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Topic: So I guess I should shave...
FearandLoathing's photo
Mon 07/06/09 02:15 PM

Did you ask if his daughter had a 'stache as well?

You get 60 points for women with moustaches in uniforms when I was on-base in Kingston. Scary women scared

But hun, this guy sounds like a top notch ratard. What kinda guy drops the N-bomb and then comes back to mouth off to someone so obviously non-conformist?

Want me to come down and kick some tookus? You know I kill in bar fightsdevil

Nah, figure if he had said it out of work I would have escalated the situation by declaring my anarchist ideas...I would have been able to hold my own against the lanky nazi man, used to fight them a lot at punk shows!laugh laugh

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