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Topic: Well its Official !!!
Winx's photo
Thu 06/25/09 11:36 AM

People born on July 21...other then the famous...seductive...and ...politically wrong Winx...here are some others...lol

Kellen Winslow Jr., American football player (b: July 21, 1983)
► Biography of Kellen Winslow Jr.

Eivør Pálsdóttir, Faroese singer and composer (b: July 21, 1983)
► Biography of Eivør Pálsdóttir

David Carr, American football player (b: July 21, 1979)
► Biography of David Carr

Josh Hartnett, American actor (b: July 21, 1978)
► Biography of Josh Hartnett

Brandi Chastain, American soccer player (b: July 21, 1968)
► Biography of Brandi Chastain

Lyle Odelein, Canadian hockey player (b: July 21, 1968)
► Biography of Lyle Odelein

Jon Brooks, Clinical Data Integrationist (b: July 21, 1968)
► Biography of Jon Brooks

Lance Guest, American actor (b: July 21, 1960)
► Biography of Lance Guest

Jon Lovitz, American comedian (b: July 21, 1957)
► Biography of Jon Lovitz

Brian Talbot, English football player and manager (b: July 21, 1953)
► Biography of Brian Talbot (footballer)

Robin Williams, American comedian (b: July 21, 1951)
► Biography of Robin Williams

Ed Hinton, American sportswriter (b: July 21, 1948)
► Biography of Ed Hinton

Cat Stevens, English singer (b: July 21, 1948)
► Biography of Cat Stevens

Garry Trudeau, American cartoonist (b: July 21, 1948)
► Biography of Garry Trudeau

Kenneth Starr, American lawyer and former judge (b: July 21, 1946)
► Biography of Kenneth Starr

Tony Scott, British film director (b: July 21, 1944)
► Biography of Tony Scott

Paul Wellstone, U.S. Senator from Minnesota (b: July 21, 1944 ; d: October 25, 2002)
► Biography of Paul Wellstone

Edward Herrmann, American actor (b: July 21, 1943)
► Biography of Edward Herrmann

Janet Reno, United States Attorney General (b: July 21, 1938)
► Biography of Janet Reno

Norbert Blüm, German politician (b: July 21, 1935)
► Biography of Norbert Blum

John Gardner, American author (b: July 21, 1933 ; d: September 14, 1982)
► Biography of John Gardner

Ernie Warlick, American football player (b: July 21, 1932)
► Biography of Ernie Warlick

Norman Jewison, Canadian film director (b: July 21, 1926)
► Biography of Norman Jewison

Anne Meacham, American actress (b: July 21, 1925)
► Biography of Anne Meacham

Don Knotts, American actor (b: July 21, 1924)
► Biography of Don Knotts

Kay Starr, American singer (b: July 21, 1922)
► Biography of Kay Starr

Isaac Stern, Ukrainian violinist (b: July 21, 1920 ; d: September 22, 2001)
► Biography of Isaac Stern

Marshall McLuhan, Canadian author (b: July 21, 1911 ; d: December 31, 1980)
► Biography of Marshall McLuhan

Roy Neuberger, American financier and art collector (b: July 21, 1903)
► Biography of Roy Neuberger

Hart Crane, American poet (b: July 21, 1899 ; d: April 27, 1932)
► Biography of Hart Crane

Ernest Hemingway, American author (b: July 21, 1899 ; d: July 2, 1961)
► Biography of Ernest Hemingway

Hans Fallada, German writer (b: July 21, 1893)
► Biography of Hans Fallada

Emil Orlik, Czech painter and graphic artist (b: July 21, 1870)
► Biography of Emil Orlik

Lovis Corinth, German painter and graphic artist (b: July 21, 1858)
► Biography of Lovis Corinth

Henri Victor Regnault, French chemist and physicist (b: July 21, 1810 ; d: January 19, 1878)
► Biography of Henri Victor Regnault

Thomas Pelham-Holles, 1st Duke of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, English statesman (b: July 21, 1693)
► Biography of Thomas Pelham-Holles, 1st Duke of Newcastle-upon-Tyne

Matthew Prior, English poet and diplomat (b: July 21, 1664 ; d: September 18, 1721)
► Biography of Matthew Prior

Jean Picard, French astronomer (b: July 21, 1620 ; d: July 12, 1682)
► Biography of Jean Picard

Philip Neri, Italian churchman (b: July 21, 1515 ; d: May 26, 1595)
► Biography of Philip Neri

Pope Sixtus IV (b: July 21, 1414 ; d: August 12, 1484)
► Biography of Pope Sixtus IV

What do you mean politically wrong?rofl

Cat Stevens and Robin Williams have my birth date. I didn't know that.:banana:

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Thu 06/25/09 11:39 AM
Well its been fun, but my 50 year old self is going to
take a nap. laugh

Have fun! :wink:

Winx's photo
Thu 06/25/09 11:40 AM

Well its been fun, but my 50 year old self is going to
take a nap. laugh

Have fun! :wink:

I have to go too.

Happy belated birthday.flowers flowers

oldsage's photo
Thu 06/25/09 02:16 PM
"Wine, Women & Cheese; just get better with age."
pitchfork pitchfork drool drool slaphead :thumbsup: winking

no photo
Thu 06/25/09 04:46 PM

Have'nt had an oppuratunity to feel IT... grumble
Where is He anyway? spock

Actually was'nt affraid of this age at all!
Its great! Now turning thirty freaked me out, go figure.
You know what so funny...
I feel like thirty now! bigsmile
I know what you mean MsTeddy. Me too. Glad ur joining us. The more the merrier.

carold's photo
Mon 06/29/09 06:54 AM
Good to see you joining us :) Jump into topicless some times pretty busy around 7 :)

michiganman3's photo
Mon 06/29/09 09:17 AM
I've been here for a while.

Gossipmpm's photo
Mon 06/29/09 09:24 AM


lighthouselover's photo
Mon 06/29/09 09:34 AM

I always think of the Dylan song lyrics...something like..

I was so much older then, I am younger than that now...

and I really do believe that in many ways...when I was 35...I was raising two kids, working two and three jobs to do it...and trying to make sure that everything was perfect...

I laugh sometimes now...thinking about some of the things I used to worry about...

I love growing in age...I hope I gain a bit of wisdom with each year..and a peacefulness that can only be received as a reward of that!!

mssilverfox's photo
Mon 06/29/09 10:29 AM
Welcome to the group, MsTeddyBear, lots of nice folks in here flowerforyou drinker

carold's photo
Mon 06/29/09 01:26 PM

I've been here for a while.
You need to join in more lol :)

carold's photo
Mon 06/29/09 01:28 PM

I always think of the Dylan song lyrics...something like..

I was so much older then, I am younger than that now...

and I really do believe that in many ways...when I was 35...I was raising two kids, working two and three jobs to do it...and trying to make sure that everything was perfect...

I laugh sometimes now...thinking about some of the things I used to worry about...

I love growing in age...I hope I gain a bit of wisdom with each year..and a peacefulness that can only be received as a reward of that!!

Yeap I feel this too

michiganman3's photo
Mon 06/29/09 09:06 PM

I've been here for a while.
You need to join in more lol :)

Here at Fifty (Oct-08),

laugh laugh laugh

carold's photo
Tue 06/30/09 07:23 AM

I've been here for a while.
You need to join in more lol :)

Here at Fifty (Oct-08),

laugh laugh laugh
Was that the last post on this sidelaugh

michiganman3's photo
Tue 06/30/09 10:01 AM

I've been here for a while.
You need to join in more lol :)

Here at Fifty (Oct-08),

laugh laugh laugh
Was that the last post on this sidelaugh

laugh laugh laugh

PacificStar48's photo
Tue 06/30/09 10:13 AM
Hey welcome to the best half of life. Don't count the years make the years count! Watch it the double nickle sneaks up quick. lol

no photo
Sat 07/04/09 01:52 AM

As of June 8th. I belong here... laugh drinks :banana:

po baby...flowerforyou
turning 50 hit me like a ton of bricks lol..butt everything turned out alright..:banana:

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