Topic: How do you think God Defines Man? | |
Since we can not really know what is God.
Can we know what that which is God thinks of us? |
Naturally, we can not. If we don't know what something is, how can we
possibly extrapolate what it thinks based on the writings of fallible entities? Similarly, we don't know what unicorns or aliens think of us. |
does that not depend on how we perceive God in the first place?
Interesting question. Speaking as one who believes and trusts in God I
would like to think God sees us as a work in progress with potential for great things. If God were the vengeful, hell fire and brimstone God portrayed by some, our time on this planet or at least mine would have already ended. By the way, nice to see you again AB. I always enjoy your posts Jerry |
Dont look at it from your point of view.
Clear you mind of all self. Go outside of yourself and look back and see what you might be to another. Or look at the entire human race from how you might see it from the point of view of say Jupiter or the center of the Milky Way or an atom in a grain of sand on a beach in Austrialia. |
What does God think about us? He loves us so much that He watched his
own son suffer and die, so that we could be brought closer to Him. |
Well, then we are a relatively weak link in a natural chain.
We destroy where we should preserve. |
You could be right but we are also the only link on this planet (that we
know of) capable of stepping beyond this planet. And not just by our technology. Enoch son of Jared of the line of Seth son of Adam left the earth and was never seen again at the ripe old age of 365. He did not die he walked with god and was never seen again. |
Well, that might as well be, but we are using the free will that was
given to us for what???? How many species have left this planet for good? And how did it happen? |
We are like the young bird. When first we tried to leave the nest we
were to young and so fell and our wing was broken. When that wing is healed we will take flight. Before we take flight we will put our nest to rights. It is in our nature though some see it not perfering instead to see the nature of the beast and not the nature of the child of god. |
What Does God Think About Me?
Perhaps, what you thought about God seemed to be more important. But if you consider that He is the Ruler and Judge of the Universe (Genesis 18:25; Acts 17:30; Isaiah 45:18-22), and that you must one day stand before Him and give account of your life. "Well," you say, "He must think well of me because things have gone pretty well in my life." In one sense you are right. The Bible says that God is kind to all in Luke 6:35. In fact, every meal that you eat, everything that you own, and every breath that you take come from God. Yes, God is kind to you, but the same verse says that He is kind to evil people. Murderers, robbers, and other wicked people eat and breathe because of God's kindness. His kindness is supposed to turn them to Him. So there must be more to this question: "What does God think about me?" Consider this while you are thinking about your answer: God is Holy. (Isaiah 6:3; Revelation 15:4; 1 Peter 1:15-16) Holy means that God is morally pure and perfectly good. He loves good and hates evil. Holy means that He delights in good things like love, truthfulness, sexual purity, good motives, clean speech, respect for authority, and godly living (loving God, respecting God, worshiping God, and keeping His commandments). Holy means that He hates such things as lying, stealing, sexual immorality, foul language, pride, and ungodly living (not loving God, not respecting God, not worshiping God, and disobeying His commandments). These are what the Bible calls sin. (1 John 3:4; Romans 1:18-32; Galatians 5:19-21) Now consider this: God is Just. (1 Peter 1:17; Romans 2:5-11; Romans 1:32) That means that He not only hates sin, but that He will also punish all sin. He has said, "The soul that sins will die." (Ezekiel 18:20) God always keeps His word. So everyone who does the things that the Holy God hates will be punished by Him. The punishment is death. In God's Bible, death means to die physically and then to die eternally in hell. (Matthew 18:8-9; Matthew 25:46; 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10; Revelation 14:11) So ask yourself this question, "Do I sin?" If the answer is yes, then God is very angry with you, and if things don't change, He will put you to physical and eternal death. So you are in great danger. Think about it. God is extremely angry because you do things He hates, and He is going to punish you. It could happen any day. People die every day. Now consider some good news: God is Love. (1 John 4:8; (1 John 4:16; Exodus 34:6-7; John 3:16) And the loving, holy God makes you an incredible offer. He offers to forgive you of all your sins . . . every one of them . . . and not be angry with you and not send you to hell. You might say, "He can't do that because that wouldn't be just, that would be like letting a criminal off on a technicality." That's a good point, but that's not how God works it out. God offers to accept the punishment of someone else for your sins, someone who has never sinned and who willingly died for sinners . . . His own son Jesus Christ. That is what the Cross is all about. Jesus died there as a substitute for sinners. (2 Corinthians 5:21; Romans 5:10; Galatians 3:10-14) Now for everyone who trusts Christ as their Savior, God counts it as if Jesus had died in their place. All of the anger that the Holy and Just God has for their sins was poured out on Jesus when He suffered and died on the cross. So Jesus is punished, and the sinner is pardoned. Jesus is condemned, and the sinner is forgiven. Then God looks upon the sinner as a person who has never sinned. God justifies the sinner through Jesus Christ. (Romans 3:19-26; Galatians 2:16; Romans 5:18) So then God's justice is satisfied, and He is pleased with the person and gives him or her eternal life. They will go to heaven to live with Him forever in joy and perfect happiness. The person is right with God. Perhaps at this point you want to ask, "How can I be right with God?" The answer is in two parts. First, Repent. (Acts 2:37-39; Acts 17:30-31; Luke 24:45-48) That means to turn away from everything in your life that you know makes God angry. Don't do it anymore, get away from it, and don't plan on doing it again. Whatever your sins are, turn away from them. Second, Believe on Jesus Christ as Savior. (Acts 16:30-34; John 3:14-21; Ephesians 2:8-10) That means more than to just have a high opinion of Him. That means to trust in Him, embrace Him, and put your faith in Him as your only hope of eternal life. He offers salvation, forgiveness, and eternal life to all who come to Him. If you sincerely come to Him, He will not turn you away. When people come to Christ, all of their sins are washed away, and they are righteous in God's sight. Then you can imagine what God thinks about them! He calls them "My beloved, My children, My holy ones, the apple of My eye." And He gives them an eternity in paradise with Him. Ponder this important question . . . What does God think of me? Can you see that what you experience for all of eternity rests on the answer to this one question? Heaven or hell, joy or torment, acceptance with God or rejection, pardon or condemnation . . . all hang on God the Judge's opinion of you. I urge you to take your eternity seriously. Go to Jesus Christ, believe on Him, and you will be saved. Or don't, we all have choices. THIS WAS NOT AIMED AT ANYONE IN PARTICULAR. Kat |
Invisible wrote:
“does that not depend on how we perceive God in the first place?” I believe it does. AB’s first assumption may not be true for some people. Some people may feel that they know what is god. And because if this they can also feel that they know how god perceives them. I believe that god is dynamic. There is no need to wait until you die to know god. In fact, I believe that if you wait for that you’ll miss knowing god altogether. |
How have you been sir. Glad to see you also. |
I believe God sees me as a joyfull little goofball tryin to live and
learn and grow without stompin the crap outta others in the process. |
Who's waiting til they die to know God? Not me. I am learning more
everyday. Kat |
How right you are Kat.
Abraham knew god. Khrisna knew god. Moses knew god. Zoroaster knew god. Ishaia knew god. Jesus knew god. Momhammad knew god. So many of the people and Prophets of old knew god so also can the people of this time know God. It is the only way to learn. |
My friend.
Kat>on offering up Jesus for sins.
I notice that for some this give them the power over thier sins that they need. For them this is the right way. For me I am responsible for all that I do. If I walk not in the ways God has proscribed for me I alone am responsible. I can not let a man suffer for what I have done nor will I let the one known as the Son of God pay for my sins. I will instead strive that I might not 'sin'. I will walk as God has asked me walk and when I fall down He will pick me up and grant me grace. 'go then an sin no more'. How many times will he do this you might ask? While I am striving as many times as I fall for He is grace and glory and will be allways with me. |
For some AB it does give up to them what they want it to be. But, my friend, it is too late; Jesus has already paid the price for our sins. Now what we do with it from here on out is on us. God is grace. He is our salvation, our recourse. He is our values, our deeds, our redemption. We will always fall, we just don't have to fall from grace. He will always be there to pick us up, and dust us off and send us back on the path . It is still up to us to follow it in the direction in which we are meant. Kat |
Jesus has already been offered up as a sacrifice for our sins. God wouldn't have taken such a drastic measure if any other path were possible. It is now up to each of us to either accept or reject the sacrifice. If you reject, you are at the mercy of the Law and the Law does not have any mercy. There are no exceptions or loop holes. The law was written to break us, anyone who isn't broken in life will be broken in death. Please, read Colossians and think about the message. It's only four chapters long, it's a very quick read. |