Topic: I love you? NO YOU DON'T? | |
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Sun 08/09/09 03:32 PM
AS A TRAINED COUNSELOR YOU ARE REQUIRED BY LAW TO KEEP PARTICULARS OF YOUR CLIENT CONFIDENTIAL AND ONLY DIVULGE IF REQUESTED LEGALLY. ![]() did she ever say she was trained? it was too long and confusing for me to read all of it, but i'm not sure if she said she was trained. anyone can claim to be a counselor, hell i "counsel" people all the time for free, and i have no training at all. ![]() That was my exact first thought. I dont care if its the law or not, it IS unethical |
AS A TRAINED COUNSELOR YOU ARE REQUIRED BY LAW TO KEEP PARTICULARS OF YOUR CLIENT CONFIDENTIAL AND ONLY DIVULGE IF REQUESTED LEGALLY. ![]() Had she given names or places that were of a personal conflict of sharing them,,,,THEN,,THIS WOULD REFER, otherwise,,she has spoken hypothetically, even though she said it was a factorial conversation And NO,,THIS is only my views as I have no doctorate in law as well,wink,, But EVERYONE on here has the right to make a careless mistake,w/o all of us wanting to attack their views or posts.. careless mistake? must have taken her a good few minutes to type it Any way we said what we needed the rest is her responsibility. I know a bit about this through my own experiences. Perhaps your state has laws about discussing details and not giving out names, but that is not true for all states... In many states you can discuss paitients as long as you don't give names.... Psychiatrists and psychologists do it all the time, that's how they keep from losing their minds, not to mention they discuss with family to get it off their chests... |
AS A TRAINED COUNSELOR YOU ARE REQUIRED BY LAW TO KEEP PARTICULARS OF YOUR CLIENT CONFIDENTIAL AND ONLY DIVULGE IF REQUESTED LEGALLY. ![]() Had she given names or places that were of a personal conflict of sharing them,,,,THEN,,THIS WOULD REFER, otherwise,,she has spoken hypothetically, even though she said it was a factorial conversation And NO,,THIS is only my views as I have no doctorate in law as well,wink,, But EVERYONE on here has the right to make a careless mistake,w/o all of us wanting to attack their views or posts.. careless mistake? must have taken her a good few minutes to type it Any way we said what we needed the rest is her responsibility. I know a bit about this through my own experiences. ANY state of the U.S. that I have talked with or about or in,, All fall REAL-CLOSE as to liabilities to parties involved with confidentiality and disclosures,,,, YOU have widen the spectrum of use as to the word "particulars", ANY voiced hypothesis or hypothetical views can be used, And its STILL the FACT, she gave NO PARTICULARS OUT, except the content of question and her answers to that question!!!!! You CANNOT break CONFIDENTIALITY, by speaking it in a scenario set up. with no PERSON, PERSONS identity, or locations mentioned.. I only took one sinister of business law, but THIS was my understanding through that. PEACE,,,,and I could be a bit off here,,,but not much,wink,,I LIVE to not put my foot in my mouth,lol |
Edited by
Sun 08/09/09 04:12 PM
This is for anyone with any doubts as to what the national guidelines are for confidentuality. H.I.P.A.A. sets and maintains the standards for the medical field this pertains to all medical fields including pharmacology and even medical billing. While it may be standard practice to discuss clients ANYTHING that could potentially give away who the client is is illegal in all 50 states. |
| This is for anyone with any doubts as to what the national guidelines are for confidentuality. H.I.P.A.A. sets and maintains the standards for the medical field this pertains to all medical fields including pharmacology and even medical billing. While it may be standard practice to discuss clients ANYTHING that could potentially give away who the client is is illegal in all 50 states. where as SHE just said she counseled, she could be under the jurisdiction of the school board in which she works as a teacher, and what THEIR GUIDELINES READ?? Folks,,,,personal, does not mean, discussion what was said by anyone,,,if THAT PERSON,,,does not give a hint to NAME,PLACE, PICTURE THATS personal, If I was a doctor and said I lost one today to heart failure... THATS TRUTH,,,and a FACT,,,,,but he didn't divulge any PERSONAL FACTS, he could say that to the world as long as he didn't give his real name as an association to the victim of the heart attack,,,, If your a cop,,,and you said to a friend (NOT A COP) MAN, I can't believe this guy today beat the hell out of his wife, then his kids,,and didn't think he would get arrested for it.... THATS OK TO SAY!!!!! Because it contains no identity to WHO,WHERE,or ANY PARTICULARS, to WHO,,the cop was talking about... THIS ABOVE SENARIO, I asked my son who is a cop,,and its true here in IN,,,the story above could have been said to anyone any place.. |
This guy did not want to marry her, didn't want this child, told her to get rid of it, yet you told her he loved her and SHE was the one who pushed HIM away? I must be missing a piece here. Sorry! I had to come back for there is a very important message about what I have left YOU ALL WITH! Yes! I did tell her that he loved her that is right. He dose love her! OK! LETS FRAZE THIS... HE DATED HER FOR 2 YRS! BUT THE BABY IS ONLY 1YRS OLD// Did anyone miss this?????? So they were in love for one year! UNTIL she got pregnant RIGHT! Then he realized all the hot passion was over and the fun... was not going to come... any longer... he felt Trapped, He felt that she did it purposely to ENTRAP HIM! Let’s think how a man thinks first... Here is a young hot sexy young 21yr old girl no rules, no ties just wants to have hot sex! Everywhere, and every way. He has it made! Now! A year goes buy telling this lovely girl, I will never marry you! I don’t ever want to get married, I never want kids? Did no one see that in all of this... 1 yr prior... to this baby! The father did not want a child! He was however a year later FORCED INTO FATHER HOOD! With out his consent! You? “Also women” for got something! [I love him]! She new! But allowed herself to fall in love with a man who did not want to ever get married or ever have kids.......?????? Women? Think about this, we fall head over heals right after we have sex! Are hearts and souls are thrown out the door and are minds telling a different story... I love him. I love him, I need him, he is my world, and I want him to be the father of MY CHILD. If I get pregnant he will MARRY ME, HE WILL "LOVE ME"! Dose the man love her YES he did, Has he fell in love with his BABY! 'Yes' he has..... very much or he would not have given the women money to go buy her self college items for school, or the baby.... down in his heart 'yes' could be guilt! Or is it that a man told a young girl I don’t want to have kids and I never want to marry you... So then the question is this? 1. Is it the man who new he would never fall in love and never get married and never wanted to have children, he just wanted to sleep around from young girls to women for the rest of his life. Is it his fault for starting a relationship with a young girl at 21 and her getting pregnant???? 2. Is it the young girls who new he would never fall in love and never marry her? Then she should have never had 'SEX WITH HIM IN THE FIRST PLACE’? Now! We can never see the out come of are decisions we make! We can never stop are life and hope it will restart, it will not! we only get one chance... to 'LIVE OR DIE'... for some there is a middle ground that God gave a 2nd or 3rd chance to.... But for most of us let’s take time to think about this????? This young girl is told by her mother to stay with this man because she got herself pregnant and to make 'MAKE HIM MARRY HER'... don’t get a abortion, keep it no matter what, so she stays on Welfare while he is in another women’s bed, who is on the weekends “taking care of her child know”! YOU! can argue this until your blue in the face... But WOMEN ARE NOT FOR SEX... WE ARE NOT TO HAVE “BABYS” JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE A 'Wing Wang'... If we are raised to be ladies, with high respect for ourselves, if we are raised to be gentleman, with high respect for ourselves, then don’t you think that today! Let’s say, “YOU” took a chance and asked a stranger to marry you! Would you make it last for the rest of your life, or did you do it just to get sex? Women! why have sex on the first day, or second why do you think that you can fork it out, when 80% of all these women are trying to get a good man and you are giving it up for free and sleeping with all of these men. Then you have taught them one thing and only one thing... to cheat on there wife’s! Men! why have sex on the first day, or second, why do you think that you can fork it out, when 80% of all these women are trying to get a good man and you are giving it up for Free and sleeping with just anyone! Then you have taught them one thing that you DONT LOVE THEM! And you showed your sons that women are for sex not love! I have spoken to the nicest men ever! And they all said one thing; I want a LADY TO NOT CHEAT! To hold me, to love me (sex), to be there for me! That is what this young man was doing he was being there for this girl who PUSHED HIM AWAY AND FORCED HIM TO HAVE A CHILD WITH HER TO KEEP HIM FOR EVER AND EVER AND EVER MORE!... I have known her for 7 yrs and she goes through men like you go through toasters one every 1 or 2 yrs, and it is always the same thing,, She wanted every month to get pregnant, every month she called me for 5 yrs, I think I am pregnant, I think I am pregnant.. She just wanted a child... and not the man... and when that happened... NOW>>>> SHE EXPECTS THE MAN TO LOVE HER, TO BE THEIR FOR HER AND TO RAISE HER AND HIS CHILD! Please note it is not the Mans fault.... It is the women’s however because the women can say... yes or no... I am not talking about rape. I am talking about, “Free giving sex” that Society is teaching are children at a early age... at 11yrs old, or 14teen, 16 or 18! Women are forking out sex to anyone she meets, to multiply partners for 3s and 4s.... she is being the Harlem in the bible one can say and all the men in the bars are drinking and smoking and having there way with the same women.... And YET>>>>> MEN, “Want A Lady”! With Class and Poise, with Respect and Manners with the Hot Sexy Momma in the bedroom at night! We want more then what we will accept, we expect more then what we can give. We take the chance and drive from state to state to have a night of sex to only then return home? Telling the other person [I am sorry this just will not work]... However!... if we would have gotten to know each other day after month after year. Then you would still be together in a long and loving relationship like all the married couples that each and every one of you is ASKING TO BE IN!!!! Some are waiting for years for there love, but she never comes, others find them over night and it lasts for 20 or 30yrs. If we would pick “one person tonight” and say! “Lets just make it work”; no matter what happens don't you think tomorrow how happy you would be... Don’t pick the wrong one... BECAUSE THERE IS NO WRONG ONE... Let’s say everyone on here IS THE WRONG ONE... Then who??? Is the Wright one???? I want the beautiful one, that stops my heart, and so did 7 more men and even 27 women, “Personality is the key”, not looks and money! I want the handsome man, the one that stops my heart, and so did 3 women but he chose none of them! for he could not decide and did not believe any of them would accept him for who he is! This was true! do you know why?.... He was not built to the qualifications that women described so she lost out on a great man! The other two found faults, he did not have that great job so she lost out on a great man, the third one said “I am sorry” because you have kids, I do not want to be the mother of your kids, so the Man walked away with out a Date but an Ego that was diminished... All because his wife had died and leaving him with bills to pay, a child, and God gave him a small package. I know this is hurts but Please understand, this is what I have seen from you all! As for the women who had 3 lovely kids the man did not want to commit, she only had one to choose from and he did get one thing from her... that was???? Can you gess?.... yep... SHE FORKED OUT THE SEX...... So is it the man????? I will say no, NO! It is the women, who make the final decision! If she is going to sleep with the man, or marry him tomorrow. When we base sex before we will marry him! To see if the sex will satisfy them then we as a human only can feel lust in are toes. This will not make a life time relationship NOW WILL IT?????? I got a call from that girl just a little while ago, she said, I think I am going to ask him if he wants to go to marriage counseling? Remember! On thing... He dose not want to get married! Women or Man! I love you all for who you are but dang Think hard on this... There is no differents then all you men and women who are playing cat and chase! YOU wanted women for the rest of your life, YOU wanted a man for the rest of your life, Then make it come true... Amen. ‘O' to -one person-, who made great since! I was born a baby Became a Women Chose to be a Wife Learned to be a Mother, Was taught to be a Teacher Prayed to be a Grandmother. Wanted to be a Pastor One day I will be Great! This is my skills! Raise are baby boys to be sons, Raise are Sons to be Men, Raise are Men, to be Husbands, It’s the Wife's job to LOVE HIM! It’s the Wife's job to show him how to be a father It’s the kid’s job to let him be a Grandfather And some day with the love of his Mother and Wife This MAN WILL BE A GREAT MAN! |
just wow. |
Edited by
Sun 08/09/09 05:51 PM
Yeah wow, that was a long run for a short slide. Didn't miss the part that they dated 2 yrs. Also didn't miss the part that he bolted when she got pregnant. How do you know she "trapped" him? Sometimes things just happen.
Secondly not all women fall "head over heels right after we have sex". Some don't even have sex unless they love the person first, some wait til marriage. If what you say is true about the going thru men like crazy and always wanting to be pregnant, should likely have been mentioned in the first post. Very likely would have altered the reaction of many. And remember, not everyone here is "playing cat and chase"! Edited to add don't know why I responded, she's deactivated, Again. |
all I know is I am ready for a good women, so hit me up.
This guy did not want to marry her, didn't want this child, told her to get rid of it, yet you told her he loved her and SHE was the one who pushed HIM away? I must be missing a piece here. Sorry! I had to come back for there is a very important message about what I have left YOU ALL WITH! Yes! I did tell her that he loved her that is right. He dose love her! OK! LETS FRAZE THIS... HE DATED HER FOR 2 YRS! BUT THE BABY IS ONLY 1YRS OLD// Did anyone miss this?????? So they were in love for one year! UNTIL she got pregnant RIGHT! Then he realized all the hot passion was over and the fun... was not going to come... any longer... he felt Trapped, He felt that she did it purposely to ENTRAP HIM! Let’s think how a man thinks first... Here is a young hot sexy young 21yr old girl no rules, no ties just wants to have hot sex! Everywhere, and every way. He has it made! Now! A year goes buy telling this lovely girl, I will never marry you! I don’t ever want to get married, I never want kids? Did no one see that in all of this... 1 yr prior... to this baby! The father did not want a child! He was however a year later FORCED INTO FATHER HOOD! With out his consent! You? “Also women” for got something! [I love him]! She new! But allowed herself to fall in love with a man who did not want to ever get married or ever have kids.......?????? Women? Think about this, we fall head over heals right after we have sex! Nope, I didn't miss a thing. He didn't get her pregnant without his consent. He had a choice to use protection or not. It takes two to make a baby. Plus, he had a gf for 6 months. That's not love. I think you need to speak for yourself with this comment: "Women? Think about this, we fall head over heals right after we have sex!" I have feelings for a person before that happens. |
all I know is I am ready for a good women, so hit me up. if i see a good "women" i'll make sure to send her your way ![]() |
Wow, it's like everyone is writing 20 pages from the bible in each post. What's going on?
Edited by
Sun 08/09/09 08:31 PM
Yeah wow, that was a long run for a short slide. Didn't miss the part that they dated 2 yrs. Also didn't miss the part that he bolted when she got pregnant. How do you know she "trapped" him? Sometimes things just happen. Secondly not all women fall "head over heels right after we have sex". Some don't even have sex unless they love the person first, some wait til marriage. If what you say is true about the going thru men like crazy and always wanting to be pregnant, should likely have been mentioned in the first post. Very likely would have altered the reaction of many. And remember, not everyone here is "playing cat and chase"! Edited to add don't know why I responded, she's deactivated, Again. How could she going through men like crazy when she was with him for 2 years? That doesn't make sense to me. And...he had a gf for 6 mths. of that time. |
Silly,,I am sorry, but IT TAKES TWO!!!!
You said ABOVE,,,SHE FORCED HIM TO HAVE A CHILD WITH HER!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!IT TAKES TWO, and HE could have used protection? HE could have made sure she was on birth control. HE could have been the one to PUSH HER INTO HAVING SEX WITH HIM,, or got her drunk,or high, or done her when she was asleep for all WE KNOW HERE? BUT,,,,to say SHE FORCED HIM,,,is NEVER MIND,,,I don't think your internal functions on this behavior of intimacy is in the same frame work as mine.. Wheres the little guy who beats his head on the wall??? I need that smily,,,,,wink |
This is my final post!
Sorry, for all this ka'oss but to help a person sometimes you do what ever you can and. I thank you all for your opinions and they have been great ones. sometimes we need to look at life from different eyes. Lets delete this post! and call it quits.. thanks, My time is up and another year of work work work is all my life is about. God bless you all! Iam4u thanks, you have been the biggest help through all of this and I really needed your in put on all of this. YOUR a wonderful man and a good friend to all, your judgment is wonderful! never bios never society thinking just the right amount! YOU have a wonderful life and I wish you and your family all in Good health... P.s. i got that call! no joking he said he was sorry and asked her for a second chance.. I am telling you.. Kids! Thanks for all the help |
This is my final post! Sorry, for all this ka'oss but to help a person sometimes you do what ever you can and. I thank you all for your opinions and they have been great ones. sometimes we need to look at life from different eyes. Lets delete this post! and call it quits.. thanks, My time is up and another year of work work work is all my life is about. God bless you all! Iam4u thanks, you have been the biggest help through all of this and I really needed your in put on all of this. YOUR a wonderful man and a good friend to all, your judgment is wonderful! never bios never society thinking just the right amount! YOU have a wonderful life and I wish you and your family all in Good health... P.s. i got that call! no joking he said he was sorry and asked her for a second chance.. I am telling you.. Kids! Thanks for all the help glad it worked out. unfortunately, you can't delete posts on here. but it'll scroll off eventually.... |
So here is my understanding of love. Men and women see love totally different. For a woman to love a man means that she accepts him entirely... who he is, who he's not, AND who he'll never be. For a man to love a woman means that he takes care of her, not necessarily just financially, but by being there for whatever she needs that he can provide. THAT's what love is. Too many people today mistaken "chemistry" or lust for love. So I get what you're saying in the original post. He loves her in that he's attempting to take care of her. It's sad that she didn't realize before she had a child with him that his ability to love her would not be enough. I do agree also that we will never allow anyone to love us more than we love ourselves. Take compliments for example. A woman who ACCEPTS herself (love for a woman, remember?) will gracefully accept a compliment. A woman who doesn't will instantly argue with the compliment and point out her flaws. And to that point, a woman who does not accept herself should not yet get married or have kids. She will be so down on herself that she will either attract and chase the wrong men, or sabatoge a great relationship out of fear that she will eventually fail it. I believe that women who snoop for clues that their husband is cheating actually secretly hopes that they are so that they can feel validated in getting out of a marriage that they either didn't want or weren't ready for. Controversial, I'm sure. But it makes sense!
Might be an old fashioned concept but before you put your feet in the air for somebody have a ring on your finger. I'm not married, however I rather like having my feet up in the air on occasion... ![]() Agreed, so if not a ring on your finger probably contraception or a definite plan of some kind (at least a good pedicure ![]() |
OK! LETS FRAZE THIS... HE DATED HER FOR 2 YRS! BUT THE BABY IS ONLY 1YRS OLD// Did anyone miss this?????? ok can u not do the math 9 monts preg. + 3 = 12 thats there first year they were together for 3 months before she got pregnant most likely he did not know if he loved her enough to marry her he most likely felt guilty. a man that says he does not want to get married says it because he does not want to marry the girl hes with if you love someone you dont tell someone to get rid of the baby for no real reason besides i dont want to have a baby with you if he did not want babies at all ever then he would have gotten fixed to sit there and tell a women that it is her fault that that a$$ loves her and it is her fault is fuc@ up all you are doing is messing with her head so she will mess up future relationships and make her think she has to be unhappy to keep a man and if i talk to someone about my problems and i found out they posted something like you did i would be pissed and there would be problems |
Did anyone actually read all that stuff?