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Topic: rate the person above you from 1--10 scale - part 2
Emily1990's photo
Sun 05/16/10 06:58 PM
part of being single, get to enjoy that flirty side laugh besides its so fun to tease! :angel:

10 for the man with a promise of a fun spankin!

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sun 05/16/10 07:04 PM
10 for my beautiful young cherub^^ who is eagerly anticipating me spanking her! love smooched drool pitchfork flowers smitten

Emily1990's photo
Sun 05/16/10 07:08 PM
10 for the man who knows what i like embarassed

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sun 05/16/10 07:16 PM
10 for the dexterous and beautiful young lady above love flowerforyou drool smitten flowers smitten smitten smitten

Emily1990's photo
Sun 05/16/10 07:58 PM
dexterous... yes.. *pretends she didnt trip on an ant hill today* embarassed
some more 10s for the sweety ^^

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sun 05/16/10 08:17 PM
some more 10s for my flirtatious young beauty^^ who knows how to keep me interested in her love love smitten smitten flowers

4ofakind's photo
Sun 05/16/10 08:19 PM
lol u guys should just hook up already ****

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sun 05/16/10 08:21 PM

lol u guys should just hook up already ****

I know! Being so far away from her is no fun! frustrated tears

Emily1990's photo
Sun 05/16/10 08:21 PM
Edited by Emily1990 on Sun 05/16/10 08:22 PM
9.5 4ofakind .. im really liking those glasses more i see them.

and lol its just back and forth cause theres so few others to bug xD

10 again for above

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sun 05/16/10 08:22 PM
Edited by heavenlyboy34 on Sun 05/16/10 08:23 PM

9.5 4ofakind .. im really liking those glasses more i see them.

and lol its just back and forth cause theres so few others to bug xD

10 again for above

You can bug me anytime, babes! (except when I'm on a tight deadline, then you'll have to wait till evening :wink: ) And more 10s for you, btw.

4ofakind's photo
Sun 05/16/10 08:25 PM

9.5 4ofakind .. im really liking those glasses more i see them.

and lol its just back and forth cause theres so few others to bug xD

10 again for above

well if i play my cards right u can see them in person ha soo imma go above and beyond the rules here and say stright up 100 for the lovely emily

Emily1990's photo
Sun 05/16/10 08:31 PM
begining to wonder if this 10 has become a prize to fight for ;) yeah il stick with 9.5 your a cutey and personality keeps number up ^^

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sun 05/16/10 08:33 PM
perfect 10 for my beauty queen, Emily. love smitten

4ofakind's photo
Sun 05/16/10 08:38 PM

begining to wonder if this 10 has become a prize to fight for ;) yeah il stick with 9.5 your a cutey and personality keeps number up ^^

9.5 is better then what i got b4 and the only prize worth fighting for is you doll ;)

Emily1990's photo
Sun 05/16/10 08:52 PM

begining to wonder if this 10 has become a prize to fight for ;) yeah il stick with 9.5 your a cutey and personality keeps number up ^^

9.5 is better then what i got b4 and the only prize worth fighting for is you doll ;)

"this ten" implied me silly :angel: 9.5 is good! too high is perfection, if perfect then theres nothing to challenge with laugh

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sun 05/16/10 08:53 PM
You're still a 10, beautiful! love flowerforyou :heart: smooched drool smitten flowers

4ofakind's photo
Sun 05/16/10 08:54 PM
no but a ten in ur eyes can make u happy for the rest of your life and someone like u shouldnt settle for nothing less then a ten

Emily1990's photo
Sun 05/16/10 09:07 PM
9.6 ^^ such a sweety

4ofakind's photo
Sun 05/16/10 09:11 PM
just stating the truth!!!!!!

Emily1990's photo
Sun 05/16/10 09:15 PM
truth is bonus points! 9.6 is staying! :P

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