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Topic: Are people really this useless?
FearandLoathing's photo
Thu 07/23/09 03:26 AM
I just got off work, worked about 12 hours because one of my coworkers went into diabetic shock last night and I had to call an ambulance. Not that any of that bothers me as I hope they would do the same in a given situation, what does bother me however is the store was full of customers when I initially left...I came back because I figured he didn't look so good and I should check on him, so I walk in and there he is kneeling on the floor making a mess of the liqour cabinet (bunch of bottles just strewn about and one broken as he was quite disoriented)...and to what do I hear from the peanut gallery? "Better help out your boy" or "I want what he is on"...brilliant, you want a shot of insulin to help your meager existence on?

Little peeved that absolutely no one called 911 except for me, there had to be at least a dozen different people in that store and not one of them used their damn cell phone to call 911...

PATSFAN's photo
Thu 07/23/09 03:28 AM
No compassion from some people these days!

lonetar25's photo
Thu 07/23/09 03:36 AM
i had a similer experiance when working as a motercycle mechanic
a lad fell to his knees, and know one moved from their work benches,
i sorted him out and asked someone to ring for an ambulance, wich took them a good 5 minutes to actually do.
dumb ***** slaphead

transientmind's photo
Thu 07/23/09 03:51 AM
Edited by transientmind on Thu 07/23/09 03:59 AM
My aunt called 911 because there were "giant spiders in the house." She was hallucinating, wildly spraying the house with poison.

The police arrived, laughed at her and left.

She also called my mother, who sorted out that my aunt's meds had conflicted.

The very embarrassed chief of police chewed the officers out and sent them to sensitivity training. ...Supposedly...

Nickvanillagorilla's photo
Thu 07/23/09 03:55 AM
Edited by Nickvanillagorilla on Thu 07/23/09 04:07 AM
im not suprised sadly, i have heard and seen simalar incidents. 1 being my own father going into a diabetic coma while the silver nuggets security guards dragged him on his knees as he suffered deep cuts in his wrists from some little hand cuffs and attempted to take him to the "back room" instead dropped him down some steps, luckily my little sister holly was with him and got the police there who got him up by giving him some sprite. 2 i got out of jail in el paso texas and i live in vegas did not know the area at all walked to the main bus stop in jail slippers(they took me barefooted and legally could not release me without shoes)anyway i walked and found the main bus station so i could get my car out of the impound for pos. of .5 gram of weed and hear a loud flesh to concreate smack behind me. I turn around and this man is lying on the ground and had fallen off the bus steps and went into a seziure. I had a daschund that had seizures, people just stood and looked as if more amazed than concerned. I tried best to relax his muscles by holding him to me, i had never seen so much blood and damaged to someone yet i wasnt shocked or amazed i just wanted too help because i knew he was hurt bad and it could make it worse moving aroud or he could die if he choked on his tounge, finally someone told me turn him on his side and set his forearm against his back, after alot choking and moving he finally came too and started too breathe, he keep trying too stand and i keep telling you gotta stay down with me your hurt man, the fire dept and emt showed up and poured bleach on my hands in case of some kind of blood infection or something it was insane to me how people were watching and making comments about well we cant do anything, just let him go through it. With my dad it happend around 10 years ago, this guy i saw december 14 2008.sad2 ohwell spock

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 07/23/09 04:00 AM
Oh yeah, I've seen the sheeple.

Queene123's photo
Thu 07/23/09 04:13 AM
Edited by Queene123 on Thu 07/23/09 04:25 AM
im a diabetic and when i first found out i was. its been 10yrs (something like that) my suger level was 23 and i didnt pay any attention, i felt a little dizzy and i was going over to my moms for it was halloween, i walked in and went right to sleep and i locked the door, my daughter was banging on the door for she just got out of school, she woke me, which was a good thing.

another time my suger was low was i was working the night shift so i was closing and when i would do that i would go to my moms for it was closer than my place
i felt fine when i left, and ate something when i got to my moms, but didnt eat that much, i woke up about 4am, with my skin clammy and i was sweating. i dont remember what my suger level was but i got some more to eat and i was fine.....

there was another time when i was in the hospitol for i had a infection and a temp of 105
it was like a few days after i was admited they were doing these tests and my suger level was 65. i felt fine. but the nurse thought other wise and gave me a suger solution, where it raised my sugerlevel to 220 and they were wondering why(such idiots)

and also that same week, i was going to dialysis and i was really tired my sugerlevel was low and they had not given me my lunch, i got into dialysis and i was not thinking streght and they were able to tell and they ask me when i had lunch, which i didnt so they did my suger and it was 52. normally i wouldnt of had a problem. but soon as i ate i was fine..

my son is also a diabetic.. he had a issue about 4months ago his suger was 120 and he takes the shots. well im not sure what all happen but he ate but he didnt seem to eat enough for 20min after he was having problems where he couldnt even sit in his chair, my mom called the parametics and his suger level was 30(that was way to fast) they took him to the hospitol gave him more to eat and he was there for a few hours

there was one time i was working the nite shift and i was so drained for i had to get up in the morning and open... i called the head cook at home and i told him that my sugerlevel was low and he called the main boss... they were both very understanding and in fact the next day i was on schedule. but i found out that he took me off so i could get some rest. which was very nice of him

when i was pg with my son i had developed genstaional diabetics and after i had him i didnt have to take anymore shots. when i started taking the diabetic class they said normaly after the first 2yrs after you had a child(when you had genstational diabetics) you would become a full blown diabetic. that wasent true, they thought my son was 2yrs, which he wasent he was about 8yrs old then....

prisoner's photo
Thu 07/23/09 04:27 AM
Years ago,when I was managing a record store. A female employee of mine fell off a ladder. As I was helping her up off the floor and making sure she was alright,a customer asked me 'Where can I find the new Hootie And The Blowfish cd?'. Some people are just stupid,self-centered,compassionless and have no taste in music. be seeing you

michiganman3's photo
Thu 07/23/09 05:01 AM
Ah the Difference between
Genius and Ignorance,

Genius has limits

shoesmonkey's photo
Thu 07/23/09 05:13 AM
I cut my hand on a meat slicer at work once. Was bleeding all over the place. A customer was pissed because I couldn't wait on them.

Queene123's photo
Thu 07/23/09 05:16 AM

I cut my hand on a meat slicer at work once. Was bleeding all over the place. A customer was pissed because I couldn't wait on them.

let the customer be pissed, you have to take care of yourself.. unless you want to tell them. do you want blood for a sandwichgrumble

prisoner's photo
Thu 07/23/09 05:18 AM

I cut my hand on a meat slicer at work once. Was bleeding all over the place. A customer was pissed because I couldn't wait on them.
flowerforyou gm,shoe. be seeing you

auburngirl's photo
Thu 07/23/09 09:37 AM
Yep, People never cease to amaze, do they? noway

Tazz42's photo
Thu 07/23/09 09:41 AM

I just got off work, worked about 12 hours because one of my coworkers went into diabetic shock last night and I had to call an ambulance. Not that any of that bothers me as I hope they would do the same in a given situation, what does bother me however is the store was full of customers when I initially left...I came back because I figured he didn't look so good and I should check on him, so I walk in and there he is kneeling on the floor making a mess of the liqour cabinet (bunch of bottles just strewn about and one broken as he was quite disoriented)...and to what do I hear from the peanut gallery? "Better help out your boy" or "I want what he is on"...brilliant, you want a shot of insulin to help your meager existence on?

Little peeved that absolutely no one called 911 except for me, there had to be at least a dozen different people in that store and not one of them used their damn cell phone to call 911...

This is the way our society has become....
Numb to the fact that there are emergencies that exist....
Selfish to the idea that there is a world past thier own face....
And judgemental to an extreme that disgusts me.......

lilith401's photo
Thu 07/23/09 09:46 AM
People suck, most of the time. Cherish those that don't.

earthytaurus76's photo
Thu 07/23/09 09:48 AM
I had a seizure in the gym when I was 18. Noone even thought to take me to the hospital, and I was so disoriented for hours after I didnt think about it.

something really bad could have happened, but they just wanted to brush it off, and send me home, and get rid of me.

I was there with my "friend" who was friends with the owner, she just wanted to help him to sweep it under the carpet, so she just dropped me off at home.

no photo
Thu 07/23/09 09:48 AM

People suck, most of the time. Cherish those that don't.


So true.

prisoner's photo
Thu 07/23/09 09:51 AM

People suck, most of the time. Cherish those that don't.
:thumbsup: be seeing you

no photo
Thu 07/23/09 09:51 AM
Thank the govt for taking all the responsibility away from citizens.
Meaning, if they slip and fall... it's not their fault, it's the store's fault. (bullsh*t)

And thank you to all the people that sue the good samaritans and win. Makes people think twice about helping others.

Queene123's photo
Thu 07/23/09 09:55 AM

I had a seizure in the gym when I was 18. Noone even thought to take me to the hospital, and I was so disoriented for hours after I didnt think about it.

something really bad could have happened, but they just wanted to brush it off, and send me home, and get rid of me.

I was there with my "friend" who was friends with the owner, she just wanted to help him to sweep it under the carpet, so she just dropped me off at home.

huh explode that was no friend....

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