Topic: The Power of Music | |
I understand the black family structure is broken and steadily declining more every day, and all blame for misguided children comes from a lack of effective positive family influence form the parents and the extended family. I’m not calling all parents inept, but in most cases circumstances don’t allow a child to receive the full potential of guidance one would expect, because of such common phenomenon as single parent households.
With the new Dynamics of Parenthood, where parents are much too caught up in making money to suppose the home children are left to themselves in many cases. Children find passive entertainment such as music (audio/video), movies, Video games, and T.V., as easy ways to pass time. These mediums introduce very young children to new ideas, things they may have yet to experience, so through the medium the child lives vicariously and feels as if he or she has actually shot a gun at a person in the case of video games, or they are a gangster or sex symbol through their ability to recite the lyrics of a song. Mass Media has a profound effect on people in general but more so on younger people because they have yet to really experience certain things in life. The most powerful of all Media is Music. Music has the Ability to change a person’s mood very easily, and the rhythmic patter of music easily opens up our subconscious mind to suggestion. Since the beginning of time music has been use to mold the psyche of cultures, in religion music plays a important role as in regards to worship, in the mental health field music is used to put people under hypnosis to prep them for suggestive theory, in our everyday lives music drives our emotions whether it be for a distraction at work, relaxing at leisure, to prep for intimacy, or you get app-ed up for the club, music touches our most primeval senses. When a child is in his mothers womb the 1st sense it gains is the ability to hear, and the 1st thing heard is the rhythmic heart beat which all musical arrangements are designed to mimic. I believe music to be the number one reason outside of the lack of effective parenting for the erosion of the moral fabric of young people today. Today’s mainstream music is filled with overt sex and violence, children from the day they are born are bombarded with lewd imagery that take a toll on their ability to consciously make the right choices in life. For example If the most celebrated music artist is promoting Murder and Debauchery in all their songs, which are being played simultaneously all over the world millions of times a day, the views of those songs would have to in some way become socially acceptable. You may disagree, but not one can listen to something over and over again without some part of the massage being ingrained in their subconscious. Think about it have you ever hated a song but you knew every word of that song? |