Topic: top of the morning to ya...
Sun 06/07/09 02:57 PM

I've no doubt you are and I would'nt mind surrendering the kitchen once in awhile !I do'nt need the extra weight though .

Wouldn't be anyway to avoid it the way I cook. Besides ain't nuthin wrong with a man havin a tool shedshades
Now I know I'm in love ! Your such a sweet talker !

ReddBeans's photo
Sun 06/07/09 02:59 PM

I've no doubt you are and I would'nt mind surrendering the kitchen once in awhile !I do'nt need the extra weight though .

Wouldn't be anyway to avoid it the way I cook. Besides ain't nuthin wrong with a man havin a tool shedshades
Now I know I'm in love ! Your such a sweet talker !

A man growin a tool shed is just a natural progression of life. Just as a woman gainin some junk in her trunk. We just all age at different paces. Physical beauty doesn't last. Now the beauty inside is what really matters an will last until the dyin breath. shades

Sun 06/07/09 03:03 PM
aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Words to live by !

ReddBeans's photo
Sun 06/07/09 03:04 PM

aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Words to live by !

I actually doshades

Sun 06/07/09 03:08 PM
Thwen you are a special woman indeed ! For you are right age is inevitable and certain things come with it .Vanity is one of the first things for the smart person to let go of !bigsmile :heart:

ReddBeans's photo
Sun 06/07/09 03:13 PM

Thwen you are a special woman indeed ! For you are right age is inevitable and certain things come with it .Vanity is one of the first things for the smart person to let go of !bigsmile :heart:

2 things u'd never hear me say, "D*mn I broke a nail" an "My hair is a mess". I rarely ever put on makeup cause the way I see it, eventually the man in my life is gonna see me without it an he might as well see me with it early on an get it over with. Besides in the summer it sweats off quicker than I can get the junk on. shades

Sun 06/07/09 03:16 PM
I'm not a fan of makeup anyway ! And your right being phony only works on here and the telephone otherwise all bets are off !

ReddBeans's photo
Sun 06/07/09 03:19 PM

I'm not a fan of makeup anyway ! And your right being phony only works on here and the telephone otherwise all bets are off !

Ain't nuthin phony about me, other than my hair color that is, the grey started comin in an I just couldn't stand by an let that one happen. LMAOshades

Sun 06/07/09 03:22 PM
Well what the hell I ca'nt hide the missing ones so who cares !

ReddBeans's photo
Sun 06/07/09 03:28 PM

Well what the hell I ca'nt hide the missing ones so who cares !

LOL my stepdad started goin bald, said to H*ll with it, shaved it off an been a cue ball ever since. What was it a baldin friend of mine said one time, "It's a solar power collection device for the tools in the shed" :laughing: drinker

Sun 06/07/09 03:30 PM
Tis absolutly true better look out I could be in overdrive !

ReddBeans's photo
Sun 06/07/09 03:37 PM
How u feel about women who instead of standin there lookin like a helpless twit, gets under the hood right with ya an actually hands u the right tool before u ask for it? One that can actually do a walk around a big rig an tell ya what's what? shades

Sun 06/07/09 03:43 PM
I'm speechless thats like 7th heaven right there !I think we owe someone an appollogy for hijacking this thread !

ReddBeans's photo
Sun 06/07/09 03:48 PM

I'm speechless thats like 7th heaven right there !I think we owe someone an appollogy for hijacking this thread !

Whenever Dad or a friend would work on my vehicle I was always right there askin questions an learnin stuff. When I was gettin my Class B my stepdad took me out to his rig an walked me around showin me everything. I ain't afraid to get my hands greasey. U walk into a shop describin to the mechanic what's goin on an u get alot better service, not to mention gettin fair prices.

Oops, on the thread jack :laughing:

Sun 06/07/09 03:51 PM
Yes you do .I had a mechanic call me one time when my x brought her car there and he proceeds to tell me what she said was wrong with it .I said do you have a problem with that ? What do'nt you understand ? Just fix it .He did'nt know what to say !

ReddBeans's photo
Sun 06/07/09 03:55 PM
I see nuthin wrong with a man knowin how to cook or clean house, ain't nuthin wrong with a woman knowin 'male' things neither. I don't believe in the whole 'men's work' or 'women's work' thing. It's about workin together to get done what needs to be done.shades

Sun 06/07/09 04:01 PM
Amen to that!

ReddBeans's photo
Sun 06/07/09 04:08 PM

Amen to that!

Ur rare, for most men, it's all about beatin their chest an lettin ya know they're the "MAN" pffft, I can purty much do anything a man can do, includin pissin my name in the snow given enough practise. I have no problem stayin home an bein the lil' woman, just don't tell me that's all I can do. I understand a man's need to feel needed but I think bein wanted is much more important. shades

Sun 06/07/09 04:14 PM
OMG .I'm sorry if I'm that rare Most of the time ego is a waste of time .Lifes too short .There are appropriate times for bravado but they are not to be against your partner they should be with or for them !

ReddBeans's photo
Sun 06/07/09 04:23 PM

OMG .I'm sorry if I'm that rare Most of the time ego is a waste of time .Lifes too short .There are appropriate times for bravado but they are not to be against your partner they should be with or for them !

Nuthin to be sorry fer. I find it refreshin to come across a man who isn't all 'caveman'. Ur rackin up the points Hun bigsmile