Topic: Gonna wait it out...
FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 06/05/09 02:07 PM
"If there were no desire to heal
The damaged and broken met along
This tedious path I've chosen here
I certainly would've walked away by now.
And I still may ... (sigh) ... I still may..."

Do you attempt to heal yourself after each difficult issue faced? Or do you tend to try and walk it off? Is there people around you that you like to converse your issues with? If you could, would you walk away from it all?

darkowl1's photo
Fri 06/05/09 02:17 PM
both.drinker drinker i got your back too man. i know you got mine, here here!drinker

RealityMan's photo
Fri 06/05/09 02:22 PM

Do you attempt to heal yourself after each difficult issue faced?

I don't think God has ever given me the option.
seems I always have to go through a 'great catharsis' in order to 'move on'.

Hence, my life blows.

GG2's photo
Fri 06/05/09 04:25 PM

Do you attempt to heal yourself after each difficult issue faced?

I don't think God has ever given me the option.
seems I always have to go through a 'great catharsis' in order to 'move on'.

Hence, my life blows.

Oh but you DO have the option. It's called free will.

ledi180's photo
Fri 06/05/09 04:28 PM
I spend some time trying to rationalize / understand then I just move on. Dwelling is easy for me and if I get caught up in it, it'll take hold and be super hard for me to shake. I don't have anyone that I'm close enough to, other than my honey, to talk to. flowerforyou

Gossipmpm's photo
Fri 06/05/09 04:30 PM
I like to lie n be with the dog
And I talk it all out
He listens.,..

auburngirl's photo
Fri 06/05/09 04:34 PM
Some issues, it is impossible to walk around from. Surrounding yourself with supportive family and friends does help. You often have to just walk thru it. Time helps.

no photo
Fri 06/05/09 04:34 PM

"If there were no desire to heal
The damaged and broken met along
This tedious path I've chosen here
I certainly would've walked away by now.
And I still may ... (sigh) ... I still may..."

Do you attempt to heal yourself after each difficult issue faced? Or do you tend to try and walk it off?

Walk it off, more often than not.

Is there people around you that you like to converse your issues with?

I have always been the designated listener/counselor/advisor. Everybody talks to me about their problems, and I am expected to have answers. I don't talk to anybody about mine.

If you could, would you walk away from it all?

Seriously considering it right now.