Topic: Study finds depression strikes kids as young as 3 | |
Study finds depression strikes kids as young as 3 By LINDSEY TANNER ASSOCIATED PRESS Aug. 3, 2009, 11:17PM CHICAGO —Depression in children as young as 3 is real and not just a passing grumpy mood, according to provocative new research. The study is billed as the first to show major depression can be chronic even in very young children, contrary to the stereotype of the happy-go-lucky preschooler. Until fairly recently, “people really haven't paid much attention to depressive disorders in children under the age of 6,” said lead author Dr. Joan Luby, a psychiatrist at Washington University in St. Louis. “They didn't think it could happen … because children under 6 were too emotionally immature to experience it.” Previous research suggested that depression affects about 2 percent of U.S. preschoolers, or roughly 160,000 youngsters, at one time or another. But it was unclear whether depression in preschoolers could be chronic, as it can be in older children and adults. Luby's research team followed more than 200 preschoolers, ages 3 to 6, for up to two years, including 75 diagnosed with major depression. The children had up to four mental health exams during the study. Among initially depressed children, 64 percent were still depressed or had a recurrent episode of depression six months later, and 40 percent still had problems after two years. Overall, nearly 20 percent had persistent or recurrent depression at all four exams. Depression was most common in children whose mothers were also depressed or had other mood disorders, and among those who had experienced a traumatic event, such as the death of a parent or physical or sexual abuse. The new study, funded by the National Institute of Mental Health and released Monday in the August issue of Archives of General Psychiatry, did not examine depression treatment, which is highly controversial among children so young. Some advocates say parents and doctors are too quick to give children powerful psychiatric drugs. Gaining acceptance Though sure to raise eyebrows among lay people, the notion that children so young can get depressed is increasingly accepted in psychiatry. University of Chicago psychiatrist Dr. Sharon Hirsch said the public thinks of preschoolers as carefree. “They get to play. Why would they be depressed?” she said. But depression involves chemical changes in the brain that can affect even youngsters with an otherwise happy life, said Hirsch, who was not involved in the study. “When you have that problem, you just don't have that ability to feel good,” she said. And, in fact, Luby said she has separate, unpublished research showing that chemical changes seen in older children also occur in depressed preschoolers. Dr. Helen Egger, a Duke University psychiatrist who also has studied childhood depression, said it is common among people in her field to first see depressed kids in their teens. Their parents will say symptoms began very early in childhood, but they were told, “Your child will grow out of them,” Egger said. Typical preschoolers can be moody or have temper tantrums, but they quickly bounce back and appear happy when playing or doing everyday activities. Depressed children appear sad even when playing, and their games may have themes of death or other somber topics. Persistent lack of appetite, sleep problems, and frequent temper tantrums that involve biting, kicking or hitting also are signs of possible depression, Egger said. University of Massachusetts psychologist Lisa Cosgrove said she is skeptical about the accuracy of labeling preschoolers as depressed, because diagnostic tools for evaluating mental health in children aren't as well tested as those used for adults. And Cosgrove said that while early treatment is important for troubled children, “we just have to make sure that those interventions aren't compromised” by industry pressure to use drugs. Source |
oh yeah, id imagine so. I mean even my pets get depressed.
Well duh
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what are they eating?
I love this post, I have been taking care of kids for 27yrs! And believe me this is a understatement for the kids today..
These kids are being thrown into childcare centers, back into the homes back to the parents and over and over, then given to the grandparents, an back the the parents, and God forbid if the parents are divorcing and the child is only 15months old, OOO gee.. it is nuts. I had this 2 yr old boy, I have spoken about him before on a diffrent thread. Well, one day the mother walks up to the father drops all the young child's cloths on the door and said. Sorry you take him I'm going into rehab for the next 2 yrs! no joking! Meth! ect. So the father was working a 14teen hour job in the first place to pay for CHILD SUPPORT, for the child, OK.. now what? Well, here is the out come of a year. This child's father now had to work 2 jobs he worked 7 days a week 14hr shifts and a part time job at a paper factory. the 2yr old child was in #3 three childcare providers care. This child came to me at 5pm until 11pm M-F, but from 8am to 4pm he was with the first childcare center. Then on SAT and SUN he was with the third!.. Now if this is not stress and depression you tell me what causes it, his mother abandons him, his fathers he only sees at 1:30 am to 3am if that! then back to the baby sitters. I told the father i would take him full time and I did, 7 days a week 10 hrs a day it helped but he still had a second baby sitter to help with the other hours. This is normal everyone... normal.. if it is not the boys it is the little girls who's mother is working 3 jobs trying to pay her bills and is stuck on dhs! The depression from Preservatives in can good and jars in baby food is nuts it makes the kids crazy in the brain.. so I only feed Natural foods in my center to infants... I make all my food homemade no matter what for these kids and i feed them every two hours.. I had a infant 3 months old who's parents had her stay away for 18teen hrs a day... NO JOKING>>> and she never got fed but 3 times a day the child has so much vial in her stomach she was sick all the time... until i started feeding her food.... and changing her formula.. also..Formula will cause depression in a child. I see it all the time.. I hope they do more study on this.. because i could tell them story after story.. on all of this.. it is true everything i read in this file is so true.. Glad someone is finally listing.. These kids are under so much stress now adays... it is amazing... Thank you for posting this... Tell me do you think a 7yr old can be a full fledged bi-polar child??? now is that depression at a early age or what????? this stuff is so true... help the children... |
Working for the welfare department, you know and see these kids with the dead eyes. They have no joy in their lives. Born to poverty to begin with and then having parents who are gone all the time or worse parents who should have never had kids to begin with.
It is no shocker for anyone who deals with children that they have depression, anxiety and stress disorders. |
P.s. I am going to add this!
I have just had a 4yr old who is so shut down that she can not even express herself. She has speech problems, she dose not know her colors, shapes, or abc, 123. she can not think in the scene if you ask her to do something she is standing there frozen! unsure what to do? By the time the child left I had her learn all her numbers, adenify with who people are in are community, and know that she is a good person! Just a child lost with out a direction! she is so scared of her own shadow and all she wants to do is sleep even after waking up she wakes up in the most horrible mood, she is mean and rude and snappish, she gives you eyes that would scare the devial away to run.. that is how angry this child is, if this child would only be this one day out of the summer but it is 4 days out of 5 days!. She is like this. She will not work for anything to get a reward, she will wait until it is given to her! so she no's nothing to look forward two! she will play dress up but she spanks her child, yells at her cusses and throws the baby on the grown. She argues from the time she wakes up to the time she left with everyone, no matter what it was it was a argue!... She once told me she was a bad child and that her mother hated her? and that she had no one to love her!.... Now that is depression in the long term.. only to be told that her grandmother said someday she will be put in a institution for the mentally ill.... REMEMBER SHE IS ONLY 4 YRS OLD.. and that is her outline plan for the future! God help all children! |
Are there cases where some folks just have a chemical imbalance or are simply broken emotionally?
Yep. However, the use of antidepressants doubled between 1996 and 2005. Thats ridiculous. Being sad is apart of the human condition and you become stronger as a person when you face the situation that fosters sadness head on and overcome it. I grew up dirt poor and lived in states custody as a kid, however, I'm a much better and stronger person, after I dumped the pharma mind bending psychotropics and faced life like a man, like an adult. Just my take, no two people are the same and as such will handle things differently. |
Are there cases where some folks just have a chemical imbalance or are simply broken emotionally? Yep. However, the use of antidepressants doubled between 1996 and 2005. Thats ridiculous. Being sad is apart of the human condition and you become stronger as a person when you face the situation that fosters sadness head on and overcome it. I grew up dirt poor and lived in states custody as a kid, however, I'm a much better and stronger person, after I dumped the pharma mind bending psychotropics and faced life like a man, like an adult. Just my take, no two people are the same and as such will handle things differently. There is a difference between depression and feeling down because of some life events. If you are suggesting that there is an over-diagnosis of mental illnesses and prescriptions for them though, I might be inclined to agree. It would seem especially so in children and teens. |
what are they eating? Nah, my animals just dont like it when they cant do something, or they dont get something they want or something.. they hang their heads, and get weepy, and sigh, and yawn out of anxiety. You know.. our pets spend their lives in waiting really, they really depend on us. |