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Topic: ACCENTuate the Positive!
msmyka's photo
Mon 07/06/09 05:41 PM
Edited by msmyka on Mon 07/06/09 05:43 PM

What is an East Coast accent? Depending on where you are on the East Coast, they're going to sound different.
Yeah they do vary but I like them all.... boston, NY (maybe not so much with NJ) LOL

I'm not talking about FL or the southern states on the east coast.

It's the same as saying you like southern accents.... they vary depending in area but you get the general idea.

no photo
Mon 07/06/09 05:50 PM

What is an East Coast accent? Depending on where you are on the East Coast, they're going to sound different.
Yeah they do vary but I like them all.... boston, NY (maybe not so much with NJ) LOL

I'm not talking about FL or the southern states on the east coast.

It's the same as saying you like southern accents.... they vary depending in area but you get the general idea.

Ah. I've just never heard them referred to as an "East Coast" accent. So you were talking about New York or Boston accents. Yes, those are different than the rest on the East Coast. :smile:

Eddiemma's photo
Mon 07/06/09 05:54 PM
Least favorite is ghetto... Next to that I would have to say Jersey or any place they screw up their R's...

Favorite is mid west... Milwaukee

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