South Korean,

Terrible Cost, but you can see how many Chinese it takes to fight

bellameetsbeau's photo
Sat 05/26/07 01:16 PM
fanta you are stating facts and that is great but i was talking about
opinions or is all you have is the facts?

yes it may have taken more chinease to fight americans but they arent in
as many placs as we are AND they have the people to spare.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 05/26/07 03:13 PM
Read between the lines, as well as other things I say.

At the time of the Korean war we had more troops in more different
places than we do now. The Chinese know our military capabilities, and
our resolve if we are attacked.
To know history is very important, and I could tell by your post perhaps
you needed a lesson.
Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.
Without a Nuclear War, you do not have to worry about the Chinese or
anyone coming across that great big Ocean and landing a successful
Invasion on the US. If you read a little about the subject and studied a
few more stats then you would have realized that.

Just multiply those casualty reports from Korea by say 1 thousand and
see what the look like then. Lets see 900,000 times 1 thousand equals
900 million. OK, now take 33,000 and multiply that by 1 thousand and you
get 33 million. Now do you think they would want to add the additional
losses inherent to sea invasion and the added number of American
combatants (civilians) I dont think so.... Should we worry I dont think
I thought this was a joke or you did not have any idea and it was easier
to post the facts than to waste time typing all this junk. Now are you
worried and tell me what you think and not what you were mislead to
think by those who misinterpret the facts..

Sorry to be such a smart ass, but you asked!!!

Fanta46's photo
Sat 05/26/07 03:20 PM
After all you said,

yes we may be able to get 2 million but lets say China decides to come
after us. no again i'm no history buff i dont know statistics

So I gave you opinion backed up by stats!!

Redykeulous's photo
Sat 05/26/07 07:01 PM
bella, I am happy that you are beginning to thing about these things.
Don't let the lack of historical knowledge pin you down. There are MANY
answeres in history, but it all begins with questions today. More than
ever the internet make accessible knowledge in abundance. Spend some
time there, but not all your time, spend time on current affairs, but
not all your time, spend time talking of these things your questions
with people, and ALWAYS take time to live and love and see beauty. You
are a voter, you need to know.

WOMEN in the armed forces - damn straight (oo-straight, not a word I use

kariZman's photo
Sat 05/26/07 07:09 PM
YOUR ThoughtS AND Feelings ArE NoT REaL.IF you are scared of another
nation you must be carrying GUILT for something you either have done to
them or have not done for them.

Redykeulous's photo
Sat 05/26/07 08:32 PM
Kariz, are you in a trance state? Sounds like it, scary man!

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