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Topic: spit or swallow?
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Wed 07/15/09 09:04 AM
imagine living to 100, or even 200...

7z3r05's photo
Wed 07/15/09 09:04 AM

i not old enough to take my teeth out and back in

Don't die and one day you will.laugh

my grandparents both have denture and it is really gross.

no photo
Wed 07/15/09 09:06 AM
what is denture?

michiganman3's photo
Wed 07/15/09 09:09 AM

what is denture?

False teeth.

7z3r05's photo
Wed 07/15/09 09:11 AM

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Thu 07/16/09 09:31 PM
say, isn't that MirrorMirror's picture? You should spit it out lol j/k

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