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Topic: Pentecost is close
AdventureBegins's photo
Sun 05/20/07 06:59 PM
Miles Adam was created as a single entity and Eve was created from him.
This was spoken of in Genesis 2:7.

However Mankind was created in the image of God not as a single entity
but AS MALE AND FEMALE. Not as male and then female from the male.

Genesis 1:28 '... male and female created he them.'

Adam and all in his lineage are of the Chosen People, those that make
up the Chosen Branch, that which is the root of Yishay the Branch that
is the Gift of God.

But those that came on the 6th day are of the Most Great Branch, the
human race. Which are you the branch that is the gift (jesse) or the
Most Great Branch the gift was intended for.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 05/20/07 08:41 PM
yes the scriptures thier kinda are confusing. As the other one says he
made eve from Adams rib. The funny thing is here also is the hebrew word
that was translated rib is almost everywhere else translated chamber. To
me this would make more since because if eve came from a rib did Yahweh
have to do surgery to close him up. Or is it as Yahsua said to the
people when asked about which husband would the woman who married 7
brothers to have a heir in thier family name, they asked which husband
in the ressurection would she have? He answered that they were in error
that in the resurrection they would niether marry or be given in
marraige. Eve was given to man as a companion. If the angels and Adam at
the beginning when he was created had both sexes (as still babies are
born like this) then to close Adam up would make much more since. Also
the answer yahsua gave. and the 2 becomming 1 as the man covers the
woman. Could the husband and wife actually become one spirit in the
resserection. Thus when it is said that when a man commits adultry he
commits a sin against himself would make perfect sence. (IMO) Miles

auburngirl's photo
Sun 05/20/07 08:51 PM
the Torah was given to Moses on MT Sinai?????

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 05/20/07 08:55 PM
yes that is when we are told about them. Yet Abraham after the
slaughter of the kings went and gave tithe of all he had to Melchezidek
king of salem. noah was told to take 2 animals of each spiecies except
for the clean animals he was told to take 7. Maybe for food? Thier are
many examples including joseph that they were keeping Torah. May Yahweh
Bless Your House... Miles

Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 05/22/07 09:03 AM
is thier more to pentecost than the giving of the Holy spirit. Was it
the ordination of the 3rd temple? The symbols given as the Holy spirit
came what do they mean? Something to think about? Miles

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 05/22/07 02:14 PM
Melchizedek can be translated as 'Most High King'. It can also be
translated as Most High God, Righteous God, God of Justice, and God of
Righteousness according to the Book of Names.

Might give one cause to wonder who Abraham was tithing.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 05/22/07 02:20 PM
Good point. And he was keeping the law before we know the law was ?

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 05/24/07 12:50 AM
these feast are prophetic and to get to pentecost so much had to happen
before. Including the Messiah's death.Pentecost is in just a few days.
Don't you all study why pentecost is/why? miles

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 05/24/07 04:45 PM
1 of the things that is directly related to pentecost is the jubilee.
They are counted in the same fashion. Pentecost was 50 days from the
weekly sabbath after the 1st High day after passover bringing us the
comforter. To be a precurser to the comming of the Messiah. We at
pentecost became the Temple of the living Elohim in which he/Holy spirit
would teach us all things. The Jubilee is counted a sabbath of years
meaning 7 sabbatical sabbaths of years 7 years (sabbath of years or
sabbaticals) x 7 of them. Then the next year after this is the Jubilee.
The count of the Jubilee starts from the day of atonement (covering) Isa
58 where we are to go without food and water to not only realise how
fragile we are. That we need Yahweh for our bread. (hence the masters
prayer) But that we would also physically feel what it is like for the
downtrodden in thier daily life. (give to him that would ask you) as
Yahshua said ask and you shall recieve. The jubilee is when the
inheritance of the families of Israel were given thier land back and all
debts were forgiven that the forfathers had made on thier children. So
while you celebrate this sunday the giving of the Holy spirit (the
comforter which relieves you while you wait for the year of release)
relize when Yahshua comes back he is bringing the rightful inheritance
back to his children which our forfathers could not recieve. As Peter
said we are a kingdom of priests and kings and this is how we live when
Yahshua comes to reign with all Rightousness as judge of his people and
all who live on the land. A very special promice. But who and when does
the Bride of Yahshua appear as we see 2 different groups in Rev 14 vs
15. Are we his friend or his bride? Miles

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 05/27/07 08:10 AM
May Yahweh Enlighten This feast Today. That All May Be Free.. Miles

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