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Topic: cooking up for breakfast....6-18-2009
62easygoing's photo
Thu 06/18/09 05:04 AM
Edited by 62easygoing on Thu 06/18/09 05:07 AM
maybe, some good ole ; Quaker Oats. They say it can reduce cholesterol. What will You-all have??

no photo
Thu 06/18/09 05:05 AM
not hungry is that bad?

no photo
Thu 06/18/09 05:06 AM
English Muffin,with cream cheese

nelnel6280's photo
Thu 06/18/09 05:09 AM
I'm going to have scrambled eggs with cheese and ham mixed up into them and 4 slices of bacon and a coke bigsmile drool :banana: :banana:

no photo
Thu 06/18/09 05:10 AM
a coke lol

nelnel6280's photo
Thu 06/18/09 05:12 AM
Yep a coke bigsmile

moonlight_ride62's photo
Thu 06/18/09 05:13 AM
just coffee for me thanks...I never eat breakfast

nelnel6280's photo
Thu 06/18/09 05:16 AM
Why not... Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I'm totally opposite I usually eat a big breakfast then eat a little bit or nothing for lunch and dinner bigsmile I find it to be helping me lose weight bigsmile

no photo
Thu 06/18/09 05:27 AM
thats realllllly good nelnel

breakfast is the most important meal of the day

nelnel6280's photo
Thu 06/18/09 05:29 AM

Did I mention I Love Bacon bigsmile

62easygoing's photo
Thu 06/18/09 05:30 AM
my neighbor will have: a cinn. roll , butter, 4 eggs over easy, hash browns, 6 slices of bacon, coffee, orange juice, & toast. -He says, the toast will have to be burnt.-

nelnel6280's photo
Thu 06/18/09 05:32 AM
sick Yuck.. burning the toast just doesn't make sense to me. indifferent

Gossipmpm's photo
Thu 06/18/09 05:41 AM
Bagel(toasted) buttered, fried egg. Bacon. Oj. Coffee. Fruit salad

I'm hungry!!!

7z3r05's photo
Thu 06/18/09 06:12 AM
coffee and 4 cigarettes

62easygoing's photo
Thu 06/18/09 06:24 AM
how about we all go to IHOP?? i am buying.happy

nelnel6280's photo
Thu 06/18/09 06:49 AM
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

I want the the breakfast sampler at I-Hop biggrin

synergized's photo
Thu 06/18/09 09:40 AM

how about we all go to IHOP?? i am buying.happy

ohhh I have been craving pancakes...and am too lazy to make them. I knowwww they are easy to make and taste better than going out..but I am not stupid, I get a breakfast date, I am taking it!!:wink:

lilith401's photo
Thu 06/18/09 09:42 AM

Same as every morning.

Riding_Dubz's photo
Thu 06/18/09 09:45 AM
lego my eggo :banana:

lilith401's photo
Thu 06/18/09 09:46 AM

lego my eggo :banana:

Make me, Dubby!

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