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che_'s photo
Sat 01/23/10 07:22 AM

Oh! You can pick any letters you want? sorry

as I understand it...you pick ANY WORD, and rearrange it to make another word.

Thank you very much, I hadn't seen this one. It was in the back, lol. Thank you...



OMG it totally blocked out THAT word, lol!

che_'s photo
Sat 01/23/10 07:22 AM
save = vase

no photo
Sat 01/23/10 07:34 AM
state = taste

che_'s photo
Sat 01/23/10 08:20 AM
You're VERY good at this!(smiles)

time - mite

no photo
Sat 01/23/10 08:22 AM
why thank you! flowerforyou

smile = miles

che_'s photo
Sat 01/23/10 08:45 AM
You're welcomeblushing

show = hows

no photo
Sat 01/23/10 09:50 AM
sauce = cause

che_'s photo
Sat 01/23/10 09:55 AM
swarm = warms

Karma_09's photo
Sat 01/23/10 01:19 PM
west = stew

no photo
Sat 01/23/10 02:23 PM
north = thorn

no photo
Sun 01/24/10 08:47 AM
posts = stops

FindMe1113's photo
Sun 01/24/10 10:11 AM
Decimal = Medical

che_'s photo
Sun 01/24/10 09:16 PM

posts = stops

Lol I actually was going to use that one hhehe (great minds...?)

nuts = stun

no photo
Sun 01/24/10 09:33 PM
tips = spit

che_'s photo
Sun 01/24/10 09:54 PM
take - Kate

no photo
Mon 01/25/10 04:13 AM
net = ten

BonnyMiss's photo
Mon 01/25/10 10:31 AM
Words = Sword

BonnyMiss's photo
Mon 01/25/10 10:32 AM
Mail = Lima

BonnyMiss's photo
Mon 01/25/10 10:33 AM
May = Yam

BonnyMiss's photo
Mon 01/25/10 10:35 AM
Edit = Tide

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