Topic: i've started again
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Sat 08/08/09 03:41 AM

no champix tomorrow (well actually iv started them today)i need them to kick in 1st! scared

I have nicorette, want some? :laughing:

have u tried champix? it's amazing, there is just no craving!

no photo
Sat 08/08/09 03:43 AM

no champix tomorrow (well actually iv started them today)i need them to kick in 1st! scared

I have nicorette, want some? :laughing:

have u tried champix? it's amazing, there is just no craving!

Made me so sick that I had to give up on it.ill

no photo
Sat 08/08/09 03:44 AM

no champix tomorrow (well actually iv started them today)i need them to kick in 1st! scared

I have nicorette, want some? :laughing:

have u tried champix? it's amazing, there is just no craving!

Made me so sick that I had to give up on it.ill

yeah, made my friend ill - so he gave me his last night :banana:

no photo
Sat 08/08/09 03:54 AM

no champix tomorrow (well actually iv started them today)i need them to kick in 1st! scared

I have nicorette, want some? :laughing:

have u tried champix? it's amazing, there is just no craving!

Made me so sick that I had to give up on it.ill

yeah, made my friend ill - so he gave me his last night :banana:

Your banana dancing on his grave?surprised

no photo
Sat 08/08/09 03:56 AM
och't he's str8 oops :laughing:

no photo
Sat 08/08/09 03:57 AM

och't he's str8 oops :laughing:


rofl rofl

EtherealEmbers's photo
Sat 08/08/09 10:45 AM
After smoking for 14 years, I quit in 2005 for the 5th and final time. Had to put my daughter's picture into each sleeve of every pack to keep reminding me why I wanted to quit. It's been one of the toughest things I've ever done, but well worth it. I barely ever have to salt any of my food because I've found a new appreciation for the taste that I never had before. Plus it's nice not having to hack up a lung every morning. Now that I don't smoke, every time I pass someone that just had a cigarette, they damn near choke me to death. I had NO clue how badly a person stunk LONG AFTER they put their cigarette out. It's really quite disgusting.

Whatever you do, make sure you're quitting for you. I still have dreams about it now and then to this day, but I fight any urges and know that I can never pick one up again.

Good luck. I wish you all the best in your recovery from this addiction.

John1932's photo
Sat 08/08/09 10:53 AM
Edited by John1932 on Sat 08/08/09 10:55 AM

welp, at east your not pregnant.

Okay...THAT freaked me out.

Yea, Earthy, does that mean YOUR ??????
No way.

no photo
Sat 08/08/09 11:00 AM

ok, ok, i am gonna start over, thanks for the support folks smooched

Good morning it's 11:30 and this is the first day in over???? Maybe 17months that I have got to sleep in, however I was a awake at 6am told my grandchild to go potty... Loll

Then back to bed, to wake up at 8am... but I stayed in bed watching Cartoons, Gee they have changed sine I was a kid...

Anyway... I first came to this site. Before I destroy... all the other ones with my long long, ok. Long... Opinions...

This has made my day... THANK YOU SO MUCH! “You ARE THE MAN”!

I know I am strict, I know I'm a domineering and forceful most of the time, but it is only because I think of you as my friend, even if I do not know you, that is of no concern, it is that if I could give you just one thing before my time.. It would be Courage to live!

After having cancer and I know! I have! spoken of this often and I am sorry!... it is the most scariest thing ever and no one was there for me, I still have the fear.....what might have been! simple for another women was so devastating to me, and the person that helped me through it came from a on line dating site.. stinks like fish!

When I needed help this man out of the blues offered his time, home and place to help me. And when I was better he returned me to my home... I would have loved to [say we were compatible] but we were not...I wanted sex and he did not... LOL...

anyway... The reason I said that? was because there are people in this world who are willing to help others, we are so supportive in so many ways... It might not be to your lover, or even your kids at times but we always want to help one another...

Jesus was that way.... "Do not dwell in the house of the lord, come out and help the peasants, I will be in the streets washing there feet taking bread with them...

It is what we have done here today; we have come to a place to help a fellow peasant seeking advice, support, and to give courage to a stringer... Telling you' that you CAN DO IT YOU HAVE SUPPORT, from people who love you.... who care and want to be there for you..

we are all different, we are all in are own worlds, some are crying, some are dieing, and some are so lonely they could die, But this Machine is the only thing that saves us from the surroundings around us, we for the first time can talk to stringers and take are world away..

some talk with simple words, quick and simple one liners, others it takes for ever to type and say very few lines, But some are one in a million are like me who only knows Lightly words, who expresses feelings and emotions to help a fellow man/women.

Yes! I always put in my 200cents or tell about my life! but I get so many letters asking me to help, be part of there life, some run away, others stay and play.

But sites like this are supportive, encouraging and up lifting, it helps bring out the true nature of a human, which want only the best for that person...

We are such selfish creatures we only think of our self’s... ‘but today we can think of you”, in helping you!, telling you! About are stories, how we Quit, how we want to quit and we can make this site a special place.

So for all the Men and Women out there who really do want to quit. Today let’s support this man and Quit with him...

If you want to quit...

Add your name so he can see how many are WITH HIM... YOU don’t have to do this alone... We will suffer with you, we are going through the same thing with you, and for the ones that have quit, we can encourage the ones that are trying to quit...

We can help you with advice, how to stop the cravings... how to keep off the weight, and the keep anger and frustration down... how not to “snap off” everyone heads.... and most of all “How to have Courage” for the future is a much brighter place with out all of this.

About me: My experiences with smoking and what caused it and how I stoped it!
I stared when I was 14teen to tick off my parents, they were both smokers. Only one drank! My dad! When I met my husband I did not smoke but he did!.. I was a fool and went back to smoking to end up in a life of Hell…
My ex made us homeless 5 times in 18yrs, all because of cig, drinking and the rest.... but when I fought for my children’s rights and for me to be a non smoker... it was the toughest thing I had to do.

I have been on the gum, patch, the monitor that you push a button and it tells you when to have the next one.... however my ex, he would get up push the button and then when it went off he would bring me a cig... so it was not ME>>>>> that learned how to control>>>> me>>>> ME>>>>> it was him that thought him to control >>>> my ergs...

There came a day, in my life after the Rape! That I needed help badly. And I ran to cigs was smoking 3 packs a day... It was horrible, the teachers told me... Mrs. Smith your kids smell like cigarettes when they come in to class could you please not smoke around them... they were only in Kindergarten.... at the time... did that make me stop?.. Nope.... but it Ticked me off...

It took years, I smoked in my house, with my kids next to me sitting at the dinner table, and I smoked in the car with the windows up and loud music singing... YES! I love my kids, but it never dawned on me that I could be hurting my kids....

I saw no different in them, they were healthy I thought... all I cared was about me, and my husband smoked so it must be ok for me... he brought the cigs home, he always took great care of me, who was I to even question him, he New WHAT WAS BEST FOR ME!

But then, I got sick very sick convolutions and seizers started, I did not know why? Or what was happing to me... I thought I was dieing, why God me.... and yet after I had one I was given a cig to relive the stress and convolutions...

I was quitting drinking at the time, HINT>... no one even considered it might have had anything to do with it but... over 9 yrs later we realized, it was the drinking and smoking that was killing me...

It destroyed my husband to no repair, enough to run him into other women’s arms; it destroyed my kids for now they were left with a broken mother who was sick...

O God I cried, I was suffering so bad just pleases Let me Die, I did not care to be alive I tried to commit suicide.... in the false attempt one day.... a hand came down to me.... was it Jesus I will never know...

But it saved my life... It was my daughters!... I opened my eyes to see tears flowing down her face with my scared little boy next to her... as I laid on the floor I new that day I was really sick...

My husband came in that day after work, he picked me up and walked me into the Councilor Dr. Jenkins.... for week after week, I spoke my fear, my hatred, my tears begin.... I told him story afar story which should have been to my husband... but he hated me so! I was left alone to offend for my self... so i told Dr Jenkins...

With in 2yrs... I got stronger and stronger; he told me something I did not know...

Mrs. Smith if you take away the control from your husband, I guarantee you will never smoke again... Do not allow him to control your life, the way you think and talk, your feelings and emotions you have the right to them... I will give you a 'VOICE'...

SO I Stood UP... and Took my Life back. I sold my home and took a map I said were ever this coin lands is the place you kids will live just don't let it be HELL>>>>> oops...

I also asked my daughter to help me contact all the colleges in the united states... so you can go and become a Veterinary as your dreams are [this to become]... and my son a psychologist . I wonder why? I sure needed help... So we got week after week boxes of colleges.

The final 2 weeks before I packed all my stuff up and sold my home in Nevada! I was leaving my husband who had already been out of the house for almost 2yrs...

We had “set to go to Fort Colleens Colorado’, I was so tickled ready to go... until a week before we leave... and here comes a box... that had the best opportunity for my children. Stillwater Oklahoma OSU... 427 acre..... I was beside my self... NO I said... NO>... I through a huge screaming tantrum...

I have given up drinking given up smoking; I have given up my husband and my family, my house and my career... NO>. Not Oklahoma...

But here I am after 9 yrs.... Why tell this story...

Because it was not about the Cig... it was about “My life” I was so dang unhappy, I had no control over my world, who I was, the way I was, everyone an everything controlled me...


So my dear... I know this was a long letter... but NOW you all can see... it is not the Cigarettes that you need...

It is YOU>>>>> YOU NEED YOU!>>>>>

We are all here at Mingle2 to support the truth...

Tell us your story... your fears and emotions, tell us all what is really bothering you... We can not judge you for we do not know you!

To anyone and everyone who has a story on what really became of them quitting... there is an emotional side that caused it and one that releases it....

I am here to support you!!!!!

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 08/08/09 11:10 AM
When one quits smoking they have to want to first. It will be 7 years come this January that I quit. The only reason I quit was when my granddaughter was born she had a breathing problem and was on oxygen for a week. She in fact was coming home to live at my house.

At the time I smoked 3 packs a day so the only choice I had was to smoke outside which I would still have the smell on me which was still not good or quit. So I made up my mind for Kaitlynn I would quit. Which I did before she came home. It was not easy but well worth it!!

And yes I quit cold turkey I chewed gum, cut up straws to hold in my hand so I did not miss that motion from hand to mouth, found hard candy that was sugarless I liked cinnamon or butterscotch, and when the urge got real bad I cleaned house or worked in the yard.

At the end of each month I took some of the money I had saved and bought me something or went to eat somewhere I really liked but seldom went.

As far as the urge to have that cigarette with me it lessened as each day went by. After a few months it did not bother me and to this day I have no desire to smoke at all.

And I assure you that you will not only see a difference in the way you feel but the way that food taste to you. bigsmile

It does not matter how many times you quit and fall off the wagon what matters is that you try again. You will finally find that goal that will make you want to stay away from them...:thumbsup:

no photo
Sat 08/08/09 11:12 AM


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Sat 08/08/09 11:29 AM

YOU TO,,,I spotted last,,life....WHO NEEDS THIS.......WHY DON'T WOMEN HAVE THESE PROBLEMS?????

I can tell you story after story about women abusing there men, about women destroying there family's but it is not for me to say... for i was not the one..

in my life it was my husband...

I am not a man hatter i am a women however that was disrespected from her husband... I know there are great men, I just have never had the opportunity to Grab one!

But IF others would like to tell use about... women who destroyed the mans life with smoking and drinking drugs an sex... That would prove that it is not only MEN>>>>>> but WOMEN>>>>> destroying men an family....

and yet it is nothing about any of this.. it is my life to say, to show it had nothing to do with Smoking.. it had to do with one thing...


Because i was only a young girl at 21yrs old who went from my parents into a marriage... to a man who had more control then i did.
I was a animal in a cage.. screaming to be let out....

Again, this is not in anyway to Offend a man! not at anytime, it is too show I had no control, not over my life!... until i took my life back.. did i ever grow....


Jtevans's photo
Sat 08/08/09 11:38 AM
Fife is ragging?surprised scared shocked

newarkjw's photo
Sat 08/08/09 11:49 AM
Like I said. Smoke em if you got em... Support Kentucky. We grow some great tobacco......smokin

no photo
Sat 08/08/09 03:55 PM
well i've still got em grumble

LaDiiLoCa's photo
Sat 08/08/09 04:21 PM
Edited by LaDiiLoCa on Sat 08/08/09 04:22 PM

... smoking grumble

Ok smoking what??? lol jk

no photo
Sat 08/08/09 04:23 PM

... smoking grumble

Ok smoking what??? lol jk

not that! :wink:

EarthSprite's photo
Sat 08/08/09 04:26 PM
smokin :wink:

cottonelle's photo
Sat 08/08/09 04:29 PM
brits call it "smoking a fag"

no photo
Sat 08/08/09 04:31 PM

brits call it "smoking a fag"

or sucking on one!!!!!:wink: