Topic: Favorite activity?
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Tue 05/15/07 10:08 PM
1. What is your favorite hobby or activity?

I STARE at the wall when BORED..sike. (no for real)

Mines is dancing (breakdancing and hip hop), visiting museums, and
taking photographys

2. If your mate had an unhealthy habit would that help you determine if
you wanted to break up with that person?

Example- excessive cursing, alcoholics,sex feens, druggies

no photo
Tue 05/15/07 10:13 PM
Kicking lil ol blue haired ladies
Robbing banks
Causing havoc and mayhem where ever I can

If my mate had an unhealthy habit such as alcohol, drugs or bizzare
sexual things he wouldn't be my mate in the first place

no photo
Tue 05/15/07 10:16 PM
LOL WOW CHUBBY that's funny.

But your 2nd answer very good point. What if your mate developed this
habit gradually? Say it started off not even noticeable really then got
out of hand

no photo
Tue 05/15/07 10:18 PM
Again he would not be my mate..been there done that got the t shirt and
now I ain't doin it again

no photo
Tue 05/15/07 10:19 PM
HAHA you said "been there done that got the t shirt"

I love it!

Well that's good you recognize the signs. Not everyone catches them.

songbirrd's photo
Tue 05/15/07 10:24 PM

and Um is fukin cursing realy a fukin "unhealthey habit"???????laugh
laugh laugh

Um no. Not unless it interfered with the way the person acted drinking
for example. If he drank that'd be one thing if he was a crazy drunk
that'd be another.

no photo
Tue 05/15/07 10:25 PM
Songbird you are funny.

The 2nd question means on the absolute worst level

songbirrd's photo
Tue 05/15/07 10:28 PM
Ahhhhhhh ok then yes I think it would HAVE to come into wheather you
break up with them or not. I mean how would it ever be worth it? Maybe
if they could get help but otherwise I'd have to dump em.

no photo
Tue 05/15/07 10:29 PM
word I agree

LAMom's photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:59 PM
1. What is your favorite hobby or activity?

Riding Quads with my kids

2. If your mate had an unhealthy habit would that help you determine if
you wanted to break up with that person?

Leave, run Like Hell Been thier done that,,, will never go back once is
diffently enough,,,

no photo
Wed 05/16/07 12:31 AM
LOL Lamom I don't blame you..RUN!

LAMom's photo
Wed 05/16/07 12:32 AM
LOL,,, I did,, Funny thing is my Ex-Husband and I are good friends now
took along time to get thier, ... LOL

no photo
Wed 05/16/07 12:33 AM
That's good :)

uk1971's photo
Wed 05/16/07 03:52 AM
Performing brain surgery on hippos springs to mindbigsmile

Or recharging run down electric eelsbigsmile drinker smokin

tantalizingtulip's photo
Wed 05/16/07 04:23 AM
favorite hobbie kick boxing and dancing; ie I have many

If my mate had any addiction that I didn't agree with he would go!