Topic: "Summertime"
sweetcountrygirl's photo
Sun 05/20/07 06:55 PM
My eyes closed. I dream a dream
a dream of youth and freedom sings
running and playing in the fields
barefoot and free, in the breeze
wildflowers growing on every hill
no glass or pollution to hurt or kill
We stayed out till dark
then went home
ate supper, and back out again
playing hide and seek
and childrens games,
we caught cricketss and bugs
and let them go
lightening bugs in jugs and watched them glow
drank water from the water hose
swam in ponds down the road
no worries, no cares
just the summertime haze...

karmafury's photo
Sun 05/20/07 07:12 PM
Now those were good times. Very nice SCG>flowerforyou flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

passionart's photo
Sun 05/20/07 08:00 PM
flowerforyou Believe it or not, I remember summer days like that!!!
(smile) A time so pure, so innocent........ Thank you for the
memory!!!flowerforyou Well done, lady!!!

LAMom's photo
Sun 05/20/07 08:59 PM
{{{{{{{{{{ Wanda }}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Summertime flowerforyou
Beautiful :heart:

Gryphyn's photo
Sun 05/20/07 09:28 PM

flowerforyou bigsmile


sweetcountrygirl's photo
Mon 05/21/07 03:01 PM
(((Karma)))...YES they were/are...I am learning to relive my youth by
enjoying my childrens adventures more and more these days! Thank

passionartflowerforyou Through a childs eyes innocence is so
pure...and life is so magical...No matter how "old" we think we are, we
always have our memories to wake our

(((((LAMOM))))I love summertime...I forgot to mention the wonderful
smells of BBQ in the air and watermelon...ummmmmflowerforyou

(((((G)))))always a pleasure ...Thank you my friends:heart:

no photo
Mon 05/21/07 07:54 PM
Great write SCG...its great reliving this through our kids or nieces and
nephew in my caseflowerforyou bigsmile