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Topic: does stress really make you go gray faster?
74Drew's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:45 PM
i just noticed that the gray in my hair is spreading, quickly as of late. does stress contribute to this?

. . .

auburngirl's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:46 PM
Seems to, yes

PATSFAN's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:47 PM
Marriage did it to me!

FearandLoathing's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:48 PM

Marriage did it to me!

You say that about everything!rofl rofl

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:49 PM
Shshsh gray is hereditary heck I started with a big gray spot in the front when I was 16. If I did not color my hair it would be more gray then anything.

Shshs will have to get that picture my daughter just put up on her my space lol

PATSFAN's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:49 PM

Marriage did it to me!

You say that about everything!rofl rofl

My brother in law at the time said to me, Wow my sister did you in that fast!

hereformore's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:50 PM
Edited by hereformore on Wed 07/08/09 08:50 PM mean I'm going gray....I'm so stressed out about it.

74Drew's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:50 PM
i'm not totally minding the look of it, but i'm starting to feel really old.

. . .

darkowl1's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:50 PM
with too much stress, people can turn grey, or even stark white overnight.

mistarr's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:51 PM
I started to, but then I got dumped and my hair grew back normal.

TreyJunek's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:52 PM
Looks sexy and distinguished dont fight it!

74Drew's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:52 PM mean I'm going gray....I'm so stressed out about it.

i'm not stressing the gray. i'm stressing because of the $h!tty economy and my job is dangling.

. . .

EZ4Sheezy's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:52 PM
I think it's more genetic than anything. I'm pretty stress free and already going grey at 28. Although I have a past that could've started the whole thing. But even though I've got that all atraightened out, it still doesn't seem to be stopping. D*mn my parents' genes. grumble

74Drew's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:53 PM

with too much stress, people can turn grey, or even stark white overnight.

dude, that bike is the $h!t.

. . .

Roco's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:54 PM
i read somewhere if you masterbate more often that it counteracts the effect of graying


auburngirl's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:54 PM

Marriage did it to me!

You say that about everything!rofl rofl

laugh laugh laugh Pats you're killing me here!

74Drew's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:56 PM

I think it's more genetic than anything. I'm pretty stress free and already going grey at 28. Although I have a past that could've started the whole thing. But even though I've got that all atraightened out, it still doesn't seem to be stopping. D*mn my parents' genes. grumble

i didn't start to notice until i turned 30. then it pretty much just remained hidden around my ears. now, suddenly, it's running wild throughout the top and down the back of my neck. dandelions don't pop up this fast. i need some serious weed killer. lol

. . .

74Drew's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:56 PM
Edited by 74Drew on Wed 07/08/09 08:57 PM

i read somewhere if you masterbate more often that it counteracts the effect of graying


if that's true i should have been white haired in my mid 20's if i'd have cut back.

. . .

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:57 PM
This is a picture my daughter just put on her myspace brought back some old memorys. But this was me 16 years ago my hair was all naturally if it was naturally today it would be almost all salt and very little pepper. Humm come to think of it maybe it is due to stress noway noway :laughing: :laughing:

74Drew's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:58 PM
i don't doubt that stress contributes. my mother raised me as a single parent and was pretty much white haired by the time she was my age.

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