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Topic: a.s.a.p
evian001's photo
Mon 06/29/09 03:11 PM
i realize i cuzz way too much. its like everyother word. and dont let me be upset. then cusswords flow out like broken water line pipe. im too old for this

any real ideas on how i can quit this.

(p.s.-->its really, really , really bad.and i got to fix this like a.s.a.p)

no photo
Mon 06/29/09 03:12 PM
Have Mingle put a filter on yer mouth...laugh

no photo
Mon 06/29/09 03:12 PM

EZ4Sheezy's photo
Mon 06/29/09 03:13 PM
aversion therapy - wear a rubber band around your wrist. every time you catch yourself cussing too much, snap yourself.

lighthouselover's photo
Mon 06/29/09 03:15 PM

admitting you have a problem is the first step?


evian001's photo
Mon 06/29/09 03:15 PM
Edited by evian001 on Mon 06/29/09 03:16 PM
i told a customer i dont give a f*U*K-i told my boss(after a collegue called him on me!) that my collegue is tryn to lick every1's a*s--

i ended up being in the right but the cuzzing is in the wrong...its that serious man.

Moondark's photo
Mon 06/29/09 03:18 PM

aversion therapy - wear a rubber band around your wrist. every time you catch yourself cussing too much, snap yourself.

Just make sure it isn't too tight. We don't want you cutting off your circulation, losing you hand, just to stop cussing.

Or do we? Do you?

I'm so in a mood today. I just haven't decided which one.

Just start listening to yourself. Stop yourself. When you do it, apologize and then restate in a non-cussing way. Mentally vet what you intend to say before opening mouth and inserting foot.

Practice is the only way.

no photo
Mon 06/29/09 03:18 PM
Boy thats a tough one.laugh .grumble grumble grumble oops bigsmile :angel:

1mellowguy's photo
Mon 06/29/09 03:18 PM

aversion therapy - wear a rubber band around your wrist. every time you catch yourself cussing too much, snap yourself.

I was thinking have someone close to you follow you arount and pop you in the back of the head for every curse word.. this will either fix it or make it worse..drinker

lighthouselover's photo
Mon 06/29/09 03:18 PM

i told a customer i dont give a f*U*K-i told my boss(after a collegue called him on me!) that my collegue is tryn to lick every1's a*s--

i ended up being in the right but the cuzzing is in the wrong...its that serious man.

you are probably lucky you did not lose your job today.

are you not intelligent enough to think of different words? (that is what someone said to me once when I used the F word)

You have obviously not had negative consequences for this yet, many work areas you would be in big trouble if someone was offended by the way you use the words...

no photo
Mon 06/29/09 03:19 PM
Everywhere you go...pretend your Grandma is in the for me!

1mellowguy's photo
Mon 06/29/09 03:22 PM

Everywhere you go...pretend your Grandma is in the for me!

why, so I can go oh **** gradma quit ****ing with me all the time

Winx's photo
Mon 06/29/09 03:23 PM

i realize i cuzz way too much. its like everyother word. and dont let me be upset. then cusswords flow out like broken water line pipe. im too old for this

any real ideas on how i can quit this.

(p.s.-->its really, really , really bad.and i got to fix this like a.s.a.p)

It's a habit and one that will take time to break.

Maybe spend time around children. That will get you used to not cussing.

Pink_lady's photo
Mon 06/29/09 03:27 PM

i realize i cuzz way too much. its like everyother word. and dont let me be upset. then cusswords flow out like broken water line pipe. im too old for this

any real ideas on how i can quit this.

(p.s.-->its really, really , really bad.and i got to fix this like a.s.a.p)

I work with a lad at helping him get on top of his swearing habit, 1 thing that helps, is substituting the 'F' word for summit else, for example, Fluff, or any other unoffensive word.

Mostly, its about keeping ur cool and not getting anxious in the first place...count to 10 n all that.

ReddBeans's photo
Mon 06/29/09 03:29 PM
If u have kids of ur own or are around kids, I'd suggest a 'cuss' jar. Everytime u cuss ya gotta put money in the jar, amount depends on what u decide. Tell the kids, the money is their's at the end of each week until u stop. Believe me, they'll catch u an call u on every lil cuss word. Might also want to negoitiate what is considered a cuss word with them. This method has to work on the honor system also. Gotta fess up an pay up when away from the kids. shades

no photo
Mon 06/29/09 03:29 PM

i told a customer i dont give a f*U*K-i told my boss(after a collegue called him on me!) that my collegue is tryn to lick every1's a*s--

i ended up being in the right but the cuzzing is in the wrong...its that serious man.
Try imagining everyone as children....I have changed words....instead of the "f" word...I say flippin', takes a bit of practice, but after's second nature

no photo
Mon 06/29/09 03:30 PM

aversion therapy - wear a rubber band around your wrist. every time you catch yourself cussing too much, snap yourself.

I was thinking have someone close to you follow you arount and pop you in the back of the head for every curse word.. this will either fix it or make it worse..drinker
OR....she could try the quarter jar....each time you curse....put a quarter in a may end up saving enough to pay for a vacation!

no photo
Mon 06/29/09 03:31 PM
oh fuk off ya gotta be kiddin me?grumble

GG2's photo
Mon 06/29/09 03:35 PM

oh fuk off ya gotta be kiddin me?grumble

No sh!t fife, you believe this fukkin sh!t on here? Fukk this!!

1mellowguy's photo
Mon 06/29/09 03:37 PM

aversion therapy - wear a rubber band around your wrist. every time you catch yourself cussing too much, snap yourself.

I was thinking have someone close to you follow you arount and pop you in the back of the head for every curse word.. this will either fix it or make it worse..drinker
OR....she could try the quarter jar....each time you curse....put a quarter in a may end up saving enough to pay for a vacation!

Hells yeah were going to europe on that money :wink:

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