Topic: Moving from the chatting-online phase to the talking-on-the- | |
Toots are you following Cy around the threads? Why don't you just call him?
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Toots are you following Cy around the threads? Why don't you just call him? *GASP!* Am I that transparent? ![]() |
I have a slight aversion to Bostonian accents. I wouldn't rule it out altogether though, if the feller had other redeeming qualities! ![]() Good thing I don't have one ![]() Oh me neither ![]() |
Yesterday I paarked ma ca at haarvaard yaaard.
The phone is Awesome. I practically live with one in my ear. The conversation and the laughter flows like crazy.
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I have a slight aversion to Bostonian accents. I wouldn't rule it out altogether though, if the feller had other redeeming qualities! ![]() Okay then you need to call Scottbravo!! OMG talk about a heavy Boston accent. He cracks me up! For a good Newyawker Mitch! Complete with "yada yada yada" |
i dont talk much on the phone since i usually get a brain fart. that doesnt happen to me via emaiil/IM. probably something to do with pc confidence.
im a little shy at first, and i tend to joke a bit as a defense mechanism, but after a few awkward minutes, im ok
I do fine on the phone, you can get a lot more from a persons voice, the tones, the inflections. But you have to think quick.
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The only problem I ever have is shutting up. I'm always able to keep up my end of a conversation.
Those that have spoken to me will back me up on both of these statements. |
For me it depends on many factors, who's on the other end of the line, what kind of mood I'm in at the time and what's goin on around the house. Cause for all of us who have kids we all know, soon as u get that phone to ur ear that's when they all want, need or demand sumthin. Heck when my kids are ignorin me I put the phone to my ear an walk around pretendin to talk, takes all of 30 seconds an I got their undivided attention
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The only problem I ever have is shutting up. I'm always able to keep up my end of a conversation. Those that have spoken to me will back me up on both of these statements. You are a very good conversationalist. I enjoy our talks. Especially when you come out with something like, "I HATE that with the passion of a thousand suns". Your Mitchisms crack me up. You know that I adore you. ![]() |
The only problem I ever have is shutting up. I'm always able to keep up my end of a conversation. Those that have spoken to me will back me up on both of these statements. You are a very good conversationalist. I enjoy our talks. Especially when you come out with something like, "I HATE that with the passion of a thousand suns". Your Mitchisms crack me up. You know that I adore you. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Now that fact that a couple of gals "had a few drinks" before giving me their ph. number can be an issue.
Mitchism. Is that a word?? I think I just made it up.
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i'm not really a phone guy. there are only 2 people i can think of who ever squeeze more than about 5 minutes out of me and even with them i mostly text. if i have nothing to say i don't like to make smalltalk just to fill dead air, i just don't say anything. i'm totally comfortable with that but a lot of people aren't. ha
i'm not really a phone guy. there are only 2 people i can think of who ever squeeze more than about 5 minutes out of me and even with them i mostly text. if i have nothing to say i don't like to make smalltalk just to fill dead air, i just don't say anything. i'm totally comfortable with that but a lot of people aren't. ha I agree with this to some extent. Although I am good at making phone conversation, I usually choose to text much more often. Phone conversations take time, and I usually have stuff I'd rather be doing. ![]() |
Ask Fade about my accent
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