Topic: Zodiac Gods and Goddesses Readings | |
Very nice websites you share with us. Thank you
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Any chance you can tell me a second-best compatible? ![]() Looks to me by the color code in the second link like Leo ![]() Go figure! You're a Leo & Vincent's an Aries... not much help there! ![]() |
6/13 please
6/13 please Hello Cutiepieforyou. I did yours a long time ago. Perhaps you have missed it. Not a problem though. Here it is. I wish you much happiness, love, success, health, and laughter. Power thought - My intuition is waiting for me to simply ask it for guidance. Sun sign - Gemini Ruling planet - Mercury, the communicator Symbol - The twins Birth date ruler - Uranus, the visionary Tarot card - Death (choices) Favorable numbers - 1,4 Lucky days - Wednesday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 1 and 4 of the month. Lucky colors - orange, amber, silver blue Birthstone - Agate Your greatest challenge is ... being sensible The way forward is ... to understand that sensible does not always mean being boring; it can also mean maximizing your chances of success by being focused and realistic about your objectives. You're drawn to people born on January 21 to February 19. You share a passion for discovery and adventure, and this can create a surprisingly secure union. Luck maker – Quiet down and slow down Just a few minutes a day of quiet time when you are just "hanging around" not doing anything in particular can make a huge difference in connecting with your intuitive power. Your birthday is of the wild dreamer. People born on June 13th live life according to their own rule and values. Often way ahead of their time, they can't bear routine and the everyday, and their wild streak will take them to places no one else would dare to visit. Although following their highly creative and vivid imagination can lead them into danger, it can also make them great innovators and pioneers. They love to travel and explore both externally and internally; their thirst for adventure can take them all over the world to exotic places or it can manifest itself in total absorption in their intellectual discoveries. They truly believe that the world is for the taking and that they can achieve virtually anything they set their mind and heart on. Many of these people realize their wild drams and become highly successful in their chosen field. Those who are less evolved, however, may struggle to translate their dreams into reality. It is important for them to get in touch with their intuition as this will tell them which risks are achievable and which are likely to end in frustration. They also need positive people who encourage them to dream but who provide a healthy dose of realism and objectivity. Until the age of thirty-eight they focus on emotional security and should take advantage of opportunities to develop greater self awareness and understanding. After the age of thirty nine they will have more self confidence and a greater recognition of their capabilities. During this period they should ensure their appetite for adventure does not endanger them; they need to think long and hard about what their wild schemes really entail. Above all, people born on this day are adventurers and they should never try to dampen their powerful imagination and boundless energy with routine and repetition. However, if they are to maximize their potential to not just dread but actually realize the impossible, they should weigh up the pros and cons, studying what is possible and what is not before the leap in at the deep end. On the dark side ... rash, unrealistic, dangerous At your best ... imaginative, intelligent, adventurous Love (surprise me) People born on June 13 can get easily bored in relationships and hate to feel trapped or restricted in any way. If they do find themselves in a relationship that is too comfortable, they may want to end it. They need to find someone who is as unusual and as capable of surprise as they are. Career (born meteorologists) These people have the curiosity and the determination to excel in any career but they thrive best in professions that involve study, travel and plenty of variety. Careers that might appeal include science, research, tourism, weather forecasting, journalism, writing, sales, media, and the world of entertainment. Destiny (to explore and uncover new insights) The life path of people born on this day is to learn to be more realistic and objective in their approach to life. Once they have learned to avoid extremes, their destiny is to explore and uncover new insights or universal truths. |
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Sat 07/18/09 10:19 PM
smiles! your story is awesome so far!!! stopped in to say thanks! |
12/21 please n thanks
gemini-Vincent smiles! your story is awesome so far!!! stopped in to say thanks! I am a storyteller you know ![]() It was my pleasure and it is fun doing readings. The more I practice the better I can get. ![]() |
12/21 please n thanks I have you on the list. Thank you for the opportunity. ![]() |
Thank you ![]() |
I was born on May 8th 1972. I'm interested in what you come up with. Thanks
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Mon 07/20/09 07:08 AM
Hello tonysosa1
I wish you much happiness, love, success, health, and laughter in your lifetime. Let us begin with your reading .... Power thought - I will always ask for whatever I need Sun sign - Taurus Ruling Planet - Venus, the lover Symbol - The Bull Birth date ruler - Saturn, the teacher Tarot Card - The Star (hope) Favorable numbers - 4,8 Lucky days - Friday and Saturday, especially if they fall on 4 and 8 of the month. Lucky colors - Lilac, green, brown Birthstone - Emerald Your greatest challenge is ... asking for help. The way forward is ... to understand that if you want to make something happen, you must dare to ask for what you want. You're drawn to people born on December 22nd to January 20th. You share a passion for devotion, commitment and respect, and together you can create a fulfilling and intense union. Luck maker - create a luck network Many big breaks come from the least likely contacts, so make an effort to network and stay in touch with as many people as you can. Your birthday is of the profound simplicity. People born on May 17th have a clear-cut code of personal behavior which guides them through every decision they make. Straightforward and to the point, they have a talent for making simple but profound comments on situations. With little time for small talk, they say what they mean and mean what they say. They are an inspiring example to others but don't have much patience with those who try to shirk their responsibilities; if they notice someone slacking or not pulling their weight, they are likely to tell them straight out. This clear-cut approach can, unfortunately, win them as many enemies as supporters and so they might benefit from learning more tact. Their insightful and original approach, combined with their refusal to be diverted from their chosen course, would appear to be a recipe for success. Where this is not the case it is because they have a tendency to overestimate the power of what they can achieve through determination and will power alone. They often prefer to go it alone, but if this works against them they should recognize the power of a group of people working together to achieve a goal. Until their mid thirties there is an emphasis in their lives on learning is all its from and they need to take advantage of these opportunities to communicate and exchange ideas with others. After the age of thirty four they may focus more on emotional intimacy and security. If they can learn to get in touch with their own feelings and the feelings of others during this period, it promises great fulfillment and happiness. There is no denying that these people often have fixed views on things. This can hold them back as life is not a black and white as they think it is. However, if they learn to develop a more tolerant approach it will not only help them achieve their aims and attract a following, it will also open up with in them the compassion and determination to improve the lives of others and a creativity that might otherwise have remained dormant. On the dark side ... tactless, judgmental, stressed At your best ... dedicated, honorable, insightful Love (inside out) People born on May 17th value personality, integrity and a strong will over good looks, and would rather be alone than with someone they can't respect. Although they may try to suppress it, they have an extremely sensual nature and a voracious romantic drive; releasing some of that energy into a committed relationship will help mellow and soften them. Career (born artists) People born on this day have the creativity and focus to excel in the world of art and music. Alternatively education, science, research, and law, as well as working for themselves, may appeal. Once they appreciate the importance of working cooperatively with others, they may be drawn toward sales, promotion, public relations, finance, negotiation, social work, and banking. Destiny (to inspire others with their creative and organizational talents) The life path of people born on this day is to learn the power of synergy. Once they are able to open up to others, their destiny is to inspire them with their creative and organizational talents. |
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Mon 07/20/09 08:05 AM
Aries - March 21st to April 19th - Aries *********************************************************** 1.mssilverfox - 3/28 2.Justsayinghello - 3/31 3.Holly4459 - 4/4 4.Marie55 - 4/5 5.BL4766 - 4/7 6.StormMessages - 4/7 7.TheCaptain - 4/14 8. 9. 10. 11. *********************************************************** Taurus -April 20th to May 20th - Taurus *********************************************************** 1.poohbearface19 - 4/25 2.thumper95 - 4/25 3.agrant333 - 5/3 4.lifestooshort6 - 5/10 5.izzie - 5/10 6.vivian2981 - 5/13 7.lnghntr - 5/14 8.teasingbrunette - 5/14 9.moonlight_ride62 - 5/16 10.tonysosa1 - 5/17 *********************************************************** Gemini - May 21st to June 21st - Gemini *********************************************************** 1.dragoness - 6/5 2.racerx767 - 6/5 3.Cutiepieforyou - 6/13 4.Misstina2 - 6/14 5.mscherbear - 6/17 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. *********************************************************** Cancer - June 22nd to July 23rd - Cancer *********************************************************** 1.hereformore - 6/28 2.kcjamal - 7/3 3.auburngirl - 7/4 4.Mystique42 - 7/4 5.2KidsMom - 7/9 6.Anton_k - 7/19 7.Snugglesbyfire - 7/19 8. 9. 10. *********************************************************** Leo - July 23rd to August 22nd - Leo *********************************************************** 1.Metalwing - 7/26 2.citygurl - 7/31 3.OrangeCat - 8/5 4.heathersaysgobucks - 8/7 5.EZ4Sheezy - 8/13 6.Phuque - 8/14 7.Jtevans - 8/17 8.lil_bit - 8/17 9. 10. *********************************************************** Virgo - August 23rd to September 22nd - Virgo *********************************************************** 1.Kahne828780 - 8/27 2.Schwartz84 - 8/28 3.DamnPhule - 9/1 5.andreajayne - 9/1 6.jerseygirlsingle - 9/6 7.TxsGal3333 - 9/10 8.Tootsweet13 - 9/13 9.Haley1243 - 9/15 10.chicory - 9/19 11.singmesweet - 9/21 12.tanyaann - 9/21 13. *********************************************************** Libra - September 23rd to October 23rd - Libra *********************************************************** 1.LightVoice - 10/10 2.Pink_lady - 10/13 3.20091014 - 10/14 4.cosmptln - 10/14 5.totage - 10/15 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. *********************************************************** Scorpio - October 24th to November 21st - Scorpio *********************************************************** 1.MirrorMirror - 10/27 2.njmom05 - 10/27 3.ASK69 - 10/28 4.michiganman2 - 10/28 5.ematwo71 - 10/31 6.TxsSun - 10/31 7.Mikey117 - 11/3 8.Atlantis75 - 11/3 9.eileena9 - 11/6 10.carold - 11/10 11.floridaredhead - 11/14 12.blueeyez40 - 11/19 *********************************************************** Sagittarius - November 22nd to December 21st - Sagittarius *********************************************************** 1.galendgirl - 11/30 2.serena69 - 11/30 3.Katzenschauzer - 12/8 4.moofooga - 12/9 5.wowhotmomma - 12/19 6.bad_girl - 12/19 7.pkd1220 - 12/20 8. 9. 10. *********************************************************** Capricorn - December 22nd to January 19th - Capricorn *********************************************************** 1.niteclerk - 12/24 2.a_prettyredrose - 12/27 3.dreamboat1974 - 12/30 4.rose27 - 12/31 5.Pata - 1/5 6.beachbum069 - 1/6 7.shutterbug - 1/6 8.DragonFlyTat - 1/11 9.TBRich - 1/13 10.msmyka - 1/13 11.SuzinVA - 1/17 12.MeChrissy2 - 1/19 *********************************************************** Aquarius - January 20th to February 18th - Aquarius *********************************************************** 1.Sharpshooter10 - 1/21 2.romeo1975 - 1/21 3.bastet126 - 1/26 4.blueeyes196287 - 1/27 5.plk1966 - 1/28 6.lcjw - 2/3 7.LouLou2 - 2/16 8. 9. 10. *********************************************************** Pisces - February 19th to March 20th - Pisces *********************************************************** 1.KimmiM - 3/1 2.gayfifer - 3/10 3.heybeautiful88 - 3/11 4.wolfchic - 3/12 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. *********************************************************** The following have duel zodiac signs *********************************************************** 1.LexFonteyne - Virgo/Leo - 8/23 2.SunnyMcleod - Taurus/Aries - 4/23 3.gossipmpm - Pisces/Aries - 3/20 4.adventurer - Sagittarius/Scorpio - 11/24 5.72Andrew - Gemini/Cancer - 6/20 6.livelife68 - Pisces/Aquaris - 2/22 7.FearandLoathing - Pisces/Aquaris - 2/20 8.keith1916 - Sagittarius/Capricorn - 12/21 9.Differentkindofwench - Cancer/Leo - 7/21 10.bgeezi - Scorpio/Libra - 10/24 11.lionsbrew - Leo/Cancer - 7/24 12.FETTS61 - Scorpio/Sagittarius - 11/21 13.TinkerSunshine - Aries/Pisces - 3/23 *********************************************************** The following are waiting patiently for their readings. *********************************************************** babygirl98270 - 3/21 rara777 - 11/12 polson - 5/21 chosenmemories - 9/27 Jill298 - italio - candy035 - sbilli - misswright - 11/18 earthytaurus76 - 5/1 doodlebuggrrl - 11/23 Fusion99 - 8/8 Ladylid2012 - 10/4 noblenan - 9/20 HibiscusPlumeria - 10/15 QuirkyLady - 12/21 DTHRomeo - 4/21 skyblue1972 - 5/8 |
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Mon 07/20/09 07:45 AM
Hello Haley1243. Here is your reading ...
Power thought - I understand the difference between pleasure and happiness. Sun sign - Virgo Ruling planet - Mercury, the communicator Symbol - The Virgin Birth date ruler - Venus, the lover Tarot card - The Devil (instinct) Favorable number - 6 Lucky days - Wednesday and Friday, especially when these days fall on 6 and 15 of the month. Lucky colors - indigo, pink, green Birthstone - sapphire Your greatest challenge is ... to transcend materialism The way forward is ... to understand that money is not necessarily a guarantee of happiness or success. However much you possess, without a spiritual or loving center you will feel unsatisfied. You're drawn to people born on September 23 to October 22. You both have enquiring and agile minds, and this relationship therefore has great potential. Luck maker - be patiently optimistic Lucky people understand that when you feel angry, impatient or desperate you can't create luck. It also helps to believe that if things aren't going well now, something better may lie ahead. Your birthday is of the specialist. People born on September 15th put a lot of effort into succeeding. Whatever line of work they choose to devote their considerable energies to, the chances are they will specialize in it, and their ability to master their chosen skill sets them apart. Other people tend to admire these people for their technical skills and for their depth of knowledge about their chosen field of interest. Such in their devotion to their work that they can appear solitary figures; even thought friends may not be high on their list of priorities, loved ones and family certainly are. The potential for people born on this day to excel professionally is outstanding, but they key to their success will lie not in their determination or technical skills but in their ability to wait for the right opportunity to present itself. If they mump before they have fine tuned their skills are achieved mastery, they may find that their ambition has robbed them of success, but if they bide their time, slowly building up their store of experience and knowledge, they will reach the heights for which they seem destined. There is no denying that these people like money, and lots of it. They also tend to equate status with financial reward, which can be damaging to their creativity and their integrity, so it is important for them to resist the urge to compromise or take short cuts to the top. Until the age of thirty-seven there are opportunities for them to develop to close personal relationships they need to give them a sense of perspective. After the age of thirty-eight there is a turning point which highlights a growing emphasis on emotional and spiritual regeneration, as well as joint finances or corporate business activity. If they have learned by then to get a grip of their ambition and materialism, these are the years when they can really come into their own and step into the role for which they seem destined - that of the respected and, in some cases, world renowned specialist. On the dark side ... materialistic, selfish, self-indulgent At your best ... detailed, motivated, ambitious Love (the thing money can't buy) Close relationships are important for people born on September 15th because without them they run the risk of losing themselves in their work. Potential partners will fall in love with their creative spirit but may find their inability to commit and absorption in work disappointing. Learning to value what money can't buy will help them succeed, not just in love but in life. Career (born researchers) These people are both imaginative and organized, and this augers well for success in a variety of professions from science to the arts. Careers they may be drawn to include medicine, education, the legal profession, and politics. Their latent creative and communication skills many also lead them to writing, business, architecture, design, psychology and finance, and their humanitarian spirit many inspire them to charity work. Destiny (to increase awareness in their chosen field of knowledge) The life path of people born on this day is to learn to balance their professional and their personal needs. Once they have got to grips with their materialism, their destiny is to increase awareness in their specialist field of knowledge. |
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Mon 07/20/09 07:59 AM
Phule is waiting ... but may just have to rule the universe until its been decided who will, probably a Virgo, much like myself actually. Yes I can see me ruling the universe ... make things orderly I would.
![]() Just a reminder: September 1, 1961. |
Phule is waiting ... but may just have to rule the universe until its been decided who will, probably a Virgo, much like myself actually. Yes I can see me ruling the universe ... make things orderly I would. ![]() Just a reminder: September 1, 1961. Well hello there. I actually posted yours a long time ago, but it is really no problem. I will just post it here for you. It was a interesting and entertaining reading. I hope it provides some insight, contemplations, or if anything some entertainment. Here it is .... Power thought - To be happy I need to work smarter, not harder. Sun sign - Virgo Ruling planet - Mercury, the communicator Symbol - The Virgin Birth date ruler - Sun, the individual Tarot card - The Magician (will power) Favorable numbers - 1,10 Lucky days - Wednesday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 1 and 10 of the month. Lucky colors - blue, orange, yellow Birthstone - Sapphire Your greatest challenge is ... knowing when to stop. The way toward is ... to understand the principle of less is more. Sometimes it is beneficial to hold back or quit while you are ahead. You’re drawn to people born on April 20 to May 20. You are both practical and down to earth, and this can be a dynamic and creative relationship. Luck maker - cut your losses Hanging on for too long in a situation that isn't working is bad for luck making. What mistakes have you made that can be remedied only by acknowledging that it is time to move on? Your birthday is of the survivor. People born on September 1st are often obsessed with their work, but this does not mean they are boring and uninspiring. Quite the opposite; they simply find work demanding and fulfilling and will carry out their responsibilities with an infectious enthusiasm excitement. They also like nothing more than to have their skills or abilities tested and challenged, and are very open to suggestions for improvement. In fact, they have the mental and physical toughness to survive even the most taxing of circumstances, standing their ground with pride in the face of adversity. This makes them the true survivors of the year. With a tendency to take their work and themselves very seriously, they would benefit greatly from more fun and laughter in their lives, although their energy, enthusiasm, industriousness, and insatiable curiosity for everyone and everything more than compensate. Being so dedicated and full of enjoyment of their work it's not surprising that many of them excel in their careers; but sometimes their love of challenge and refusal to give up can work against them. For example, they may find themselves putting up with things that they shouldn't be putting up with simply because they are unable to move on, find it hard to admit defeat or don't know when to cut their losses. After the age of twenty-one, the following thirty years present opportunities for them to develop stronger relationships with those around them, strengthening their intuition; they should take advantage of these opportunities as these will help them improve their timing, so that they can enhance their chances of success by knowing when to hang on and when to quit. During these years they may swing between modesty and confidence, but when they are positive and enthusiastic about a project they have the ability to motivate and energize others. Whatever age they are however their extraordinary mental and physical toughness and fixity of purpose in the pursuit of their goals endow them with the potential for extraordinary and inspiring accomplishments. On the dark side ... insistent, over-worked, overly serious At your best ... courageous, resilient, hard working Love (new opportunities) The love of discovering all they can about other people may earn people born on September 1st a reputation as a flirt, but once in a relationship to which they are committed they are straightforward and affectionate partners who demand nothing less than complete honesty from their partner. They are attracted to optimistic people who can inspire them with new ideas and new opportunities. Career (born executives) The highly developed capacity of these people to verbally influence others augurs well for success in advertising, marketing, and sales and retail careers, as well as writing, politics and performing. Other careers that might appeal include management, working for themselves, business, education, research, journalism, the military, and promotion. Destiny (to be agents of advancement and assistance) The life path of people born on this day is to learn when to push forward and when to take a step back. Once they have developed a better sense of timing, their destiny is to act as agents of advancement and assistance. |
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Mon 07/20/09 08:36 AM
Dear Mr.Smiless,
I know that you had done my reading a couple of weeks back. Guess what, i even saved it on my computer, so i can read that over and over again, and know my greatest challenge and the way towards it. Yes, its all about taking calculated "Risks" for me. Indeed "lucky people understand that rules are made to be broken." and i agree that "this isn't to say they break the law but they don't blindly follow the rules; they use their creativity and originality to work their way around them." This is very much part of my job profile.....taking calculated risks. Now i did notice you started a thread on a person's Day Out. You seemed to have completed that part till the month of August. Now i never got to read your comments on my Day Out. Could you please do the same for me? Thank you. Andy. |
Dear Mr.Smiless, I know that you had done my reading a couple of weeks back. Guess what, i even saved it on my computer, so i can read that over and over again, and know my greatest challenge and the way towards it. Yes, its all about taking calculated "Risks" for me. Indeed "lucky people understand that rules are made to be broken." and i agree that "this isn't to say they break the law but they don't blindly follow the rules; they use their creativity and originality to work their way around them." This is very much part of my job profile.....taking calculated risks. Now i did notice you started a thread on a person's Day Out. You seemed to have completed that part till the month of August. Now i never got to read your comments on my Day Out. Could you please do the same for me? Thank you. Andy. Hello Andy, I hope your days shine brighter each day and that you find much happiness in your lifetime. One only has to believe it to be true. Would you be so kind as to send me the link that I created until August? From there I can see what can be done. Thank you, Smiless |
A slight correction here Mr.Smiless.......its not a single thread that you did, but seperate threads for every individual. The last "Hangout" for an individual was for August 23rd, as far as i can gather. |
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Mon 07/20/09 09:27 AM
Hello babygirl98270,
Here is your reading ... Power thought - I can be a good example to others. Sun signs - Aries/Pisces Ruling planet - Mars, the warrior/Neptune, the speculator Symbols - The Ram/Two Fishes Birth date ruler - Jupiter, the philosopher Tarot card - The World (fulfillment) Favorable Number - 3.6 Lucky Days - Tuesday and Thursday, especially when these days fall on 3 and 6 of the month. Lucky colors - red, mauve, green Birthstone - Diamond Your greatest challenge is .. learning to be more tactful. The way forward is ... to understand that compromise or softening your focus or your words to accommodate others does not mean you have sold out on your values. You're drawn to people born on November 21st to December 23rd. You share a passion for adventure and non-conformity, and this can create an exciting and intense bond. Luck maker - learn to handle your impatience When you are in an impatient or angry state you can't create luck. Remove your tendency to exaggerate your own needs and you will begin to feel more relaxed, and luckier. Your birthday is of clear sightedness. People born on March 21st have their own set of values and refuse to compromise in any way. In keeping with the pivotal significance of their birthday - the beginning of Spring and the Zodiac year - they are powerful, free thinking individuals with an iron will to succeed whose single mindedness almost always works. People born on this day do not care much for convention. They are honest and direct in all their dealings and opinions; their thoughts are often so transparent that they don't need to say much to make their feelings known. They are clear sighted in their beliefs and other people know exactly where they stand with them. This isn't to say they are aggressive and overbearing; quite the opposite, as they are often quiet in their confidence. They simply live according to their own values and if other people don't understand these, they aren't prepared to explain themselves, much preferring to go it alone. Although remarkably clear-sighted and independent, these people can come across as inflexible, passive and antisocial when they choose to withdraw and live in splendid isolation. They also have an inclination to be stubborn and can become argumentative and blunt to get their own way. They should learn not to alienate others when pursuing their goals, accepting that success does not always result from following a direct path. Between the ages of thirty and sixty their stubborn tendencies are likely to be highlighted. During these years they need to make sure they work on transforming their way of thinking so that it takes into account the viewpoints of others. Once they learn to moderate their impatience and their tendency to isolate themselves when things aren't going their way, they have the potential to become exceptional leaders, utilizing their powers of perception, intuition and considerable energy to great effect. When these people find themselves in a position to impress others with their talents and free-thinking action, all who come into contact with them will be more spontaneous and clear sighted about who they are and what they want. On the dark side ... passive, inflexible, unsociable At your best ... perceptive, honest, powerful Love (in search of an equal) People born on March 21st do have the tendency to prefer their own company to the company of others but ultimately they are at their happiest when they find a partner who is their equal in intelligence and independence. They prefer the hunt to the chase but when they do give their heart to someone it is usually forever. Career (born commanders) These people have great leadership potential which they can put to use in military, police, or business careers as well as education, business management, and law. With their honest approach they are also particularly good in sales and marketing, and if they choose to develop their creative skills, they may be drawn toward careers in advertising and the arts. And because they are so good at working alone, they may also turn their attention toward setting up their own business. Destiny (to blaze an inspirational trail) The life path of people born on this day is to learn to work with others as part of a team. Once they are able to do that, their destiny is to blaze an inspirational trail with their determination and conviction. |
I was hoping that you would again be doing this. I looked through the other ones that you have done and did not see my birthday on there. Would you have time to do one more? I think I may be on a cusp, someone once told me that... 2/17 I have a set of Medicine Woman cards that honor Mother Earth. I was given them years ago, and just recently remembered that I had them. The Major Arcana cards relate to the Spiritual influence in life, and the Minor Arcana suits are arrows, pipes, bowls, and stones. I will watch over the next couple of days for my reading. Thank you for bringing light onto a new perspective! ~Deb |