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Topic: I'm Sorry For His Death, But....
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Mon 06/29/09 08:13 AM
If the celebrities, in this case a musician, is such an inspiration in life, why is their music played more after they die?

I haven't heard an MJ song in a very long, long time, but now that is all you hear on the radio.

If the musician is such an icon, why not play their music more while they are still alive?

lighthouselover's photo
Mon 06/29/09 08:25 AM

If the celebrities, in this case a musician, is such an inspiration in life, why is their music played more after they die?

I haven't heard an MJ song in a very long, long time, but now that is all you hear on the radio.

If the musician is such an icon, why not play their music more while they are still alive?

well...if you think about it, there was a time when you could not turn on the radio and NOT hear a Beatles song...now, unless you are listening to a certain radio station, chances are slim to none that you will hear one...

just like anything else...

it is a TRIBUTE to someone....

why are people having such a difficult time just accepting that...and if PEOPLE don't want to hear it, read about it, talk about it...and if PEOPLE do not like the person or their music/whatever....then just turn the station!!

don't read about it....don't listen to it...don't discuss it...

how hard is that to figure out....

I had many people who were inspirational in my life, yet I do not feel the need to talk about them each day...

I watched a few hours of TV last night and not once did I hear about anything to do with Michael Jackson, or any other public person who has recently died. it is not difficult to do...

no photo
Mon 06/29/09 08:40 AM
Never mind... it just goes in a circle I guess... lol

That was not the point of my post. It's not about MJ. It's about the silliness given to a celebrity death over the death of someone else.

Where was the TRIBUTE to the doctors who made breakthroughs in medicine when they passed? I am sure what they did was much more important than entertainment.

Or the scientists that helped man reach the moon and other extraordinary discoveries? Isn't that a global occurrence that everyone benefited from?

I am not knocking your feelings for celebrities. Fans are fans; no one should try to take that away from them. I just can't see crying and getting so worked up for someone I never knew. I liked his music, I like Billy Mays even! Ed McMahon made me laugh, and Farrah introduced me to boyhood fantasy. I was a big John Wayne fan, Stevie Rae Vaughn fan, Vincent Price fan, even liked Elvis and John Lennon. But my world did not collapse and stop when they died.

When I heard the news they passed, I paused, reflected a little, said a silent prayer, and went on with my day. I can't see crying, leaving work, taking a day off from work, and just wanting to be left alone because someone who I never met and who was not concerned about me, a celebrity, passed away.

It's not that I don't like celebrities. I appreciate that they worked and sacrificed to get where they are. But without people, they wouldn't be on that pedestal.

People touch our lives everyday with their music, their acting, their literary works, but I feel that without us, they wouldn't be who they are.

Okay, sitting in a comfortable chair waiting to get slammed by rebuttals again.... waving

no photo
Mon 06/29/09 08:46 AM
Edited by TANTRUMSTORM760 on Mon 06/29/09 08:47 AM
As a 80's baby I grew up listening to MJ. So when I heard about his death I was shocked but wasnt all heartbroken like me friends were. I have me favourite songs but with that said, yea its sad he died but I dont think his life is any more important as the next person. But never the less in short...I agree with your post

BonnyMiss's photo
Mon 06/29/09 08:59 AM
How about the human aspect of the whole affair? Anyone losing their life is time enough for us to reflect on the notion that we are all vulnerable. The passing of someone is a time of great sadness.

no photo
Mon 06/29/09 09:02 AM

If the celebrities, in this case a musician, is such an inspiration in life, why is their music played more after they die?

I haven't heard an MJ song in a very long, long time, but now that is all you hear on the radio.

If the musician is such an icon, why not play their music more while they are still alive?

coz he was crap and most ppl realised that after awhile. so he started doing the 'i'm eccentric routine' to stay in the public eye and when that didn't work he tried to be 'bizarre' and now of course they intend to make as much money as possible outta his crap. swings and roundabouts.

no photo
Mon 06/29/09 09:03 AM
Edited by gayfifer on Mon 06/29/09 09:04 AM

How about the human aspect of the whole affair? Anyone losing their life is time enough for us to reflect on the notion that we are all vulnerable. The passing of someone is a time of great sadness.

How about some human respect for all kiddies that have been fiddled with?
just a thought!

BonnyMiss's photo
Mon 06/29/09 09:06 AM

How about the human aspect of the whole affair? Anyone losing their life is time enough for us to reflect on the notion that we are all vulnerable. The passing of someone is a time of great sadness.

How about some human respect for all kiddies that have been fiddled with?
just a thought!

Present the facts then people would be more inclined to believe your doctrine about Mr Jackson being a "kiddie fiddler" as you so uncouthly put it.

no photo
Mon 06/29/09 09:09 AM
ok so u never seen the bashir interview then? out of his own mouth!

BonnyMiss's photo
Mon 06/29/09 09:15 AM

ok so u never seen the bashir interview then? out of his own mouth!

I did, and I cannot remember any part of the interview where Mr Jackson admitted "fiddling" with children. Your definition of of a pedophile differs a lot from mine,and thanks to a lot of do-gooders and political correct folks a hand on the shoulder of a child in school is seen as having sexual connotations............ Let's not forget the gentleman in question was exonerated by a court of law.

lighthouselover's photo
Mon 06/29/09 09:17 AM
Edited by lighthouselover on Mon 06/29/09 09:24 AM

Never mind... it just goes in a circle I guess... lol

That was not the point of my post. It's not about MJ. It's about the silliness given to a celebrity death over the death of someone else.

silliness? interesting. so, the point of your post is about what you have labeled as silliness. alright. I am being a bit facetious here...sorry. I understand what you are saying

Where was the TRIBUTE to the doctors who made breakthroughs in medicine when they passed? I am sure what they did was much more important than entertainment.

Or the scientists that helped man reach the moon and other extraordinary discoveries? Isn't that a global occurrence that everyone benefited from?

there have been many tributes to many scientists, doctors, nurses, teachers, saints, popes, religious leaders, presidents, etc. I watch them all the time on TV...I read about them in books and on the internet...

honestly, people have a stronger reaction when something is emotional to them. you know that. people are tied to certain things that bring back memories...and that person/celebrity was part of that...they might equate that to a kind of 'death' of part of their own childhood...

really, it doesn't bother me...it is an interesting sociological study in human behavior. the reasons will be endless and as varied as the people who would answer the survey, no?

I am not knocking your feelings for celebrities. Fans are fans; no one should try to take that away from them. I just can't see crying and getting so worked up for someone I never knew. I liked his music, I like Billy Mays even! Ed McMahon made me laugh, and Farrah introduced me to boyhood fantasy. I was a big John Wayne fan, Stevie Rae Vaughn fan, Vincent Price fan, even liked Elvis and John Lennon. But my world did not collapse and stop when they died.

When I heard the news they passed, I paused, reflected a little, said a silent prayer, and went on with my day. I can't see crying, leaving work, taking a day off from work, and just wanting to be left alone because someone who I never met and who was not concerned about me, a celebrity, passed away.

how many people did have their world end when one of these people died? how many people took the day off? how many people just did the same thing you did?

What is the right way to handle the death of someone? anyone? is there a way to handle the death of someone you have not met, yet was a major influence in your life vs. a family member who did not influence you? the "norm" of grief reaction? (something I am very familiar with, and the subject of my book.)

the 'argument' is one of human behavior and a sociological phenomenon. great scholars have studied human behavior for years...and still have great debates about it.

It could be something as simple as the 'crowd mentality'. people have a desire, a need to belong...and some person that brings people together under a common theme...they can yield a lot of power, no?

It's not that I don't like celebrities. I appreciate that they worked and sacrificed to get where they are. But without people, they wouldn't be on that pedestal.

People touch our lives everyday with their music, their acting, their literary works, but I feel that without us, they wouldn't be who they are.

Okay, sitting in a comfortable chair waiting to get slammed by rebuttals again.... waving

yes, it does go 'round and 'round....:smile:

You can look at it as simple logic; the larger the number of people that know someone, the larger the number of people that will react to that person.

it also sounds to me (just a bit perhaps) that you think this is another instance where the world/life is not fair.

and by now, you and I both know that life is not fair. period.

why do you take any rebuttal as "being slammed"? interesting...

no photo
Mon 06/29/09 09:20 AM

ok so u never seen the bashir interview then? out of his own mouth!

I did, and I cannot remember any part of the interview where Mr Jackson admitted "fiddling" with children. Your definition of of a pedophile differs a lot from mine,and thanks to a lot of do-gooders and political correct folks a hand on the shoulder of a child in school is seen as having sexual connotations............ Let's not forget the gentleman in question was exonerated by a court of law.

courts of law do not make mistakes and money can't buy anything? the 'paedophile'(spell correctly please) admiltted that young boys slept over in his bed. u didn't hear that? u think that's normal? u would let ur kids do it?

lighthouselover's photo
Mon 06/29/09 09:20 AM

How about the human aspect of the whole affair? Anyone losing their life is time enough for us to reflect on the notion that we are all vulnerable. The passing of someone is a time of great sadness.

How about some human respect for all kiddies that have been fiddled with?
just a thought!

You know. I am really growing tired of your constant interjections that do not have relevance to this subject as it is being discussed.

You have constantly over the last few days been interrupting any and all threads that have to do with this subject.

PLEASE just stop if you cannot add something to the discussion.

Thank you.

no photo
Mon 06/29/09 09:22 AM

How about the human aspect of the whole affair? Anyone losing their life is time enough for us to reflect on the notion that we are all vulnerable. The passing of someone is a time of great sadness.

How about some human respect for all kiddies that have been fiddled with?
just a thought!

You know. I am really growing tired of your constant interjections that do not have relevance to this subject as it is being discussed.

You have constantly over the last few days been interrupting any and all threads that have to do with this subject.

PLEASE just stop if you cannot add something to the discussion.

Thank you.

what and i'm not fed up wi ur sanctimonious crap? u own the thread do u?

BonnyMiss's photo
Mon 06/29/09 09:26 AM
I applaud your ability at spelling, what would you like as a reward?

no photo
Mon 06/29/09 09:28 AM

I applaud your ability at spelling, what would you like as a reward?

all paedo's to burn in hell would be satisfactory thank u!

Winx's photo
Mon 06/29/09 09:45 AM

ok so u never seen the bashir interview then? out of his own mouth!

I did, and I cannot remember any part of the interview where Mr Jackson admitted "fiddling" with children. Your definition of of a pedophile differs a lot from mine,and thanks to a lot of do-gooders and political correct folks a hand on the shoulder of a child in school is seen as having sexual connotations............ Let's not forget the gentleman in question was exonerated by a court of law.

courts of law do not make mistakes and money can't buy anything? the 'paedophile'(spell correctly please) admiltted that young boys slept over in his bed. u didn't hear that? u think that's normal? u would let ur kids do it?

I'm confused. Do you think that she spelled pedophile incorrectly?

Winx's photo
Mon 06/29/09 09:46 AM
Edited by Winx on Mon 06/29/09 09:47 AM

How about the human aspect of the whole affair? Anyone losing their life is time enough for us to reflect on the notion that we are all vulnerable. The passing of someone is a time of great sadness.

How about some human respect for all kiddies that have been fiddled with?
just a thought!

You know. I am really growing tired of your constant interjections that do not have relevance to this subject as it is being discussed.

You have constantly over the last few days been interrupting any and all threads that have to do with this subject.

PLEASE just stop if you cannot add something to the discussion.

Thank you.

what and i'm not fed up wi ur sanctimonious crap? u own the thread do u?

We're allowed to call it if it's off-topic.

They even gave us a smiley for it: offtopic

no photo
Mon 06/29/09 09:47 AM

ok so u never seen the bashir interview then? out of his own mouth!

I did, and I cannot remember any part of the interview where Mr Jackson admitted "fiddling" with children. Your definition of of a pedophile differs a lot from mine,and thanks to a lot of do-gooders and political correct folks a hand on the shoulder of a child in school is seen as having sexual connotations............ Let's not forget the gentleman in question was exonerated by a court of law.

courts of law do not make mistakes and money can't buy anything? the 'paedophile'(spell correctly please) admiltted that young boys slept over in his bed. u didn't hear that? u think that's normal? u would let ur kids do it?

I'm confused. Do you think that she spelled pedophile incorrectly?

she's in the UK so yes.

no photo
Mon 06/29/09 09:48 AM

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