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Topic: Misogyny
Dragoness's photo
Tue 06/02/09 02:02 PM

Women are not victims. Just weak women.

Some women find their way through the misogyny. Whether it be in relationship, in the workplace, and etc.

Thank you for proving my point yet again.

Women can be victims and they can be victims of misogyny.

Why should women have to "find their way" through misogyny when is shouldn't happen to begin with?

no photo
Tue 06/02/09 02:03 PM
Q. how many male chauvinists does it take to change a light bulb?

A. none. women can cook in the dark

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 06/02/09 02:05 PM

Women are not victims. Just weak women.

Some women find their way through the misogyny. Whether it be in relationship, in the workplace, and etc.

Thank you for proving my point yet again.

Women can be victims and they can be victims of misogyny.

Why should women have to "find their way" through misogyny when is shouldn't happen to begin with?

women are victims if they chose to be. If I am treated in a way I think is disrespectful...I can either leave that relationship or stay. but it is my choice

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 06/02/09 02:05 PM

Mirror, women can be misogynistic towards other women its because they have usually bought into what the religions and traditions have taught them.

This runs deep in our society, actually our world. Almost all religions teach it. Women teach it to their children male and female.

It can be a real difficult thing for women to deal with in relationships. It is bad for their self esteem in a subconcience way that undermines their self value.
flowerforyou I think some of it may just be natural to humans.flowerforyouAfter all its been going on for millions of years.flowerforyou However,despite that, there have still been exceptional women of great renown down thru all of history.flowerforyou

Only because women have allowed it to be so.

Women accept it as "the way it is". But it really isn't that at all, it is the way men set it up to be so he would be in the advantageous role.

flowerforyou Im not so sure that men actually made it that way in the prehistoric and ancient past.flowerforyou Perhaps nowdays in certain societiesflowerforyou But I don't really see hunter/gatherers and nomadic tribes really having much of a choice in gender roles.flowerforyou

At the point of organized religion, it was definitely a set up, one can tell if they read the roles of women in the religious texts.

flowerforyou Well, yeah I basically agree with that.flowerforyouThe restrictions became more artificial as societies developed.:smile: I am just saying that these gender roles began naturally in the prehistoric past and men didnt design it that way originally.:smile: Nature did.:smile:Men had to hunt and women had to gather.:smile: It all seems to stem from that.:smile:

Dragoness's photo
Tue 06/02/09 02:06 PM

Q. how many male chauvinists does it take to change a light bulb?

A. none. women can cook in the dark


Dragoness's photo
Tue 06/02/09 02:10 PM

Mirror, women can be misogynistic towards other women its because they have usually bought into what the religions and traditions have taught them.

This runs deep in our society, actually our world. Almost all religions teach it. Women teach it to their children male and female.

It can be a real difficult thing for women to deal with in relationships. It is bad for their self esteem in a subconcience way that undermines their self value.
flowerforyou I think some of it may just be natural to humans.flowerforyouAfter all its been going on for millions of years.flowerforyou However,despite that, there have still been exceptional women of great renown down thru all of history.flowerforyou

Only because women have allowed it to be so.

Women accept it as "the way it is". But it really isn't that at all, it is the way men set it up to be so he would be in the advantageous role.

flowerforyou Im not so sure that men actually made it that way in the prehistoric and ancient past.flowerforyou Perhaps nowdays in certain societiesflowerforyou But I don't really see hunter/gatherers and nomadic tribes really having much of a choice in gender roles.flowerforyou

At the point of organized religion, it was definitely a set up, one can tell if they read the roles of women in the religious texts.

flowerforyou Well, yeah I basically agree with that.flowerforyouThe restrictions became more artificial as societies developed.:smile: I am just saying that these gender roles began naturally in the prehistoric past and men didnt design it that way originally.:smile: Nature did.:smile:Men had to hunt and women had to gather.:smile: It all seems to stem from that.:smile:

I agree in the prehistoric sense.

Women were the care takers of the offspring naturally but the misogyny happened later.

Misogynists use the women who act untraditionally as another reason to "hate all women" or degrade all women in their minds.

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 06/02/09 03:02 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Tue 06/02/09 03:30 PM

Mirror, women can be misogynistic towards other women its because they have usually bought into what the religions and traditions have taught them.

This runs deep in our society, actually our world. Almost all religions teach it. Women teach it to their children male and female.

It can be a real difficult thing for women to deal with in relationships. It is bad for their self esteem in a subconcience way that undermines their self value.
flowerforyou I think some of it may just be natural to humans.flowerforyouAfter all its been going on for millions of years.flowerforyou However,despite that, there have still been exceptional women of great renown down thru all of history.flowerforyou

Only because women have allowed it to be so.

Women accept it as "the way it is". But it really isn't that at all, it is the way men set it up to be so he would be in the advantageous role.

flowerforyou Im not so sure that men actually made it that way in the prehistoric and ancient past.flowerforyou Perhaps nowdays in certain societiesflowerforyou But I don't really see hunter/gatherers and nomadic tribes really having much of a choice in gender roles.flowerforyou

At the point of organized religion, it was definitely a set up, one can tell if they read the roles of women in the religious texts.

flowerforyou Well, yeah I basically agree with that.flowerforyouThe restrictions became more artificial as societies developed.:smile: I am just saying that these gender roles began naturally in the prehistoric past and men didnt design it that way originally.:smile: Nature did.:smile:Men had to hunt and women had to gather.:smile: It all seems to stem from that.:smile:

I agree in the prehistoric sense.

Women were the care takers of the offspring naturally but the misogyny happened later.

Misogynists use the women who act untraditionally as another reason to "hate all women" or degrade all women in their minds.
flowerforyou All of the ways male and females interact stem from our hunter/gatherer ancestors.flowerforyou But as societies developed it became more restrictive and artificialflowerforyou

:smile: Hunter/gatherers:smile: The males were more suited to hunting and combat.(They were larger,stronger,faster,and had heightened senses,and more aggressive):smile: The females needed protection from large predatory animals as well as other males from other tribes.:smile: This is why the females stayed closer to home camp.:smile: Females also raised the children since they gave birth to them.:smile: Females gathered fruits and vegetables as well as trapped small game (such as rabbits and squirrell).:smile:

:smile: The male would court a female by bringing her "presents" from the hunt such as extra meat for nourishment,or furs,or bones for tool-use, or trophies to show that he was a capable provider.:smile: This is why it is traditional for men and women to go out to eat when they go on a date and for men to give women presents if he likes her.:smile:

no photo
Tue 06/02/09 03:13 PM

women are victims if they chose to be. If I am treated in a way I think is disrespectful...I can either leave that relationship or stay. but it is my choice

Almost always a breath of thoughtful air,,,

With all of the programs, talk shows and awareness in the world today, isn't this idea of victims and perps being played a little too much these days? When generalizations are made like this, it brings a bit of attention to the OP. Why did you decide to post this? Are you a victim or is someone near and dear to you one? When you throw it out to the forum like this as a blanket statement, it brings about the idea that you think everyone needs to be educated. Do you not believe women of today are more educated on this topic?

no photo
Tue 06/02/09 03:18 PM
Edited by YouAndImake1 on Tue 06/02/09 03:23 PM
To go a little further with this topic,,,

Wouldn't you think that there is a failure of sorts of parental guidence?
Since the media has been used so frequently to highlight the tragedy of abuse and chauvenistic ways, doesn't it say a lot about the parents who do not guide their children along the right path in choosing a mate.
I find it hard to believe that women of this era are so naive that they do not know about this and can still be victims,,,
standard rules for the "newbies" of the dating world,,,
If they cheat, they have disgraced you and will do it again unless a major character change takes place.
If they call you names, "" "" "" "" "" ""
If they beat you, "" "" "" "" "" ""
If they treat you in general like a second class citizen, "" "" "" "" "" ""
If you do not see authentic remorse or regret and appropriate changes made to the overall character of said person,,, LEAVE and if it's a violation of your basic human rights,,, REPORT IT

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