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Topic: Barrel Monster Bust
ThomasJB's photo
Sun 06/14/09 08:24 PM
Edited by ThomasJB on Sun 06/14/09 08:42 PM

Barrel Monster Bust
Cops: Man created public art with items swiped from construction site

JUNE 12--A North Carolina man is facing criminal charges for creating an amusing piece of public art from construction barrels. Joseph Carnevale, 21, was nabbed Wednesday after a Raleigh Police Department investigation determined that he was responsible for the work (seen below) constructed May 31 on a roadway adjacent to North Carolina State University. Carnevale, pictured in the mug shot at right, was charged with misdemeanor larceny for allegedly building his orange monster from materials pilfered from a construction site. According to an arrest warrant, Carnevale "destroyed three road blocking barrels by cutting and screwing them together to form a statue." Police estimated that Carnevale's artwork caused $360 in damages to Hamlett Associates, the North Carolina construction company that owned the barrels. Carnevale is scheduled for a July 21 court appearance in Wake County.

Pic will not post so here is the link. It is a must see. bigsmile

malexand's photo
Mon 06/15/09 01:31 PM
I'll bet the company keeps the statue.

This guy is actually pretty good and charges should be dropped.

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 06/15/09 01:38 PM
as good and as little it may seem....he still stole from someone. I love work like that...but don't steal for it.

my ex husband is an artist (got an art scholarship in college) he made some....ummmm...interesting art lol.

his last works were painting using dryer lint for a 3D type effect. now it would have been wrong of him to rummage through garbage on the curb and invade a house for dryer lint lol

adj4u's photo
Mon 06/15/09 01:56 PM
Edited by adj4u on Mon 06/15/09 02:01 PM

as good and as little it may seem....he still stole from someone. I love work like that...but don't steal for it.

my ex husband is an artist (got an art scholarship in college) he made some....ummmm...interesting art lol.

his last works were painting using dryer lint for a 3D type effect. now it would have been wrong of him to rummage through garbage on the curb and invade a house for dryer lint lol

no technically he stole nothing it is still in the area the compny left it

destroyed nope just rearranged it

if the company keeps it intact then the perpetrator of the so called crime should sue for payment of service rendered and false arrest

it is not a crime if they want it

vandalism maybe

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 06/15/09 02:00 PM

as good and as little it may seem....he still stole from someone. I love work like that...but don't steal for it.

my ex husband is an artist (got an art scholarship in college) he made some....ummmm...interesting art lol.

his last works were painting using dryer lint for a 3D type effect. now it would have been wrong of him to rummage through garbage on the curb and invade a house for dryer lint lol

no technically he stole nothing it is still in the area the compny left it

destroyed nope just rearranged it

if the company keeps it intact then the perpetrator of the so called crime should sue for payment of service rendered and false arrest

it is not a crime if they want it

he took it for his own use though.

if i take your car and make it into what i want to....if i put it own your that ok?

adj4u's photo
Mon 06/15/09 02:02 PM
Edited by adj4u on Mon 06/15/09 02:03 PM
that is why i edited it to say

vandalism maybe

as you were posting

adj4u's photo
Mon 06/15/09 02:12 PM
The construction company that owns the barrels have also conveyed to the media that they do not wish to have Carnevale charged and commended the artist for their work, whoever was responsible.

at least the const co has some sense

to bad the same can not be said for the judicial process

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 06/15/09 02:14 PM
laugh stop changing while I'm posting lol

actually...if i was driving at night and saw that...i'd have an accident...first startled then trying to rubber neck lol

IMO...he should have gotten his own or asked permission first. this is pretty cool but wasn't his property to take

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 06/15/09 02:16 PM
like I said...this may be a silly "crime" but theft is A criminal act in which property belonging to another is taken without that person's consent.

the company may not pursue it....but the law is the law no matter how silly the crime might be. the judge will probably just fine him to replace what he took

adj4u's photo
Mon 06/15/09 02:26 PM

laugh stop changing while I'm posting lol

actually...if i was driving at night and saw that...i'd have an accident...first startled then trying to rubber neck lol

IMO...he should have gotten his own or asked permission first. this is pretty cool but wasn't his property to take

he did not take it

that is the point

yes i can agree he vandalized it probably (not necessarily)

as the construction co does not want to press charges per quote from link above

but i have seen those barrel in bad shape on the side of the road

i do not see gaps in the layout of the barrels

maybe he gathered up orphaned barrels to make the flagmen barrel

it is still doing what it was designed to do (block access to an area of highway)

is not theft for sure

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 06/15/09 02:29 PM
just because it's not taken off the property...doesn't mean it's not theft. if someone takes a cigarette from me without permission and smokes it on property....still theft

but you HAVE to admit...that could cause accidents....whether rubbernecker or being startled.....i'd probably run off the road if i saw that lol

adj4u's photo
Mon 06/15/09 02:34 PM
Edited by adj4u on Mon 06/15/09 02:36 PM

just because it's not taken off the property...doesn't mean it's not theft. if someone takes a cigarette from me without permission and smokes it on property....still theft

but you HAVE to admit...that could cause accidents....whether rubbernecker or being startled.....i'd probably run off the road if i saw that lol

if some one takes something and makes it disappear yes it is theft

what disappeared nothing

it may be vandalism at most


if some one walks up to a car and breaks the windows out (and takes nothing) what are they charged with theft

no they are charged with


yellowrose10's photo
Mon 06/15/09 02:37 PM
it doesn't state how far someon has to take something lol. if someone takes lawn furniture from my front yard and i can see it in their's theft. even if it is just over the property line

can believe i'm arguing this though lol

legally...he didn't own the material and had no rights to take it and use it for what he wants

now...because the construction co doesn't want to press will probably be dismissed or something. but the law is the law and they did their jobs...even if it seems silly

adj4u's photo
Mon 06/15/09 03:12 PM
no they did not do their job

they charged the wrong crime

and should be reprimanded for it

and he should get off on a technicality

who knows maybe that was the plan all along


so if some one is in your yard

and they move your chair from being in the sun in your yard

to being in the shade in your yard

you say they are stealing your chair???????

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 06/15/09 03:13 PM

no they did not do their job

they charged the wrong crime

and should be reprimanded for it

and he should get off on a technicality

who knows maybe that was the plan all along


so if some one is in your yard

and they move your chair from being in the sun in your yard

to being in the shade in your yard

you say they are stealing your chair???????

if they used them...yes

adj4u's photo
Mon 06/15/09 03:14 PM
Edited by adj4u on Mon 06/15/09 03:15 PM

no they did not do their job

they charged the wrong crime

and should be reprimanded for it

and he should get off on a technicality

who knows maybe that was the plan all along


so if some one is in your yard

and they move your chair from being in the sun in your yard

to being in the shade in your yard

you say they are stealing your chair???????

if they used them...yes

explain please

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 06/15/09 03:15 PM
curious...did he do this on site and no one noticed????? odd

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 06/15/09 03:15 PM
if they took it and used it without permission then yes

adj4u's photo
Mon 06/15/09 03:16 PM
Edited by adj4u on Mon 06/15/09 03:18 PM
you think he hauled a 12 foot figure around

and i still do not see any missing barrels in th elay out of the barricade

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 06/15/09 03:18 PM
i'm amazed no one noticed at all...but he could have done the face painting barrel somewhere else

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