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Topic: Our cops are sneaky!
Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sun 06/14/09 07:48 PM
I don't mind being the designated driver. I drink very little and only at home.

The fun is when my friends call me for that reason. We go out, they get drunk, It's ok, I'm driving.

You can have fun with that.

On the way home stop at every gas station. Tell your friends you need money for gas. Sh!t, you can make $50 drivin them home, and they will never remember while pukin on their shoes or stickin their bare a$$ out the window rofl

The truth is, I love a good time and my friends. I will always take their keys and see they get home safely, drive them back tomorrow for their car.

How can you say "sorry" when your inaction causes the death of a friend or someone else? I could never live with that!

Winx's photo
Mon 06/15/09 09:43 AM
My ex's brother was killed by a drunk driver.

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