Topic: A Special Thanks From Alex Jones: | |
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More sales, Alex?
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More sales, Alex? ![]() He is talking about the free copies of Obama deception. He makes no money on those. |
More sales, Alex? ![]() He is talking about the free copies of Obama deception. He makes no money on those. Free for 19.95 you mean.. You can even buy several. Show me where he is giving it away. And even if he did, it would only be to get people to buy his other materials. His thank you was just a push to get you to send his thank you to all our friends etc. Like I would send this stuff to a friend. Either way I would not waste my money on this guy. |
More sales, Alex? ![]() He is talking about the free copies of Obama deception. He makes no money on those. Free for 19.95 you mean.. You can even buy several. Show me where he is giving it away. And even if he did, it would only be to get people to buy his other materials. His thank you was just a push to get you to send his thank you to all our friends etc. Like I would send this stuff to a friend. Either way I would not waste my money on this guy. He provides a link to highquality vids on google and youtube on his website. |
More sales, Alex? ![]() He is talking about the free copies of Obama deception. He makes no money on those. Free for 19.95 you mean.. You can even buy several. Show me where he is giving it away. And even if he did, it would only be to get people to buy his other materials. His thank you was just a push to get you to send his thank you to all our friends etc. Like I would send this stuff to a friend. Either way I would not waste my money on this guy. He provides a link to highquality vids on google and youtube on his website. Good for him. thanks but no thanks. |
More sales, Alex? ![]() He is talking about the free copies of Obama deception. He makes no money on those. Free for 19.95 you mean.. You can even buy several. Show me where he is giving it away. And even if he did, it would only be to get people to buy his other materials. His thank you was just a push to get you to send his thank you to all our friends etc. Like I would send this stuff to a friend. Either way I would not waste my money on this guy. He provides a link to highquality vids on google and youtube on his website. Good for him. thanks but no thanks. Just wanted to point out that it wasn't all about profit. He does get a little "preachy" for me. And sometimes i think he looks a little too hard, JMO. But, he does point out some interesting facts. Some of these make perfect sense of what never made sense before. I have seen worse sources... |
More sales, Alex? ![]() He is talking about the free copies of Obama deception. He makes no money on those. Free for 19.95 you mean.. You can even buy several. Show me where he is giving it away. And even if he did, it would only be to get people to buy his other materials. His thank you was just a push to get you to send his thank you to all our friends etc. Like I would send this stuff to a friend. Either way I would not waste my money on this guy. He provides a link to highquality vids on google and youtube on his website. Good for him. thanks but no thanks. Just wanted to point out that it wasn't all about profit. He does get a little "preachy" for me. And sometimes i think he looks a little too hard, JMO. But, he does point out some interesting facts. Some of these make perfect sense of what never made sense before. I have seen worse sources... Anyone can mix facts with fiction, you just have to be good at it to make a living at it. He's a con man as far as I am concerned, so I don't bother with any of it anymore. It's a typical practice to give something away to get people hooked one's merchandise. He doesn't need the whole world to subscribe to his agenda to be rich. That is what is sleazy about it. Doesn't take a whole lot of people to create a scam, unfortunately. |
More sales, Alex? ![]() He is talking about the free copies of Obama deception. He makes no money on those. Free for 19.95 you mean.. You can even buy several. Show me where he is giving it away. And even if he did, it would only be to get people to buy his other materials. His thank you was just a push to get you to send his thank you to all our friends etc. Like I would send this stuff to a friend. Either way I would not waste my money on this guy. He provides a link to highquality vids on google and youtube on his website. Good for him. thanks but no thanks. Just wanted to point out that it wasn't all about profit. He does get a little "preachy" for me. And sometimes i think he looks a little too hard, JMO. But, he does point out some interesting facts. Some of these make perfect sense of what never made sense before. I have seen worse sources... Anyone can mix facts with fiction, you just have to be good at it to make a living at it. He's a con man as far as I am concerned, so I don't bother with any of it anymore. It's a typical practice to give something away to get people hooked one's merchandise. He doesn't need the whole world to subscribe to his agenda to be rich. That is what is sleazy about it. Doesn't take a whole lot of people to create a scam, unfortunately. So, what you are saying, is that he is merely pushing his agenda through, by using a combination of facts and fiction? Pehaps adding a lot of emotion to his statements to emphasize his points? Is this any different from FOX, MSNBC, or even CNN? |
More sales, Alex? ![]() He is talking about the free copies of Obama deception. He makes no money on those. Free for 19.95 you mean.. You can even buy several. Show me where he is giving it away. And even if he did, it would only be to get people to buy his other materials. His thank you was just a push to get you to send his thank you to all our friends etc. Like I would send this stuff to a friend. Either way I would not waste my money on this guy. He provides a link to highquality vids on google and youtube on his website. Good for him. thanks but no thanks. Just wanted to point out that it wasn't all about profit. He does get a little "preachy" for me. And sometimes i think he looks a little too hard, JMO. But, he does point out some interesting facts. Some of these make perfect sense of what never made sense before. I have seen worse sources... Anyone can mix facts with fiction, you just have to be good at it to make a living at it. He's a con man as far as I am concerned, so I don't bother with any of it anymore. It's a typical practice to give something away to get people hooked one's merchandise. He doesn't need the whole world to subscribe to his agenda to be rich. That is what is sleazy about it. Doesn't take a whole lot of people to create a scam, unfortunately. Something? The man gives all his movies away, you can find every film Mr. Jones has ever made for free on the net. Can you say that about any other documentary film maker? Spurlock, Moore, Pelosi? Do any of them just openly give permission for the average american to distribute their films for free? You talk of mixing fact with fiction, show me an example. Mr.Jones is the only guy out there presenting news that I've heard in the last decade who gets on air an apologizes when he makes a mistake. Does Limbaugh, Beck, Cooper, Blitzer or Olbermann do that? |
More sales, Alex? ![]() He is talking about the free copies of Obama deception. He makes no money on those. Free for 19.95 you mean.. You can even buy several. Show me where he is giving it away. And even if he did, it would only be to get people to buy his other materials. His thank you was just a push to get you to send his thank you to all our friends etc. Like I would send this stuff to a friend. Either way I would not waste my money on this guy. He provides a link to highquality vids on google and youtube on his website. Good for him. thanks but no thanks. Just wanted to point out that it wasn't all about profit. He does get a little "preachy" for me. And sometimes i think he looks a little too hard, JMO. But, he does point out some interesting facts. Some of these make perfect sense of what never made sense before. I have seen worse sources... Anyone can mix facts with fiction, you just have to be good at it to make a living at it. He's a con man as far as I am concerned, so I don't bother with any of it anymore. It's a typical practice to give something away to get people hooked one's merchandise. He doesn't need the whole world to subscribe to his agenda to be rich. That is what is sleazy about it. Doesn't take a whole lot of people to create a scam, unfortunately. Something? The man gives all his movies away, you can find every film Mr. Jones has ever made for free on the net. Can you say that about any other documentary film maker? Spurlock, Moore, Pelosi? Do any of them just openly give permission for the average american to distribute their films for free? You talk of mixing fact with fiction, show me an example. Mr.Jones is the only guy out there presenting news that I've heard in the last decade who gets on air an apologizes when he makes a mistake. Does Limbaugh, Beck, Cooper, Blitzer or Olbermann do that? Oh so you think he is giving them all away? Then why have merchandise for sale online or elsewhere? Please, don't ask me to believe the guy is doing this out of generosity. If I were him I would apologize too, if I expected to keep the money flowing in, but an apology here and there doesn't make his rhetoric true. Only to those that are willing to believe it. I am not talking about Rush and the others, I'm talking about Jones. I don't have the time to post proof of the fiction, if you wanted it you could find it on your own I am sure. But if you don't believe it's fiction you wouldn't accept it anyway. I know you like this guy, War, I am not trying to aggravate you, I just see this guy as a con man. |
O'Reilly does admit when The Factor is wrong. I think Papa Bear is the sraightest-shooter in the media. Even though,Beck entertains the hell out of me. be seeing you
More sales, Alex? ![]() He is talking about the free copies of Obama deception. He makes no money on those. Free for 19.95 you mean.. You can even buy several. Show me where he is giving it away. And even if he did, it would only be to get people to buy his other materials. His thank you was just a push to get you to send his thank you to all our friends etc. Like I would send this stuff to a friend. Either way I would not waste my money on this guy. He provides a link to highquality vids on google and youtube on his website. Good for him. thanks but no thanks. Just wanted to point out that it wasn't all about profit. He does get a little "preachy" for me. And sometimes i think he looks a little too hard, JMO. But, he does point out some interesting facts. Some of these make perfect sense of what never made sense before. I have seen worse sources... Anyone can mix facts with fiction, you just have to be good at it to make a living at it. He's a con man as far as I am concerned, so I don't bother with any of it anymore. It's a typical practice to give something away to get people hooked one's merchandise. He doesn't need the whole world to subscribe to his agenda to be rich. That is what is sleazy about it. Doesn't take a whole lot of people to create a scam, unfortunately. Something? The man gives all his movies away, you can find every film Mr. Jones has ever made for free on the net. Can you say that about any other documentary film maker? Spurlock, Moore, Pelosi? Do any of them just openly give permission for the average american to distribute their films for free? You talk of mixing fact with fiction, show me an example. Mr.Jones is the only guy out there presenting news that I've heard in the last decade who gets on air an apologizes when he makes a mistake. Does Limbaugh, Beck, Cooper, Blitzer or Olbermann do that? Oh so you think he is giving them all away? Then why have merchandise for sale online or elsewhere? Please, don't ask me to believe the guy is doing this out of generosity. If I were him I would apologize too, if I expected to keep the money flowing in, but an apology here and there doesn't make his rhetoric true. Only to those that are willing to believe it. I am not talking about Rush and the others, I'm talking about Jones. I don't have the time to post proof of the fiction, if you wanted it you could find it on your own I am sure. But if you don't believe it's fiction you wouldn't accept it anyway. I know you like this guy, War, I am not trying to aggravate you, I just see this guy as a con man. I get it, so the man isn't supposed to make any money, what so ever, to keep his organization running. By that logic, he'd have been bankrupt years ago. He sales T-shirts, memberships to prisonplanet Tv in order to fund the creation of the documentaries, to pay the costs of running an independant radio show. The radio comes to listeners for free and he sales the DVD's of his movies for about 6 months and then allows them to be dispersed on the net for free. On a side note, he opens his sales up to other film makers, authors and speakers as a way for them to disseminate their work, it's not like William Lewis' "Washington, You're fired" was going to show up at your neighborhood Blockbuster, next to Micheal Moore's "Farhenheit 9/11". oh, for the record, the "Obama deception" did come out for free, right from jump street, Mr. Jones did a fantastic job of getting a jump on the crap this puppet was going to pull and when you watch that movie and take a look at what is going on now, you get yourself an eye opening experience to deal with. Generosity isn't the right word, it's about necessity, the man has a message of freedom, liberty and truth. You call him a con man and a liar, I'd like to know where Mr.Jones has done that. I've been listening to him, watching his movies now, for about 4 years and I've never and I mean never, heard him lie. Does he make mistakes, sure, but he's a human being doing extraordinary work, again, when he does, he apologizes, which is far more than can be said for the CIA spooks inhabiting MSM. The thing is, you can say that I'd just believe whatever Alex would say, but there's a small problem with that logic, I do my own research, which is the most repeated line Alex Jones says on his show. I read for myself, I look at where the stories are coming from and I make up my own mind. if you feel like calling Alex a conman and a liar, fine, thats your right under the first, but at least have the decency to qualify that accusation with some evidence, because I've never found any... other than the wackjobs that post videos saying "Alex Jones is a vatican assasin, Jesuit reptoid." I'm simply not going to stand by while a guy who works his butt off to bring truth to the people gets slandered. There aren't many that I would stand up for this way, Ron Paul, Jesse Ventura, Dennis Kuchinich, even Cynthia McKinney. Those are folks from all over the political spectrum, that stand by the idea that freedom and liberty are good things and that our Constitution is there to ensure those things, to restrain Government from taking them away. |
O'Reilly does admit when The Factor is wrong. I think Papa Bear is the sraightest-shooter in the media. Even though,Beck entertains the hell out of me. be seeing you LOL... I freely admit that I watch Beck, just for entertainment purposes... frankly the man is funny. With all the trash he talks on the left and Bill Maher talks on the right, false paradigm or not, I'd pay cash to watch those 2 debate. If Beck hadn't left HNN, I'd never... ever have turned on Fox. It's funny, now that Obama's in office, Fox has turned away from their support the government at all costs, or you're unpatriotic stance and are now trumpeting the dissent is patriotism line. How long will that last? If Mr. O'reilly indeed makes apologies when he is wrong, then I give him kudos for that. |