Topic: How about those CIA agents? | |
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Mon 06/15/09 07:37 PM
It is no big secret that the Central Intelligence Agency breaks the law. But just how often its does so is a shocker. A Congressional report reveals that the CIA's spooks "engage in highly illegal activities" at least 100,000 times each year (which breaks down to hundreds of crimes every day). Mind you, we aren't talking about run of the mill illegal activities - these are "highly illegal activities" that "break extremely serious laws."
In 1996, the House of Represenatives' Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence released a huge report entitled "IC21: The Intelligence Community in the 21st Century." buried amid hundreds of pages is a single, devastating paragraph: The CS (clandestine service) is the only part of the IC (Intelligence community), indeed of the government, where hundreds of employees on a daily basis are directed to break extremely serious laws in countries around the world in the face of frequently sophisticated efforts by FOREIGN governments to catch them. A safe estimate is that several hundred times every day (easily 100,000 times a year) DO (Directorate of Operations) officers engage in highly illegal activities (accoring to foreign law) that not only risk political embarrassment to the US but also endanger the freedome if not lives of the participating foreign nationals and, more than occassionally, of the cleandestine officer himself. Amazingly, there is no explanation, no follow up. The report simply drops this bombshell and moves on as blithely as if it had just printed a grocery list. One of the world's foremost experts on the CIA - John Kelly, who uncovered this revelation notes that this is "the first offical admission and definition of CIA covert operations as crimes." He goes on to say: The report suggested that the CIA's crimes include MURDER and that "the targets of the CS (Clandine Service) are increasingly international and transnational and a global presence is increasingly crucial to attack those targets." In other words, we are not talking about simply stealing secrets. We are talking about the CIA committing crimes against HUMANITY with de facto impunity and congressional sanctioning. Other government documents, including CIA reports, show that the CIA's crimes include TERRORISM, ASSASSINATION, TORTURE, and systematic violations of human rights. The document also show that these crimes are part and parcel of deliberate CIA policy (the congressional report notes that CIA personnel are "directed" to commit crimes). And you wonder why foreign countries do not like the US government? |
Lets not forget drug running and rigging elections.
Wow seems even our own goverment is evil
Yes pretty scary bunch of people! Yikes
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