Snugglesbyfire's photo
Fri 07/31/09 02:41 PM
I am going to think positive.

no photo
Fri 07/31/09 02:41 PM
We have until 8/28 but if we get 10 people signed up, they'll extend it another 30 days. I'm not putting my deposit until the 15th.

andreajayne's photo
Fri 07/31/09 02:48 PM
I wore my rocketdog tennis shoes today to work, I've owned them like 6 months and wear them all the time, and they gave me a blister on my heel today... it hurts LOL

chevylover1965's photo
Fri 07/31/09 03:35 PM
that was some funny stuff the other thread !laugh
ya, right i dont even wear shorts outside ...........

no photo
Fri 07/31/09 03:42 PM
Ok, Kevin, that's just wrong! It's too hot not to wear shorts! As for the man thong, I've never seen one of those on a cruise (yet) but there were LOTS of men (and men who really were old enough to know better) wearing speedos laugh laugh

chevylover1965's photo
Fri 07/31/09 03:46 PM
lol, i never wear short's........
i wear boxers around the house and thats it !

and speedo's ......surprised
i use to have a guy that lived down the road ....that would mow his year in a speedo and man was he hairy !!!!!!!!!scared rofl scared

andreajayne's photo
Fri 07/31/09 03:48 PM

lol, i never wear short's........
i wear boxers around the house and thats it !

and speedo's ......surprised
i use to have a guy that lived down the road ....that would mow his year in a speedo and man was he hairy !!!!!!!!!scared rofl scared

ewwwww.... hairy man in speedo...... sick sick sick sick

chevylover1965's photo
Fri 07/31/09 03:50 PM
ya, he looked like he had a gorilla suit on .....noway laugh

andreajayne's photo
Fri 07/31/09 04:02 PM
sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick

yuck! i know a guy like that it poke up out of his shirt, and i just wanna wax him LOL

chevylover1965's photo
Fri 07/31/09 04:03 PM
laugh laugh laugh

andreajayne's photo
Fri 07/31/09 04:05 PM
he's the one with the mustang i told ya about... the car is purdy... him driving it with his hair poking out... totally defeats the purpose of the car LOL

no photo
Fri 07/31/09 06:14 PM
Well, he drives a Forrrdddddddddd!
Sorry, I have a hard time with that name.oops
And I wear shorts and usually shirtless at home.
I don't give a rats arse!

andreajayne's photo
Fri 07/31/09 09:13 PM
and what is wrong with Ford?!? I love my fords! My contour took 4 accidents and ran like a champ... well til the last one LOL! And my explorer was my baby! Now I have my focus, and while its small, the gas milage is GREAT! Ive been running the same tank of gas for 2 weeks now and just barely under 3/4 of a tank!

I think my next buy with be the new Edge! I miss the SUV too much! If I don't go with an Edge, I'm gonna go with an F150! I would love a mustang, but they are just not ideal here unless you have a spare car LOL.

chevylover1965's photo
Fri 07/31/09 09:20 PM
surprised you said the f-word......ooooommmmm im telling !

andreajayne's photo
Fri 07/31/09 09:31 PM
i'm gonna get the same tat as you as a tramp stamp, but put the ford symbol in place of the *cough cough* chevy symbol!

chevylover1965's photo
Fri 07/31/09 09:32 PM

i'm gonna get the same tat as you as a tramp stamp, but put the ford symbol in place of the *cough cough* chevy symbol!
scared thats funny !surprised

andreajayne's photo
Fri 07/31/09 09:35 PM
I use to be a chevy girl... back in high school! I hung out with the car guys and they were all chevy guys... then I married a ford guy and thats all i've owned since... hmmm... maybe i shouldnt be a ford girl! LOL... but i really do love my fords!

chevylover1965's photo
Fri 07/31/09 09:37 PM
ford is a bad word to me .....laugh

yeahitsmeok's photo
Fri 07/31/09 11:27 PM
Good morning all

no photo
Sat 08/01/09 03:58 AM