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Topic: im in the dark
Redangel0625's photo
Wed 05/23/07 08:06 PM
AGAIN!!! I love, love, love your post Kat. I was going to respond, but
I didn't have the foundation and didn't want to get stuck in a situation
where I couldn't get myself out of, but you've done it and I'm so
thankful that you did. Now, KZ, if that doesn't explain it, then I'm
not sure what will. But you've got to got to got to (do I always speak
in threes?) do the research for God's will yourself. We can tell you
where to find it, but His will has to be revealed to you through HIm!!!

alexiateigra's photo
Wed 05/23/07 08:34 PM
Karizman, your attitude needs to be addressed. I fully and completely
agree with boredchick. Your behavior speaks of ignorance, but also
undeserved hostility to those who have faith in God. I, as an atheist,
understood the compassion and sincerity of the responses to your post by
those that have faith in God.

It appears by your behavior that you simply wanted to belittle those who
choose to believe. If you are a non-believer, atheist, or agnosistic,
that is your choice. To ask such a question as your did implies that
you, at the very least, believe in the possibility of a God. When
others tried to provide you with support and/or comfort, you criticize
and poked fun at their beliefs.

This was uncalled for and unnecessary. You owe them all an apology.
You should be ashamed of your behavior towards them all. If you truly
felt the way you did, then your question was asked only to agonize and
to be cruel.

scttrbrain's photo
Wed 05/23/07 08:34 PM
By the posts that I have read of yours, you would have done fine.


scttrbrain's photo
Wed 05/23/07 08:35 PM
Thank you Alex-, well said.

alexiateigra's photo
Wed 05/23/07 08:42 PM
Thank you, sctbrn. Religion and spirituality is such a personal thing.
There isn't a right or wrong. We can all learn from each other, but
attitudes like Karizman is what prevents so many from feeling
comfortable in expressing their opinions about religion.

I have many friends that are spiritual and/or very religious.
Thankfully, we all enjoy discussing our opinions. We do not expect to
change each other opinions about such a matter, but simply enjoy the
benefit from understanding each other more and learning something new.

scttrbrain's photo
Wed 05/23/07 08:47 PM
I appreciate you, and again; I thank you.

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 05/23/07 08:54 PM
Since NO ONE can not know God's will, and all have admitted this, you
can not discreted that even non-believers serve God's purpose. For that
reason, if for no other, it is and should be the duty of all Christians
to keep peace in friendship and with acceptance, not mere tolerance, but
acceptance, of everyone, regardless of their faith, regardless of your
judgement of their religious conviction, or their life choices.

I say I have felt what you have felt. I say I have been led to my
convictions. You say it is the Holy Spirit that does this. I say, it is
the light we sense when we understand the truth that exists within each
individual, and can only be touched by that person.

I respect what each of you may have found within you, it is your truth.
As each of us is different so are our truths. But it seems clear, that
when we touch our truth, we feel the same light.

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