Topic: Yeah, he made me cry
scttrbrain's photo
Mon 06/22/09 08:35 PM
So there I am...minding my own business.
Doing nothing...just sitting and watching tv. This really nice guy who tries so hard to be something. Touches me...makes me think. My heart melts, it races....

I feel things that I rarely feel these days. I laugh, smile...have tender moments. A tear here and there.....then the hope I wish for this guy to have his dream...becoming mine,all the while...sharing a broken heart and missed chances. I feel for him...I want for him....I get excited....I want him. I want him to fulfill his dream. I dream for him. Every fiber in my being pulls for his strength to be recognized as a great man. I cry...then cry again. Wiping away my tears ever so often.
My face wet and my heart fulfilled....His journey is complete.....barely able to see through the my glistening eyes....I wonder.....................................
........................................Ten times...TEN TIMES I have done this-----------------------------

Can anyone really watch "Rudy" without crying?


nvkikigirl's photo
Mon 06/22/09 08:37 PM
Edited by nvkikigirl on Mon 06/22/09 08:37 PM

Great movie!! I always get teary-eyed. I love inspiring happy endings!!

michiganman3's photo
Mon 06/22/09 08:37 PM
Great movie, very inspiring .

scttrbrain's photo
Mon 06/22/09 08:37 PM
he made me cry scttrbrain

Joined Sun 04/08/07
Posts: 5645
Mon 06/22/09 08:35 PMSo there I am...minding my own business.
Doing nothing...just sitting and watching tv. This really nice guy who tries so hard to be something. Touches me...makes me think. My heart melts, it races....

I feel things that I rarely feel these days. I laugh, smile...have tender moments. A tear here and there.....then the hope I wish for this guy to have his dream...becoming mine,all the while...sharing a broken heart and missed chances. I feel for him...I want for him....I get excited....I want him. I want him to fulfill his dream. I dream for him. Every fiber in my being pulls for his strength to be recognized as a great man. I cry...then cry again. Wiping away my tears ever so often.
My face wet and my heart fulfilled....His journey is complete.....barely able to see through the my glistening eyes....I wonder...

.......................................Ten times...TEN TIMES I have done this-----------------------------

Can anyone really watch "Rudy" without crying?


scttrbrain's photo
Mon 06/22/09 08:38 PM
HELP!!!! I can't edit this to make it smaller. I am trying because on my side it is huge and some is missing.


TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 06/22/09 08:46 PM
bigsmile I fixed it for ya just too many ....

scttrbrain's photo
Mon 06/22/09 08:47 PM
Hey you mods....:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :wink: flowers

Puttin me somewhere else.......whoa :angel: I wuv youuuuuu.smitten

Italy0219's photo
Mon 06/22/09 08:47 PM
What's Rudy? Am I missing something good?

scttrbrain's photo
Mon 06/22/09 08:48 PM

bigsmile I fixed it for ya just too many ....

WOW!!!! I tried to take those "..." back. It was too late.

Thank you baby girl.

Now about that know....sniff...sniff....blame it on rudy.waving


scttrbrain's photo
Mon 06/22/09 08:50 PM

What's Rudy? Am I missing something good?

Only a most excellent has Sally Fields son in it. What is his name? Oh...Sean Aston. Sooo good. It is a true story.


no photo
Tue 06/23/09 06:38 AM

What's Rudy? Am I missing something good?

Only a most excellent has Sally Fields son in it. What is his name? Oh...Sean Aston. Sooo good. It is a true story.


Sean Astin is Patty Duke's son.