Topic: hey everyone
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Fri 06/12/09 10:19 PM
so yea im in the army and im training in ft sam houston texas and i have no clue what this site is about so im gonna give it a shot

eileena9's photo
Fri 06/12/09 10:30 PM

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Fri 06/12/09 10:36 PM
Welcome...& thanks for your service! flowers Just jump right in...the water's fine!

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Fri 06/12/09 10:43 PM
haha thanks and yea dont thank a soldier who hasnt been overseas its kinda disrespectful to the ones who have been over seas. i just joined last october so yeah im still learning to save the lives

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Fri 06/12/09 10:45 PM
Welcome aboard, and thanks for serving our country!!! drinker

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Fri 06/12/09 10:46 PM

haha thanks and yea dont thank a soldier who hasnt been overseas its kinda disrespectful to the ones who have been over seas. i just joined last october so yeah im still learning to save the lives

All of our service people need to be thanked and appreciated, whether here or abroad. You are all cogs in the big wheel of protection. flowerforyou

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Fri 06/12/09 10:46 PM
My old man is career military for almost 40yrs...I was taught to respect everyone until they proved they were's all good...

metalwing's photo
Fri 06/12/09 10:50 PM
Thanks for your service and tell your buddies the same from us. Welcome.

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Fri 06/12/09 10:51 PM
eh i guess your right. it sucks being her ein the army but hey u gota do what u gotta do to get started in life. yeah every male in my family put in like 20 yrs each in either the navy army or marines im just the first to be a medic and go frontline lol

michiganman3's photo
Fri 06/12/09 11:07 PM
Did my 91 Alpha back in 1986, and 91 Delta in 89.

We used to call it Fort Sam Houston Beach and Tanning Club.
Back in the 70's my brother was there, he called it
Fish Sticks (FSH TX)

Welcome and Have some fun

sweetsimplesassy's photo
Fri 06/12/09 11:47 PM

so yea im in the army and im training in ft sam houston texas and i have no clue what this site is about so im gonna give it a shot

hey! Hello there!!waving