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Topic: Geesh this has turned into a bad day...
PacificStar48's photo
Sun 05/31/09 07:47 PM
Lucky Bird to have such a sweet human Mommy. Sorry for your pain. Keeping you in my prayers Mingle sista.

oldsage's photo
Sun 05/31/09 07:53 PM
Circle of life, the worms ALWAYS win, Everything survives in our mind & HEART.

Holly4459's photo
Sun 05/31/09 08:07 PM
flowerforyou hope he's going to be okay!

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Mon 06/01/09 04:57 AM
Edited by MsTeddyBear2u on Mon 06/01/09 05:01 AM

Sammy quietly passed late last night. sad2

Thankyou all for your thoughts. flowers :heart:

Holly4459's photo
Mon 06/01/09 04:59 AM
Edited by Holly4459 on Mon 06/01/09 05:09 AM

Sammy quietly passed late last night. sad2

Thankyou all for your thoughts. flowers :heart:

Awwwww I am so sorry!!!:cry:

He was a cherished friend and pet flowerforyou

mssilverfox's photo
Mon 06/01/09 05:07 AM
So very sorry flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

michiganman3's photo
Mon 06/01/09 05:08 AM
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 06/01/09 07:33 AM
sorry Ms Teddy...keeping you in my thoughts todayflowerforyou flowerforyou

auburngirl's photo
Mon 06/01/09 09:36 AM
I am so sorry to read this. :cry: flowerforyou flowerforyou

Gossipmpm's photo
Fri 06/05/09 04:34 PM

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