Topic: oops.I apologize.
20eyes4u's photo
Mon 07/13/09 11:56 AM
i posted a reply to someone and it wasn't very nice.
this was before i read the rules. so sorry, but the world is not a sweet, touchy feely place where everyone is obligated to respect your opinion no matter how whacked you are.

if they ban be it.

i guess i'll have to re-think this whole crazy notion of freedom of speech thing and check with censors next time!sad tears what oops slaphead

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 07/13/09 11:57 AM
welcome...and yes, read the rules. this is a free country BUT there are many countries here as well and this is a private site that has rules

welcome drinker

PATSFAN's photo
Mon 07/13/09 11:58 AM

franshade's photo
Mon 07/13/09 11:58 AM
hello and welcome

without rules we would all wreck havoc and chaos devil

Dan99's photo
Mon 07/13/09 11:59 AM
But this is your first post?

Either way, i dont forgive you! I am offended by your other post which i have not read!

no photo
Mon 07/13/09 12:05 PM

metalwing's photo
Mon 07/13/09 12:06 PM
Your other post plus this post equals one? Welcome to mingle. You'll fit right in.

Jtevans's photo
Mon 07/13/09 12:12 PM

i posted a reply to someone and it wasn't very nice.
this was before i read the rules. so sorry, but the world is not a sweet, touchy feely place where everyone is obligated to respect your opinion no matter how whacked you are.

if they ban be it.

i guess i'll have to re-think this whole crazy notion of freedom of speech thing and check with censors next time!sad tears what oops slaphead

being this is your first post,i'm guessing the reply was through email?

there's not alot they'll say about that unless the person reports you

btw Howdy and Welcome drinker

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 07/13/09 12:14 PM
his other post was apparently deleted so it won't show as a post

geektothetenth's photo
Mon 07/13/09 12:19 PM

i posted a reply to someone and it wasn't very nice.
this was before i read the rules. so sorry, but the world is not a sweet, touchy feely place where everyone is obligated to respect your opinion no matter how whacked you are.

if they ban be it.

i guess i'll have to re-think this whole crazy notion of freedom of speech thing and check with censors next time!sad tears what oops slaphead

You do have free speech. But this is a board that someone created, it is their property so they have the right to kick you off or ban you. It is not a right for you to post here, it is a privilege granted to you by the board admins as long as you follow their rules.

If you go to someone's house and start talking smack to them, they are fully within their rights to ask you to leave, if you don't, you're a trespasser and could be made to leave by police. Same kinda thing here.