Topic: Need some quick advice | |
I was with a girl for 3 months, at the end of those 3 months she saw an ex of hers that used to rape and abuse her. She then got drunk that night and revealed to me through text message her whole life of abuse starting at age five, which i never knew of the 3 months i was with her. She said that she wanted to still be with me, but could'nt commit. So i decided to give her some space and just be friends until she was able to bring that wall down that she said would take awhile. I made my peace with the fact that we were not going to be together at all in the future, so i started talking to other women. That made her jealous, and she started talking to a guy that was her friend for many years. She told him about us and how i had moved on and how much it hurt her. He then jumped in at the right moment and started telling her that he has always loved her and her kids. He then asked her for a commitment and she said yes, only because she thought i had moved on. She called me and told me this like i was supposed to be happy or something. I told her how i really felt and that i never wanted to break up, but had to because i was trying to give her what she wanted. Well, she just could'nt leave this guy for some strange reason even after knowing how i truly felt. She said that they already made plans for her and her kids to move in with him and he is being shipped off to Iraq in a few weeks. So again i make my peace and start talking to other women. Now she's calling me telling me things are not going so well with him. She told me that he seems controlling and he is the jealous type and after sex he does'nt say anything to her he just turns his back to her and goes to sleep. She tells me that she feels used. She sent me pictures today of her kids, which is cool because i do remain in their lives because of the daddy like bond i have with them. When i call her she starts talking about more things not going right. Keep in mind that this guy, when he came in, started buying things for her and her mom and her kids. Now what should i do? I think she regrets losing me and wants to get back with me, just does'nt know how to say it. All she does is tell me the problems she has with him. I do love her and her two little girls, but, i have also moved on and started talking to other women. Should i move on and just remain a friend to her and a daddy figure to her kids? Or should i get back with her and be her lover and the live in daddy to her girls? Also, does this guy sound like he has diffrent motives for her and the kids than what he's saying? From what she's telling me he seems like he might be one of those nice at first then abusive later type guys and if that's the case, i feel the need to protect her and her kids from this guy. I would love some advice if you got it.
unfortunately you cannot protect her (or her precious children) from her crazy mixed up self...good luck...and most of all do what's best for you
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Sun 07/19/09 04:35 PM
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I think you should find someone without so much drama.
It's not fair to assume he might be abusive later.. you're only hearing her side of the story which I'm sure is a side that makes things look good for her and bad for him...
In life we make choices, I'd say she made hers and should deal with it herself... Why would you want to be 2nd choice? |
Edited by
Sun 07/19/09 04:33 PM
I was with a girl for 3 months, at the end of those 3 months she saw an ex of hers that used to rape and abuse her. She then got drunk that night and revealed to me through text message her whole life of abuse starting at age five, which i never knew of the 3 months i was with her. She said that she wanted to still be with me, but could'nt commit. So i decided to give her some space and just be friends until she was able to bring that wall down that she said would take awhile. I made my peace with the fact that we were not going to be together at all in the future, so i started talking to other women. That made her jealous, and she started talking to a guy that was her friend for many years. She told him about us and how i had moved on and how much it hurt her. He then jumped in at the right moment and started telling her that he has always loved her and her kids. He then asked her for a commitment and she said yes, only because she thought i had moved on. She called me and told me this like i was supposed to be happy or something. I told her how i really felt and that i never wanted to break up, but had to because i was trying to give her what she wanted. Well, she just could'nt leave this guy for some strange reason even after knowing how i truly felt. She said that they already made plans for her and her kids to move in with him and he is being shipped off to Iraq in a few weeks. So again i make my peace and start talking to other women. Now she's calling me telling me things are not going so well with him. She told me that he seems controlling and he is the jealous type and after sex he does'nt say anything to her he just turns his back to her and goes to sleep. She tells me that she feels used. She sent me pictures today of her kids, which is cool because i do remain in their lives because of the daddy like bond i have with them. When i call her she starts talking about more things not going right. Keep in mind that this guy, when he came in, started buying things for her and her mom and her kids. Now what should i do? I think she regrets losing me and wants to get back with me, just does'nt know how to say it. All she does is tell me the problems she has with him. I do love her and her two little girls, but, i have also moved on and started talking to other women. Should i move on and just remain a friend to her and a daddy figure to her kids? Or should i get back with her and be her lover and the live in daddy to her girls? Also, does this guy sound like he has diffrent motives for her and the kids than what he's saying? From what she's telling me he seems like he might be one of those nice at first then abusive later type guys and if that's the case, i feel the need to protect her and her kids from this guy. I would love some advice if you got it. breath! I have to go back and read it in a form that I can make sense of... |
Sounds like she doesn't know what she wants.. and where is the childrens father? I would say "RUN" as fast as you can.. She will bring you down with her...
Talk about drama,way to much.Run don't walk away.
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Sun 07/19/09 04:44 PM
This woman, and I use woman loosely, has some serious issues which border on mental problems sounds like. You do not need her to wreck your life as it sounds she is doing to her own life. I feel sorry for her two girls as they will grow up with a not so happy life. It is not your place to jump in and save them though. It would only make you miserable in the end. Continue on with your life and find peace and happiness.. without her and her drama!
DThis girl is always going to have some kind of drama present real or made in her mind to be the center of attention. If u are smart u will cut ties completely. You will be better with a normal well adjusted individual.
Drama is a form of control; don't be drawn into it because it will suffocate u. I speak from experience in dealing with a few family members. |
![]() ![]() Well you are right, it's just something that happen. It's very easy to get attached to kids. Believe it or not you can fall for someone in 3 months. I would'nt say it's manipulation, she did'nt force that bond with the kids on me it just happen. Also keep in mind that we had already made plans to commit, so that's just a give in i'm going to step up and be daddy if we are together, because it's a package deal. |
Run Forest Run. And don't you ever look back.
I was with a girl for 3 months, at the end of those 3 months she saw an ex of hers that used to rape and abuse her. She then got drunk that night and revealed to me through text message her whole life of abuse starting at age five, which i never knew of the 3 months i was with her. She said that she wanted to still be with me, but could'nt commit. So i decided to give her some space and just be friends until she was able to bring that wall down that she said would take awhile. I made my peace with the fact that we were not going to be together at all in the future, so i started talking to other women. That made her jealous, and she started talking to a guy that was her friend for many years. She told him about us and how i had moved on and how much it hurt her. He then jumped in at the right moment and started telling her that he has always loved her and her kids. He then asked her for a commitment and she said yes, only because she thought i had moved on. She called me and told me this like i was supposed to be happy or something. I told her how i really felt and that i never wanted to break up, but had to because i was trying to give her what she wanted. Well, she just could'nt leave this guy for some strange reason even after knowing how i truly felt. She said that they already made plans for her and her kids to move in with him and he is being shipped off to Iraq in a few weeks. So again i make my peace and start talking to other women. Now she's calling me telling me things are not going so well with him. She told me that he seems controlling and he is the jealous type and after sex he does'nt say anything to her he just turns his back to her and goes to sleep. She tells me that she feels used. She sent me pictures today of her kids, which is cool because i do remain in their lives because of the daddy like bond i have with them. When i call her she starts talking about more things not going right. Keep in mind that this guy, when he came in, started buying things for her and her mom and her kids. Now what should i do? I think she regrets losing me and wants to get back with me, just does'nt know how to say it. All she does is tell me the problems she has with him. I do love her and her two little girls, but, i have also moved on and started talking to other women. Should i move on and just remain a friend to her and a daddy figure to her kids? Or should i get back with her and be her lover and the live in daddy to her girls? Also, does this guy sound like he has diffrent motives for her and the kids than what he's saying? From what she's telling me he seems like he might be one of those nice at first then abusive later type guys and if that's the case, i feel the need to protect her and her kids from this guy. I would love some advice if you got it. |
Edited by
Sun 07/19/09 04:56 PM
Shes a u haul *****From man to man to man... puleasee..
You know you need outta there. go. USERRRRRRR!!! At 3 months you MIGHT be introduced, but probably not. |
Sounds like she doesn't know what she wants.. and where is the childrens father? I would say "RUN" as fast as you can.. She will bring you down with her... The kids are 4 and 5 and have two diffrent fathers. The 5 year olds dad has vanished and the 4 year olds is a story full of more drama. First it was a guy that is in prison and now i've come to find out that the kid belongs to another guy that she is not sure of because she was gang raped. She could belong to any of those losers that did it to her. And that's just sad because this 4 year old girl is just an awesome, beautiful little girl who deserves way better. |
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Sun 07/19/09 04:57 PM
![]() ![]() ![]() Well you are right, it's just something that happen. It's very easy to get attached to kids. Believe it or not you can fall for someone in 3 months. I would'nt say it's manipulation, she did'nt force that bond with the kids on me it just happen. Also keep in mind that we had already made plans to commit, so that's just a give in i'm going to step up and be daddy if we are together, because it's a package deal. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
People who have been abused usually do one of two things.
They seek help to understand how the abuse has damaged them and how it can/will effect future relationships. Or, they will continue and perpetuate scenarios that include subconsciously inviting other abusers into their lives and accept further abuse or seek to reconcile past abuse with current abusers. You are NOT a counselor and she is NOT getting the help she needs. It is likely best to stay away as she will continuously yank your yo-yo for years. And don't kid yourself that you can "save" her. She will continue this "bad choice" drama unless and until she cleans her mental and emotional closet. You will note that she continually picks abusers, and you were the exception. She may recongnize it, but she doesn't know what to do with a healthy person in her life. |
People who have been abused usually do one of two things. They seek help to understand how the abuse has damaged them and how it can/will effect future relationships. Or, they will continue and perpetuate scenarios that include subconsciously inviting other abusers into their lives and accept further abuse or seek to reconcile past abuse with current abusers. You are NOT a counselor and she is NOT getting the help she needs. It is likely best to stay away as she will continuously yank your yo-yo for years. And don't kid yourself that you can "save" her. She will continue this "bad choice" drama unless and until she cleans her mental and emotional closet. You will note that she continually picks abusers, and you were the exception. She may recongnize it, but she doesn't know what to do with a healthy person in her life. ![]() |
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Sun 07/19/09 05:08 PM
Dude...RUN!!!!!! RUN!!! RUN!!!!
Honestly whether you love her or not...she has already shown you that she doesn't love you...she just wants what she can't have... Tell me...why did she tell you that she couldn't commit to you but the next guy she sees she's willing to commit? This chick is using you dude. She is keeping you on the back burner where she wants you. She is using you like a safety blanket but when she sees you move on she sees her safety blanket going's not you she wants she wants a safety blanket. But when that is threatened she knows the only way to get you back into that zone is to start saying she wants to be with you again...again I'll say RUN!!! RUN!!! RUN!!!! |
![]() ![]() ![]() Well you are right, it's just something that happen. It's very easy to get attached to kids. Believe it or not you can fall for someone in 3 months. I would'nt say it's manipulation, she did'nt force that bond with the kids on me it just happen. Also keep in mind that we had already made plans to commit, so that's just a give in i'm going to step up and be daddy if we are together, because it's a package deal. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Well, something happen from the time they got together, i think they may have had sex that night he talked to her about commiting. She may just feel loyal because of that reason. I do feel she cares about me because this whole thing happen because of me moving on and talking to other women.I feel he was in the right place at the right time and jumped in on a weak moment. |