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Topic: ramen
Jill298's photo
Sun 07/12/09 08:39 AM
breakfast of poor folk laugh kinda tastes like crap but I can't beat an 18 cent meal laugh I think I don't even actually taste it anymore laugh

cottonelle's photo
Sun 07/12/09 08:41 AM
who is ramem?

no photo
Sun 07/12/09 08:48 AM

breakfast of poor folk laugh kinda tastes like crap but I can't beat an 18 cent meal laugh I think I don't even actually taste it anymore laugh

If your talking about the, good...when all else fails. drinks

Jill298's photo
Sun 07/12/09 08:57 AM

breakfast of poor folk laugh kinda tastes like crap but I can't beat an 18 cent meal laugh I think I don't even actually taste it anymore laugh

If your talking about the, good...when all else fails. drinks
laugh laugh yep.

no photo
Sun 07/12/09 09:01 AM

..if you like cardboard all spiced up,and tasting it for the next day or two..there's nothing like it...YUKlaugh

TristanBru's photo
Sun 07/12/09 09:03 AM
I can't stand them anymore,used to eat them all the time. I don't even bother to cookthem anymore, just eat them raw and hard.

Jill298's photo
Sun 07/12/09 09:03 AM

I can't stand them anymore,used to eat them all the time. I don't even bother to cookthem anymore, just eat them raw and hard.
mmmmm I like raw and hard devil oohh... crap... you were talkin bout ramen sorry :angel:

beachbum069's photo
Sun 07/12/09 09:06 AM
I got distracted by the last post. What was the topic again?

Jill298's photo
Sun 07/12/09 09:10 AM
tongue2 tongue2

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 07/12/09 09:20 AM
Ewwwwwwwwwwwww sorry those are right up there with Hamburger Helper with me don't eat either one.noway

Jill298's photo
Sun 07/12/09 09:22 AM

Ewwwwwwwwwwwww sorry those are right up there with Hamburger Helper with me don't eat either one.noway
laugh laugh I've had the same box of hamburger helper in my cupboard for like 2 years. It just never sounds good.

beachbum069's photo
Sun 07/12/09 09:24 AM

Ewwwwwwwwwwwww sorry those are right up there with Hamburger Helper with me don't eat either one.noway

My son likes Hamburger Helper. He had it at a friends house.

Riding_Dubz's photo
Sun 07/12/09 09:24 AM
I can make a bangin chi chi :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Jill298's photo
Sun 07/12/09 09:25 AM

Ewwwwwwwwwwwww sorry those are right up there with Hamburger Helper with me don't eat either one.noway
All I know is that it doesn't help my hanburger very much. ohwell

no photo
Sun 07/12/09 09:26 AM

I can't stand them anymore,used to eat them all the time. I don't even bother to cookthem anymore, just eat them raw and hard.


no photo
Sun 07/12/09 09:31 AM
ehhhhhhhh! on hamburger helper sick

Ramen noodles here in N.Y. are refered to as crackhead soup. laugh There alright fo a snack once in awhile....though , I have made double & triple pans and served it with chicken or pork chops as a side dish. The kids loved it.I even tried some add-ins when they were little to get them to eat better.

74Drew's photo
Sun 07/12/09 09:34 AM

breakfast of poor folk laugh kinda tastes like crap but I can't beat an 18 cent meal laugh I think I don't even actually taste it anymore laugh

i love it. you can make mac and cheese with ramen noodles and a slice of american.

. . .

Jill298's photo
Sun 07/12/09 09:35 AM

breakfast of poor folk laugh kinda tastes like crap but I can't beat an 18 cent meal laugh I think I don't even actually taste it anymore laugh

i love it. you can make mac and cheese with ramen noodles and a slice of american.

. . .
never tried that.

no photo
Sun 07/12/09 09:37 AM

breakfast of poor folk laugh kinda tastes like crap but I can't beat an 18 cent meal laugh I think I don't even actually taste it anymore laugh

i love it. you can make mac and cheese with ramen noodles and a slice of american.

. . .

Yup, my son still likes them if I add chunks of already cooked chicked ...he douces it all with hot sauce...and swears they are great!

Jill298's photo
Sun 07/12/09 09:42 AM
my daughter acts like if there's no ramen in the house, there's nothing to eat. ohwell I can walk over to my pantry and freezer and make a nice dinner lol that doesn't involve any ramen.

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