Topic: What do YOU think.... | |
I wonder what everyone thinks about wearing a cross around the neck as a symbol of Christianity.
I used to wear one. I've seen many types, some downright sparkly and artistic. They are pretty, the real cross though.... different story. It's an instrument of certain death. My understanding was the crucifixion was the most cruel type of death at the time. Not to mention humiliating. One never sees guillotine, electric chair or firearm pendants. I just think it's a curious thing and wonder what if anyone else has ever pondered it. |
the cross around the neck is a symbol that people who believe in Jesus as the Son of God died on the cross for our sins because we would fall short of the glory of God so that we may have a chance at eteral life the cross is a strong and welcoming symbol but we need to remember that our Savior no longer resides on the cross but on the throne next to our Father if He was crushed by a boulder everyone would go in there back yards and find a rock drill a hole through it put a chain through it and where it so how wonderful is it to know that even though at that time he knew his actions would end with him facing as you put it the most cruel and humiliating type of way to die but our Father and Savior loved us so much that He layed down and took that punishment for us to death How Loved Are We!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amen, Nikko! Thanks for your thoughts on that.
Although Jeses died a horrable death,He has given us the most awesome gift> Why not let your light shine through wearing a beautifull cross?I have a few cross necklesses.I wear them with Faith,Beleif,Hope & love.
I like them, im sentimental about it, and I always like to see them on others. If I had one, I would wear it.
my thought is that you're right noone wears other death-sentence symbols... but the cross is not only a symbol of violent death, but magnificent grace! the cross doesn't say "i'm perfect" it says "i need something more"... it's a beautiful thing... and no matter how decorated it is, it can continuously remind us of the horrific death Christ suffered for us, and the grace we were given from that death. :) just my humble opinion :)
IMO it is a reminder (when at times we may need to be reminded) of the sacrifice for us
I wonder what everyone thinks about wearing a cross around the neck as a symbol of Christianity. I used to wear one. I've seen many types, some downright sparkly and artistic. They are pretty, the real cross though.... different story. It's an instrument of certain death. My understanding was the crucifixion was the most cruel type of death at the time. Not to mention humiliating. One never sees guillotine, electric chair or firearm pendants. I just think it's a curious thing and wonder what if anyone else has ever pondered it. Shalom. I do not wear one and will not wear one. Crosses did not come on the scene untill constantine around 325 ad said he saw one in the sky that said something like this."By this symbol conquer" He was in battle and greatly outnumbered. He won the battle though and took this as a sign. This is when he became a convert and decided most of what we believe today. He mixed the Pagan religions and the New Faith. He ordered a council called the council of Nicea you can find in a online search or any encyclopedia what happened. This is when it was decided what books of the bible would stay and what would be thrown out and the edict of belief. Thier was some outcry about this and he ordered a order that anyone who went against this new bible and the beliefs that had been mixed with the pagans. They was to be put to death. Many of the church fathers had to run for thier lives. This cross became a major symbol killing in the name of the messiah. If you can think of mid evil movies thier are crosses all over the soldiers. 1st thier uniform in front is a big cross.. 2nd.. thier shield has a crosss on it. 3rd thier swords were crosses. 4th to keep these soldiers conquience intact that the killings of non believers was ok thier right between thier eyes coming down from thier hemet was a cross they would always see. Thus became all the slaughters in Europe through the name of religion because in the scriptures they quoted also to these soldiers that those who rejected messiah was better off dead than living. Not the contect of the Holy Scriptures though but it went along with the sluaghter of men, women and children without blinking an eye. You were doing them a favor by killing them. Thier sinning would cease then. In the scriptures we will notice that when the soldiers were told that they would go and break the leggs of the condemned. Yahshua was already dead to fullfill prophecy not a bone of him will be broken. So why and what happens if we break the thiefs legs with thier arms out like what we know as a cross? Not much maybe a little more pain but death would still take a long time. Yet the purpose of breaking the leggs is so they go on ahead and die. As we see when cominng to Yahshua they did not break his leggs because he was already dead. The answer is that it was not a cross. The scri[ptures prophecy cursed is he who hangs on a TREE. Yahshua took on the curse of the law to free us.. Fullfillment These were like straight poles or trees that were stripped of thier branches. They nailed the condemned feet over top of each other and ther wrists over top of thier heads stretched out. Had to be in the wrists or the nails would rip through the hands. Now when the condemned were on this tree it was even more pain because they had to keep pushing themselves up with thier feet because in this position of having your wrists nailed above your head if you relaxed and slumped down you would strt to sufficate. so they kept pushing up. Now the soldiers break thier leggs and the condemned would quickly sufficate and die. We need to remember if you look into it the modern day cross is found all over Eygpt. Look at any pictures of Hirographics. Also in the commandment it warns of having idols of wood. Can you find examples of the people having wooden idols. What happened over these idols.. Yahweh is a spirit that nothing can concieve. Do you believe a cross is pleasing to your Heavenly father...Shalom...Miles |
it's not an idol if you dont worship it... there's no sin in using things to remind us of the one who did die for us... just because Constantine misused the cross doesn't mean we should throw it out an ignore it... lots of facts, but nothing really showing we shouldn't wear the cross to me...
it's not an idol if you dont worship it... there's no sin in using things to remind us of the one who did die for us... just because Constantine misused the cross doesn't mean we should throw it out an ignore it... lots of facts, but nothing really showing we shouldn't wear the cross to me... Would you wear a Swatsika because it is a form of the cross in Europe..Shalom...Miles |
IMO it is a reminder (when at times we may need to be reminded) of the sacrifice for us I agree! ![]() |
I almost also symbolizes Obedience.
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I wonder what everyone thinks about wearing a cross around the neck as a symbol of Christianity. I used to wear one. I've seen many types, some downright sparkly and artistic. They are pretty, the real cross though.... different story. It's an instrument of certain death. My understanding was the crucifixion was the most cruel type of death at the time. Not to mention humiliating. One never sees guillotine, electric chair or firearm pendants. I just think it's a curious thing and wonder what if anyone else has ever pondered it. |
the cross around the neck is a symbol that people who believe in Jesus as the Son of God died on the cross for our sins because we would fall short of the glory of God so that we may have a chance at eteral life the cross is a strong and welcoming symbol but we need to remember that our Savior no longer resides on the cross but on the throne next to our Father if He was crushed by a boulder everyone would go in there back yards and find a rock drill a hole through it put a chain through it and where it so how wonderful is it to know that even though at that time he knew his actions would end with him facing as you put it the most cruel and humiliating type of way to die but our Father and Savior loved us so much that He layed down and took that punishment for us to death How Loved Are We!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well said, I agree. Believe |
it's not an idol if you dont worship it... there's no sin in using things to remind us of the one who did die for us... just because Constantine misused the cross doesn't mean we should throw it out an ignore it... lots of facts, but nothing really showing we shouldn't wear the cross to me... Would you wear a Swatsika because it is a form of the cross in Europe..Shalom...Miles Unfortunately as you have so rightly pointed out that a number of originally intended for good symbols, were instead used for evil. It doesn't mean that wearing a cross is celebrating that evil perpetuated but rather, as others have written, that it serves as a reminder of the cruel death suffered for my sake. And no, I wouldn't wear a swastika out of respect for our Jewish brothers, not only for because of the evil reminder that it is but also because it originated in pagan cultures. |
The problemis it is from a Pagan source.It has been around forever and did not become a symbol for new believers untill Constanine around 325 ad.
The Apostles or disciples never wore one. What about the Dark ages where millions were killed by soldiers who had a cross on thier uniforms? What about the people who died then? Shalom..Miles |
The problemis it is from a Pagan source.It has been around forever and did not become a symbol for new believers untill Constanine around 325 ad. The Apostles or disciples never wore one. What about the Dark ages where millions were killed by soldiers who had a cross on thier uniforms? What about the people who died then? Shalom..Miles Just because many have murdered in "The Name of Jesus", it doesn't mean the the cross itself is invalid. Satan deceives people with half truths all of the time. The issue is being able to discern the "intent" of the wearer. Intent is everything. When I referred to a symbol originating with a pagan culture, I was referring to the swastika, not the cross. There were variations of the cross symbol in ancient cultures but not necessarily does the symbol in use today align itself with those. Can't something good come out of something meant for evil? If we take this tactic, then we shouldn't be celebrating Christmas, as it is currently practiced. The Roman Catholic church was concerned that believers & new pagan converts needed something to focus on besides the Winter Solstice pagan ritual, in Dec. So they decided that Dec 25th was the day that our Lord entered our world & thus the tradition of Christmas was born. Any serious student of the Scriptures knows that the N.T. doesn't address his actual day of birth. That wasn't important. What was important was that God the Son had been born in our world to die for us & save us from our sins. Of course, 1 could wear an icthus fish symbol & be perfectly in tune with the 1st Century Christians. |
Edited by
Sat 08/22/09 05:57 PM
The problemis it is from a Pagan source.It has been around forever and did not become a symbol for new believers untill Constanine around 325 ad. The Apostles or disciples never wore one. What about the Dark ages where millions were killed by soldiers who had a cross on thier uniforms? What about the people who died then? Shalom..Miles Just because many have murdered in "The Name of Jesus", it doesn't mean the the cross itself is invalid. Satan deceives people with half truths all of the time. The issue is being able to discern the "intent" of the wearer. Intent is everything. When I referred to a symbol originating with a pagan culture, I was referring to the swastika, not the cross. There were variations of the cross symbol in ancient cultures but not necessarily does the symbol in use today align itself with those. Can't something good come out of something meant for evil? If we take this tactic, then we shouldn't be celebrating Christmas, as it is currently practiced. The Roman Catholic church was concerned that believers & new pagan converts needed something to focus on besides the Winter Solstice pagan ritual, in Dec. So they decided that Dec 25th was the day that our Lord entered our world & thus the tradition of Christmas was born. Any serious student of the Scriptures knows that the N.T. doesn't address his actual day of birth. That wasn't important. What was important was that God the Son had been born in our world to die for us & save us from our sins. Of course, 1 could wear an icthus fish symbol & be perfectly in tune with the 1st Century Christians. you can not find that in scripture. No the oppisite. What does light have to do with darkness. We pick and choose what we want. We find back to as early as Martin Luther who killed in the name of the cross believing he was doing a favor for the Jews. The Hero of Adolf Hitler who used his book "The Lie" To massicure Jews.. He was only following the Books advice to the German Govt. when he used the cross as a shield to hide behind. Are we so caught upin tradition that we can not see our own nose? Since most on here was not here to see Nazi Germany then I would have to believe that when we see a skin head with a swatsika on thier arm or head as Charles Manson displays we should welcome them with open arms because that was in the past. Tell them that is such a great display of FAITH!! I believe Yahshua spoke alot about learning from the past and going back to the beginning where it was not so. Or should we hold our CROSS up and hope the boogie man goes away? What is the difference? Chr-stmas as you have said since it is easy to see where we get our scholarly info from, can be found in any encyclopedia that it is the day of the Vernable day of the sun. Another pagan feast that was shuned in Jeremiah 10. Learn not the way of the Heathen. So again this is mixing light with Darkness, good with evil, Satan and Yahweh and saying as Isaiah has said very well and Peter I believe. They have made good to be evil and evil to be good. Every man does what he see's what is right in his own eyes. If we are going to take that stance then we should just forget it and keep to ourselves as this would be better. Because we make our Heavenly Father out as Evil as so many on here claim already. No wonder they say this. We pick and choose what we want as Isaiah said would happen. Then Peter says they do not have sound doctrine teaching the doctrine of Devils/Deamons. Most do not even realise what they teach as biblical. And where does it say we should celebrate a Birthday at? No it seems to teach against a mans b-day as we find so clear in Job and John Yahshua's cousin. He lost his head over a B-day now we want to celebrate it. We are to remember a Mans death not birth. Why do you think he told Mary that she would always be remembered? We need to see what the scriptures say not what we want them to say. That is why Yahshua came to free us from the LETTER of the LAW not the Law. So plainly seen as he scolded the pharasees so many times. Then he shows us again when they try to trick him with the prostituite. The law said he could have her stoned why didn'the? What was the trick they were up to? Where was the man huh? Takes 2 to tangle and he was guilty 2. But no he showed what the Law has always said Mercy Triumps!!! Lets not go by our own understanding if the scriptures go against us. When we do then thier is no more sacrifice for sin as Heb. 11 says but a fearful death....,Blessings of Shalom May Yahweh Teach us His Ways...Miles |
Edited by
Sat 08/22/09 11:56 PM
The problemis it is from a Pagan source.It has been around forever and did not become a symbol for new believers untill Constanine around 325 ad. The Apostles or disciples never wore one. What about the Dark ages where millions were killed by soldiers who had a cross on thier uniforms? What about the people who died then? Shalom..Miles Yeah? Well alot of Jews did alot of bad things, and still your a jew. Every sacred Jew thing wasnt fabulous, and there are plenty of jews that were not so moral. So we blame the jews? No. Ya gonna stop wearing clothes cos there were some bad jews out there wearing clothes? Ya gonna give up the star of David, or the torah cos some people missuse it, or have historicly? People misuse alot of things. Everything is not just black or white. Hey, um, carnations are considered a "death" flower by many because they show up at funerals.. so we dont enjoy their beauty? Lies.. Your belief is no better. Kinda no brainer someone of YOUR religion isnt going to wear a cross, but thanks for the enlightenment.. but Im not going to go dirtying the name of your belief. It is known and obvious why we wear our cross today, and even IF it were bad to start with, it has come to be something different, and beautiful, and good to us. This is not 323 or whatever year you quoted, things are different, and weve grown, and the way we look at the cross from way back then is not for evil or hateful reasons. If your faith is so strong.. why the need to advertise, and push yours? Were not advertising that its a great way to kill.. quite the oppisite.. you are so full of knowledge, yet know so little about what you discuss. |
The problemis it is from a Pagan source.It has been around forever and did not become a symbol for new believers untill Constanine around 325 ad. The Apostles or disciples never wore one. What about the Dark ages where millions were killed by soldiers who had a cross on thier uniforms? What about the people who died then? Shalom..Miles Yeah? Well alot of Jews did alot of bad things, and still your a jew. Every sacred Jew thing wasnt fabulous, and there are plenty of jews that were not so moral. So we blame the jews? No. Ya gonna stop wearing clothes cos there were some bad jews out there wearing clothes? Ya gonna give up the star of David, or the torah cos some people missuse it, or have historicly? People misuse alot of things. Everything is not just black or white. Hey, um, carnations are considered a "death" flower by many because they show up at funerals.. so we dont enjoy their beauty? Lies.. Your belief is no better. Kinda no brainer someone of YOUR religion isnt going to wear a cross, but thanks for the enlightenment.. but Im not going to go dirtying the name of your belief. It is known and obvious why we wear our cross today, and even IF it were bad to start with, it has come to be something different, and beautiful, and good to us. This is not 323 or whatever year you quoted, things are different, and weve grown, and the way we look at the cross from way back then is not for evil or hateful reasons. If your faith is so strong.. why the need to advertise, and push yours? Were not advertising that its a great way to kill.. quite the oppisite.. you are so full of knowledge, yet know so little about what you discuss. I am not a Jew to begin with. But it was my Brethern who 800,000 were tortured and burned at the stake in the late 1100's and 1200's. They believed in they could not pick up arms and were saying the same thing as me and were killed for saying it but it did not stop them from Telling the Established Religion what the scriptures said. Have you never read that things do not change? niether do the Holy Scriptures.. And I have not pushed my religion I have stated nothing but facts that can be proven, What is the use of believing something if you are going to believe a lie. I have traveled and talked with scholars of chr-stianity ,ministers and preachers. I have asked many of the questions as I have on here. What do they answer me? They have told me I am correct on anything I question. I ask them why then If you know this do you teach what you know is a lie? They all will say it is because of tradition. Tradition the same thing Yahshua had the biggest problem with the Pharasees. These minsters have told me if they came out and told the congregations this they would lose thier jobs and they have to feed thier families. They also tell me that if they did this the congregations would be so devided because all these lies they have heard all thier lives from thier parents,grandparents ect who did not know any better because they believed it to. People would leave the ch-rch in groves and what would that do for bringing people to learn about Messiah/ So you are saying the same thing they tell me. You can not and do not want to learn what the scriptures really say for to do so you have to admitt you have been lied to for all your life and truly believe it. Now all these millions or even Billions who worship with all thier heart and try to do whats right Yahweh is not going to do to them what most christian religions preach that all those who have not known Yahshua will perish in hell.. Thats not a rightful and Just Elohim. No that is when at the end of the 1000 year regiegn of Yahshua and Satan has been chain are raised back for judgement and they are judged by thier works.. This is all of mankind. Righteous and Just judgement. Most of what is taught you can find right in Greek mythology. The Roman empire from that time mixed with some other religions. The bible is not a hard book to understand. But when for 20 to 70 years lets say you have believed something then what I am saying is very foriegn and you have been told to run from someone saying what I say. TThey do this for control because we Teach that you should study for yourself and prove it to yourself.. We are not afraid to be questioned. No quite the oppisite we welcome questioning because if you show us something we are missing out on or the scriptures condemn it is a win win situation and we Praise Yahweh for bringing whoever to us and teaching us. But we do not close our minds we PROVE ALL THINGS. Things passed down through family traditions that are done every year or whenever individual families i have seen quite often get upset if a generation try's to change it. The scriptures teach we are Brethern or family within the Assemblies. You say that I lie but what have I said that is a lie? I am just trying to let people see another view of our traditions, worship and what the scriptures say. Thats all. Either you can reject it or accept it. It is everyones personal choice. The same as Yahshua said wide is the Path to destruction and narrow is the way to life. This was not something new he was saying. This was a very physical thing for the Israelites as they were heading to the Promice land. You see thier is Mount Gerizem and Mount Ebal this was 2 small mountains that was wide going to the promice land and when they went through these 2 the path got narrow. Narrow is the way and wide is the path. As they were getting ready to start this journey what was said? Today this day Either choose life or choose death and they all said we choose life and went to the promice land ..The way the truth and the life. Just as Yahshua said when he came also because we are waiting for the Promice land also when Yahshua returns for his 1000 year regien. Thats it I am not in the least bit shoving my faith down anyones throat. I am expressing what we are called to do and telling all what my Faith and Hope is. Blessings...MIles |